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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Narnia. I want to spend the day with talking and having tea beavers and seeing the woods and sea.  I love Narnia.  Hogwarts is a close second, but it doesn't seem as fun for a muggle. :D And of course ME would be fun if I could hang out with the hobbits.  


    I can't imagine anyone wanting to go to Westeros, unless you wanted to be brutally killed.  Camelot also seems a bit rough. It was not a nice place.  And Wonderland always scared me. :tongue_smilie:   

  2. My health comes before my house.  Yes, I could have a bit more time for housecleaning, but my physical and mental health are worth the sacrifice.  Don't worry about it.  My mom, who has always had an immaculate house, has always encouraged me saying that the dirt and mess always come back and will be there when you have more time.  


    Take care of you. 

  3. I wore Chacos at WDW, my feet felt great the whole time.   It really depends on what feels good on you.  It's worth finding good shoes.  I'm not one to pay full price for stuff, but I spend money to get good shoes for my feet.  


    If you don't want sandles, you can do sneakers, and I would suggest running shoes.  Go to a running store and try on multiple pairs.  They will be the lightest shoes option.


    If you want a shoes or sandles that are not Chacos, I second (third, forth??) the recommendation for Eccos.  

  4. A decent treadmill will cost much more than $500, closer to a thousand.  I would check Craigslist.  You want something with a decent motor, at least 3.0 hp.  It does make a difference if you plan on walking or running on it, and how many people intend to use it.  Ours gets the most work in the winter, with me using is 4 times a week, and my dh at least twice a week (he gets outside more).  We have a Proform, but we bought the warranty which, if you buy new, I highly recommend.  Treadmills are not made to be used, the motors break, and are pricey.  I think we get a new motor almost every year.  


    The last time the guy was here he recommended Nordictrack.  He said they break less.  

  5. Like your new picture, Negin! 


    Today was a 6 mile run.  I've also done 60 push-ups and 30 pull-ups.  


    I have a long day in the city today.  Hopefully, I will be able to do an hour of either restorative or Yin yoga tonight.  I'm going to need it.  But it's going to compete with The Good Wife.  I think I'm getting hooked on that show. :D

  6. I would not go back to that rude doctor.  I had a bad experience with a sport's doc once.  I went, for my foot, and he actually patted me on the head and told me to be a good girl. Really?  I'm over 40?  I do not like being talked down to. I was so mad.  It was a big waste of money.  


    Anyway, if it was me, and it continued to get better I would probably not go to the podiatrist.  I don't know if that's the correct answer, I only know that I wouldn't go.  


    I'm glad you're doing better. I would continue to educate yourself on how to deal with your foot. Keep doing the stretches and exercises, wear better shoes, and ice whenever it hurts.  


  7. Which minimalist shoes?  I can feel the difference a bit in my calves but especially in my ankles- especially on a hilly run.  I guess your ankles are more flexed since there is no heel on the shoe...  


    I'm still working on the transition.  My Ascics still beckon when I'm tired.



    I have a pair of NB.  I can really feel the difference, and I was afraid to go more than 2 miles.  Right now my plan is to work up to 30 minutes once a week, then if that goes well, twice a week.  I don't think I could do long distances in them.  My heel really turns in, and my right foot lands out to the side.  I need some cushining and Superfeet, but I think it may help to strengthen my feet if I use them on the short runs.  I'll have to see.  If I get any pain I will stop.  I've noticed an improvement in my running form since using them (I started in the late fall on my treadmill, once a week).  I'm running more upright, and it's even improved my pace.  I think that's because I'm engaging my core more.  

  8. Your doctor sounds rude.  If you are having that much pain you may want to try a PT or a sports doc.  You can go to a runner's store and ask if they have any recommendations.  PF can be difficult to deal with, but being in tears while wearing the boot sounds wrong.  I did lots of stretching exercises for PF, and I've kept it at bay by rolling my feet over a tennis ball at least once a day.  You do need to keep all of the muscles stretched.  Tennis balls and golf balls (put them in the freezer) for your feet, and a stick for your calves. You must have supportive shoes, no bare feet or flip flops. 


    I'm sorry you're having so much pain. It is awful.  It's hard when every step you take is painful. I hope you find good treatment.  

  9. 4 mile run followed by 3 rounds of Turkish-get ups and renegade rows. I tried my strength today, and did a half get up with my 35lb bell.  I did it. :) I had tried about 2 months ago, but could not do it, so it felt good to get to sit position with that bell. 

  10. Today I did a 2 mile run outside in my minimalist shoes.  It's the first time I wore them outside.  My legs felt good, but I could feel my calf working harder.  I then came home and did kettlebell.  I did something new with kettlebell, I did double push-presses, meaning a bell in each hand.  I had 26lb bells, so 52lbs total.  It was fun, and doing it made me feel strong. :D  



  11. It was okay. Not my favorite Pilates DVD. So far, that's Denise Austin's Hit the Spot Pilates. My frustration with this was that most of it was on the floor and I couldn't properly see what she was doing. An effective workout, nonetheless. 


    It is a giant pain. I don't enjoy it either and am happy to get it done. We don't have any stores here really, so we have to cram all our shopping into the short amount of time that we get while visiting the U.S. 


    Cheetos and Coffee Ice Cream - not together  :lol: - obviously!



    Oh my gosh. And I think it's a pain to try and cram it in when I head to the city (an hour away)!  

  12. I'm finding myself wearing sports bras more and more. Just easier and they wick sweat. They do have some sports bras that are not quite as uniboob.



    As for food my splurge is chocolate and Ben & Jerry's ice cream.



    So far no pain in my knee. Well, no additional pain I should say.



    That's good news!


    I've been wearing just sports bras more and more, which is what made me realize that my regular bras were shot.  I took my kids to the zoo and wore my regular bra and spent the day yanking at it.  I do love sports bras.:)

  13. This is something I've been working on, but I can't say that I'm consistent.  I've been incorporating different styles.  Sometimes I just do a breathing meditation (either breathing in/out for certain counts, retaining the breath, alt nostril breathing, etc...), I've also done sound, such as rounds of ONG, or listening to Tibetan bells, and I've just done mindfulness.  I have an account with YogaGlo.com, and they have numerous meditation classes which I've been enjoying.  I have 2 books on meditation, Running with the Mind of Meditation, by Sakyong Mipham, and Secrets of Meditation: by Davidji.  I also have a book that includes Christian meditation.


    For me, it is about my mental health. I started looking into meditation as a way to help with feelings of panic (and panic attacks).  I should make more time for it, but I've been working on it.  


    If you try out YogaGlo.  You can sign up and get 2 weeks for free.  They have an incredible library of meditation practices.  You can look at the library without the membership.  I highly recommend it.  I've learned a lot from there.   


    Enjoy the journey.  

  14. I've been busy and my reading has suffered for it.  I decided I didn't want to jump into another epic length book, so I got Aleph, by Paulo Coelho from the library (they didn't have The Alchemist).  I didn't finish the book.  I hated it.  It was really not my thing.  It felt flakey and bizarre.  So now I'm back to my opic length book, The Way of the Kings.  

  15. 8 mile run today, including hills.  It was a good run.  The last 2 miles were hard.  I felt tired, but I kept going (had to get home :D )  8 miles is the longest I've done in about 2, maybe 3 months, plus doing the hills with it made it hard.


    I need to vent and whine a bit, and I think you guys will understand.


    So my bras were no longer fitting correctly.  They were sliding up, and since they are over a year old I figured they needed to be replaced.  They were decent bras, not the best, so I decided I wanted something different, and I wanted good quality.  I'm not big, My bras were a 34c size.  My mom suggested that maybe I lost weight and needed a smaller size, I hadn't lost much weight, it couldn't make that much difference??


    The first frustration was at the store.  I went to a high end store. I told the woman I wanted a certain style (underwire but little or no padding, prefer full coverage)  She told me that they didn't have anything under a size D for my band width. :huh:  The store doesn't carry it, because they don't sell it (I wanted to point out how circular that was, but refrained).  She did point me to the section with lots of bralettes I could buy.  :glare:   I decided to try another store in the mall.


    The next store did have my size, but the woman offered to measure me and  I discovered that I now need a 34B   The couple of pounds I lost all came from there. :glare:  I mean, really???? I couldn't lose the weight at my hips, or thighs??  I lost it there?  Blah.  I did find bras.  They were pricey, but nice and they fit.  


    End of vent.  I hate shopping, and shopping for bras is even worse than shoes.  

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