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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. 100 pull-ups! WTG, soror. 


    Today the weather was so nice again that I went for a run.  I did 4 miles, then came home and did 100 kb swings, and 3x5 clean & presses and 1 arm rows.  I'm hoping to get at least another 100 swings in today, maybe 200, but I'll have to see.  I also have to clean up in my room (the windows, baseboards, and doors are covered in plaster dust) and get the tape off from the painting.  I may try and rip up the carpet by myself just to see the floor.  We have someone coming to refinish the floor next week (I hope!).



  2. The weather is so perfect here today!  I'm keeping my runs short because my Achilles is not 100% yet, so this morning I did 100 swings then 2 per side Turkish get-ups, then ran 3.75 miles, came home and did another 2/side TGUs and 100 swings.  I plan on another set of those later.  


    On the list today is cleaning the house, but all I really want to do is sit outside and read my mystery novel. :)

  3. My Achilles was still sore this morning, so since I was taking the kids to swim practice I decided to swim.  I haven't done laps in a year.  I did 1500 yds, and it took me 45 mins to do that. :D My kids did 24 100's after swimming for an hour, and they did it on the minute...  


    I also did some weights when I was done: 3x5 presses, squats, rows, and push-ups.  

  4. It's not an easy decision, and honestly, I don't think there's a wrong answer.  


    Personally, we have gone with the longer mortage (20yr).  The first time we did a 30 yr mortgage, but did reduce the time when we refinanced.  I think it is important to pay attention to your cash flow.  It isn't always easy to borrow the money you need, and having the wiggle room built into your monthly mortgage is a nice cushion.  We always paid extra each month until our oldest hit college.  It is nice to have that extra cash.  


    I know the bottom line is important but so is cash flow.  You do have to look at both.  



  5. 5 mile run this morning.  It was hot and my right Achilles felt tender.  I did some extra stretching, but I'll have to keep an eye on my tendon.  I don't want to injure it.  The plan is for some upperbody work and kettlebell swings later today, plus lots of time by the pool. 

  6. The Golem and the Jinni......I read it, I'm trying to remember if there is anything inappropriate.  There is sexual content but not too explicit, I think. I enjoyed the book, and it gave you a good feel for NY and those 2 cultures from that time period.  


  7. Kundalini yoga is enjoyable.  If I only did yoga (and not running and kettlebell) I would be torn between Ashtanga and Kundalini.  I know Kundalini can go a bit "weird", but it's very energizing.


    Happy Birthday, Soror!


    Today was a 7 mile run.  My legs feel tired but the run felt good.  I'm tired and I still need to wash the walls in my room.  But I should not have to do anything else for a week, until the spackle and plaster repair work gets done. 

  8. My reading has taken a back seat to stripping wallpaper, but I'm still reading Greg Iles's, Natchez Burning.  It's a well written mystery/thriller and the story has been turning over in my brain all week even though I haven't had time to read.  I'm also slowly going through Wherever You Go, There You are by Jon Kabat-Zin.  It's a book on mediation. 


    I should be able to get back to reading this week.  :)

  9. 5 mile run today.  I ran on a treadmill while my kids were at swimming.  I didn't think I would be able to run much so I decided to do intervals.  After a warm up of a mile I did 2 mins fast, then a min walk, a min slow run.  I did that 8 times, but then the last 2 I stretched it out to 4 mins fast.  I did 5 miles today and it felt good.  I also did 30 bench push-ups, then 3x5 per side presses and 1 arm rows.  


    Tomorrow is more wallpaper stripping and cleaning. 

  10. Good for you.  I am avoiding my wallpaper removal project.  We started last summer and I could only handle it a few days at a time.  They didn't size the walls properly so it would take 30 minutes of steaming and scraping to clear a 1 ft x 1 ft section.  We only were able to remove a border from the kitchen and our upstairs hallway.  I had to abandon the project when school started because I just couldn't focus with my house torn apart like that.   I need to do 2 walls in my living room/dining room, but that means emptying/moving the hutch and a bunch of other furniture. 



    I just spent an hour on a 1 x 1 section and it's not all done. :(  They had repaired the corner and then papered over it.  That stuff is stuck on there.  I can't get the steamer in the rounded corner.  


    My motivation is that currently my bedroom is all over the rest of my house and I want my room back.  My dh was supposed to try and track down the number for the guy to do the hardwood.  We decided to refinish the floor! I can't wait till it's done. 

  11. What a beautiful room, you'll be glad you did it. 


    My son has helped us remove wallpaper in our homes. His "rule" now is that when you buy a home with wallpaper the previous owner must come and remove it themselves.  :lol: I like the way he thinks. 



    I've decided the same thing. Anyone who puts up wallpaper should be forced to remove it.  I hate that stuff.  I believe it do be the invention of the devil. :D

  12. Oh my! That woodwork! The high ceilings! It will be gorgeous when you're finished!


    Are you going to reopen the window?



    no, we are not.  It's my one regret in everything we've done in this house.  When we had the windows done we reopened 3, but not that one.  We replaced 10 windows total, and money was tight so we left it and we can't do it now. 

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