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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. I woke up at 5 a.m. to doggie diarrhea all over my bedroom carpet. Everywhere.


    My workout today turned into moving all the furniture out of the bedroom and ripping out the carpet. I also swept the room as my shop vac died.



    I'm so sorry. How horrible.  That is a bad way to start any day. 

  2. I'll just share our story.  This has to do with my oldest dd, who will be starting her 3rd year of college.  She is a sweet, hard working woman, but she is also dyslexic.  It's not bad, but it made testing difficult.  She did ok.  With lots of prep she got her score up to 22.  During high school she took classes at a local University that offered  dual enrollment.  She worked hard in those classes.  She got A's and B's, but more A's than B's so her overall GPA from the college classes was over 3.5.  


    She ended up at a small, private college that was an excellent fit for her major (music ed, with piano and vocal).  That school not only accepted her, but offered her a lot of money.  Not quite 100% tution, but not too far off.  She earned it from her grades (and audition). 


    Not everything comes down to that ACT or SAT score.  A good score can help open a lot of doors, but it isn't the only factor when it comes to college.  Don't let your dd become discouraged.  You work with what you have, and you learn to make it work.  Look for schools that are a good fit, and don't be afraid to apply.  

  3. As someone who just spent 18hrs removing wallpaper from a bedroom, I say it should never go up.  I don't even care about damaged walls.  I would rather see the damage.  I know most people would not, but at the moment, I'm in the wallpaper is evil camp.  The only thing worse is popcorn ceilings.  Well, almost worse.  I can live with those, but then again, my ceilings are 9ft high.  


    And that textured stuff they do to walls on HGTV is awful.  Who wants sand on the walls?  It would have to be scraped off, like the popcorn ceilings.  

  4. I read The Body Artist by Don DeLillo. He took single-second thoughts and actions and stretched them out, describing what is thought, felt, seen, etc. in each fraction of that second - showing just how full a second is and how much we think and do and dismiss as normal or trivial. It was artistic, interesting and short.


    I also read The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, which was a bit lewd and issues heavy, but funny and good hearted, and I know my ds is enjoying it. I read some of Alexie's poetry a year or two ago and some of the things mentioned in this novel (like the uranium mines near his reservation and his sister dying in a fire) were mentioned in his poetry too.


    Utopia I just finished and I enjoyed it despite not agreeing with everything - particularly the sexism, which seemed weird since they included women in their military. 


    And I started The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga, winner of the Man Booker prize in 2008, currently 1.99 on Kindle



    Thank-you.  I just clicked and bought it.  :)

  5. I can only say (of the video), that will never be me. :D


    I ran 8 miles today.  The run was harder than I hoped it would be.  I want to go 10 miles next Sunday, but today I felt like that will be hard to do.  I trying to psych myself up to do my push-ups and pull-ups.  They're supposed to happen today at some point.  

  6. I'm still working on Natchez Burning, by Greg Iles, as well as slowly reading through Wherever You Go, There You Are.  I just got The Signature of All Things, as an audiobook from the library.  I heard that it's a wonderful audiobook, and I thought it would keep me company on my runs.  


    Natchez Burning is a good mystery/thriller.  I've never read Greg Iles before, or even heard of him.  It's long, but fairly well written, especially for a book in this genre.  

  7. Ok, what's Tinkerbell?


    This, BTW, reminds me of a funny (in hindsight) story of when my mother took my sister's kids to Disney.  There was a laser light show one night, along with various characters being around, and Tinkerbell flying around on a highwire.  My neice, who I guess was about 5 at the time, was watching Tinkerbell.  As Tinkerbell flew off behind the castle she intersected with a laser beam and then disappeared behind the castle.


    My poor niece started screaming her head off.  "They shot Tinkerbell!  They killed her!"


    Luckily, she wasn't scarred for life.


    :lol:  :smilielol5:


    When my oldest was 4 we had went to WDW, and the first night we stuck around for the fireworks.  As soon as they started my dd started screaming.  She screamed like she was been attacked.  My dh's brother scooped her up and ran, full out, to the back of the park.  She just kept screaming, with her hands over her ears.  He got her as far away from it as possible then just held her as she sobbed and yelled until it was done.  It still makes me laugh when I picture him grabbing her and running.  If anyone had been watching they might have thought he was kidnapping her.  I had never seen him run so fast, and the whole time she was screaming in his ear.  


    Overall, that trip was fun, but there's a part of me that thinks WDW is torture for young children.  (She also could not handle a single ride that got dark or had thunder and lightning in them, which is almost all of them). 

  8. Tammy, it's just like running, you just have to do it. :) But really, I've been doing kettlebell for years, on and off with running.  I'm finally at the point where I know what I want out of the strength training with kettlebell and I can do just that. I created my own workouts, which are usually only 10 minutes long.  I prefer to do them after a run, but they can also be done later in the day.  Short and sweet makes it easy to get done.  


    I think the hardest part is getting started.  There's so much info and stuff out there.  I think if you mostly run, pick one exercise to start doing, like push-ups.  Try to do push-ups 3x's a week.  Once you have that down you can add more.  

  9. I have the flylady app on my phone, and I find it helpful.  I don't always follow all of her advice, but I take what's useful for me.  I like the rotation, and I like the checklists on the app.  I do always wear my shoes, but not because she recommends it (if I don't wear them I get sore feet and pain in my back), but I don't clean my sink every night, and I don't clean it the way she describes, but I do clean it almost every night.  


    I don't do her emails, or go to the website, so I can't comment on that.  

  10. It gets better, but it can take a while before it does.  It took me a year of running before I started experiencing a "runner's high".  I think it took my body that long to feel like running wasn't equal to dying. I still have days where running is hard and doesn't feel great (today was one of them), but most days it feels good, and if I miss too many days of running my body starts to crave it.  


    Stick with it, it does get better. :)

  11. Just wondering, how is kundalini different from Ashtanga (I did that years ago)?  Also, what is a rotation?



    Kundalini is very different from Ashtanga or vinyassa flow.  You can have a warm up (which can incorporate sun salutes) but then you do a "kriya" which is a series of exercises done in repetion or long holds.  There is usually breath of fire involved (a breathing technique) and Kundalini has more chanting than Ashtanga.  


    It's hard to explain the differences well.  You would need to take a class (or view one online) to see how it's different.  



    Negin.  :grouphug: Stress stinks. Don't worry about weight or setbacks. Focus on your overall health.  Keep up the yoga!  It's good for helping get your mind steady. :)



    I ran 7 miles on Sunday. Sunday night I was able to do some Yin yoga.  Today (Tuesday) I ran 5 miles, then did some kettlebell.  I did 3x5 goblet squats, clean and presses, 1 arm rows, 20 swings, 45 sec planks. 

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