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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Stacia, it would be great to be in a book club together (IRL, I mean. )  I don't have anyone around who loves reading like I do.  I did get my dh to read Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell, as well as Wind Up Girl, both of which he loved.  But he can't keep up with my pace. It would be nice to have someone around who gets as excited and into books like all of the ladies do here. :)

  2. OK, let's start with the obvious: I make bad choices. My recent bad choice is signing up to run a marathon. I am a weekend run/walker, with more joy in the walking than the running. I have run a couple of half marathons in the past, which went well, but that I'm slow. My favorite distance to run is six miles. I'm overweight, 41 years old, vegetarian, regular health -- no conditions, medicines, etc. I was wondering if other runners could help me trouble shoot some issues that came up today on my long run:


    1. I'm embarrassingly slow. Like 17 minute miles. How do I speed up? I don't need to be doing 6 minute miles, but something around 14 would be awesome. As the miles pile on, it seems like I'm getting even slower. 


    When you increase distance, it's not a good idea to increase speed too.  You could injure yourself.  Just work on the distance.  



    2. I ran/walked 14 miles today. It wasn't pretty. I got light-headed and nauseous near the end, and my hands were really swollen. I tried Clif Shot Bloks for energy, and I'm wondering I need to try something different? Thoughts? I use Ultima Replenisher as my beverage of choice, just because that is what the marathon has. I've used it for the last few years, and haven't had a problem with it in the past. Maybe I over-hydrated?


    Swollen hands would seem to indicate the need for more water.  Stomach issues are hard. You may have to experiment to figure out what works best for you.  


    3. I have great shoes and socks that normally I have no problem with, but today I got monster blisters. I mean, I've ran/walked for three years and never had a blister before today. Unfortunately, I have monster blisters that are making it difficult to walk. 


    I would guess you need new socks.  But sometimes, you just get blisters. Try Glide on hot spots.  My dh swears by that stuff. 


    4. Does it get better? The distance was rough today. If it's this rough every week until October, I'm going to be a sad, sad person. 


    I've only done half's, not a full marathon.  My dh thought the training for his 3rd marathon went the best.  He finally felt like it wasn't an impossible task.  My take?  Keep at it.  When it's over you think the 14 mile long run/walk is easy. :)





    One other thing, good luck!  

  3. I started White Tiger, I'm enjoying it so far. I've created a picture and voice in my head for the narrator.  I can see him sitting and telling me the story. (Since, at the moment,  it's in the form of a letter that makes it easy to do) I'm still listening to a Signature of all Things, which has been great to listen to on my runs.  The story, despite the slow pace, is engaging.  It was a busy week last week, so there was no time for reading the book on meditation, or time for meditation. :(  

  4. I am a bit stressed out because my mom is currently hospitalized.  Not sure if I am needed yet or not my brothers are there.  It is a very long trip especially since everyone is traveling right now.


    I didn't sleep well so finished a few books this morning.  


    Second Grave on the Left, the second in the Charley Davison series, by Darynda Jones.  The first was better imo.  I do plan to continue reading them.


    In the Woods by Tana French.  The reviews were right, great crime novel with a lousy ending.  Not sure if it needs to be read first.  Things really change at the end so the second may be pretty stand alone.


    The Girl on Legare Street by Karen White.  Another of my fluff series set in Charleston,  once again I thought of Stacia.  It was enjoyable.



    I hope your mom is ok.  :grouphug:

  5. It can be difficult to create a new schedule.  Your body may need time to adjust to it.  I know I get up, brush my teeth, have coffee, and sit on the computer for a fuew mintues before starting to run.  It takes my body a bit to wake up.  You may not be a natural morning person, but if that is really the only time to get your time in, then I would give it 2 weeks and see how you respond.  If after a couple of weeks you still feel just as awful, then you may need to figure you when you can get your exercise time in.


    But I feel for you.  It stinks to get up, but out the effort, and feel worse. 

  6. Today was a 5 mile run, then push-ups, pull-ups, presses, and swings.  


    Redsquirl, I use a green band for my pull-ups, those things are the greatest.  I've never been one to have any upperbody strength, and that band has made such a difference in what I can do.  It's helped not only with pull-ups, but my presses have improved as well, and I have some definition to my arms. :)

  7. I have no idea about diapers, but yes, paper towels are a good deal (I buy the Sam's brand).  I always compare prices, and for us, Sam's makes a difference.  Cheese (we make our own pizza) is almost half the price that it costs at Walmart, milk is cheaper, rice, some of the produce (you really have to price check to see if it's worth it).  Fruit, for some reason, is usually not a better deal.  Meat is a bit better than grocery stores, and I've always been happy witht the quality.  Most paper products are a good deal too.  I find I make up the price of membership quickly.  I may be switching to Costco next year.  If you buy diapers, and you have a Costco around you may want to check into them.  They take coupons, so you can get even better savings. 

  8. Any suggestions for an android phone? I can access Flylady for free, just wondered if there was anything else out there. I just got my phone this week and have yet to discover all it's uses:)



    I have the FlyLady app on my android phone.  You can also buy the Motivated Moms app in the Google play store.  I haven't seen Home Routines, but I haven't looked.  I've been happy with the FlyLady app.  It's working for me.  I did try the MM app.  I thought it was well organized, but for me, it felt overwhelming.  I didn't realize that MM wasn't a one time purchase. I tried the free version in order to check it out, but I wouldn't like that I had to keep paying for it. 

  9. We spend close to $1200 a month.  There are 6 of us, sometimes 7 (when my oldest is home).  We don't do organic anything and they only special diet item I buy is Almond milk.  I don't buy too many frills, mostly the basics.  That you are spending less and accomodating a special diet to boot, means you are doing an excellent job.  You may need to redo your budget to allow for your family.  

  10. My son and I were nearly killed on July 12th by someone texting and driving.


    Ds has a rod and many pins running from his hip tomhis knee, lots of stiches, and bruises that make him look like he was beaten by a ballbat. This is the first day I can take a breath that is anything but very shallow without pain. Weather or not I will ever walk without a cane is anybody's guess.


    So, really not a fan. Newsflash, there isn't any text you will ever read or send that is so important it is worth what my son and I have gone through so PSA, put the dang phones down!!!!



    I hit "like", but  :thumbup1:  And that's for the huge PSA reminder, not for the fact that you were almost killed by someone who couldn't wait to read a text.

  11. So I finished Natchez Burning last night and I'm a bit disappointed.  I hadn't realized it was the first of a trilogy.  I expected it to end, and instead none of the main plot points were tied up. None.  I've read a lot of trilogies, but I've never had one end so badly.  Almost 800 pages and nothing was concluded.  Blah.  


    It was a good thiller, and the writing was decent; I just wish it had finished.  

  12. Yes it is, and due to the sad story line, which is revealed pretty soon into the series, I didn't think I would like it, but I did. After going through the entire season, I had to take a break from watching anything else.


    Did you know there will be a US version soon? It's called Gracepoint. I can't imagine liking Ellie or Beth as much as in this version.




    I liked hearing David Tennant's American accent, but when he says "killer" (right at the 3:00 mark), I hear his Scottish accent! DH is not happy that it seems to be the same script, but I am sure they will change the killer. There are so many possibilities!


    And look, this says DT will return for season 2 of Broadchurch.



    NO!!!! That just looks wrong! The woman who played Beth was so incredible, as well as the detective.  And Having DT play the same part but American?And then everyone else different?  And will the killer be the same? I don't like it. It would be so hard to watch it all over again and comparing the performances, plus I can already tell they changed the filming.  The camara work is different, the house and office looked big, like American TV big.  The BBC version kept it so real. The camara work at the houses and beach made it seem so much more intense.  Blah.  


    But I can't wait till season 2 of Broadchurch.  

  13. This morning was a 10 mile run!  That's the longest run I've done this year, I think.  I did avoid the hills, but even so, my legs felt done by the end.  I also did my 5 sets of 10 push-ups, 5 pull-ups, and 10 swings.  Tomorrow morning will be yoga.  I'll need it. 

  14. I have 200 pages to go in Natchez Burning (which means I'm down to the last 20%).  I started listening to A Signature of all Things, which I'm enjoying so far.  I'm also still slowly working through Wherever You go, There You are, but I'm planning on reading that one very slowly. 

  15. When I dropped my kids off, the weather radar said that there would be rain in 50 minutes, so I ran for 4 miles.  I got in before the rain started.  :)  I had thought, that if I got back to the pool and it wasn't raining that I would run up and down the road near the pool for another mile, but my legs were so tired, and my ankle felt sore, so 4 miles it was. I came home and did my push-ups, pull-ups, and kettlebell swings.  Tomorrow is yoga day, but it's such a packed day, I'm unsure if I'll be able to get it in.

  16. 5 miles today.  Another cool morning, but I felt very tired.  I've been pushing myself with running, and my legs as well as the rest of me is feeling it.


    Rieshy, I hope that calf starts feeling better.  Don't push, try to rest it (I know how hard that is!) 

  17. No excitement. This is not a project I wanted done. It is a has to be done, because the dishwasher flooded my floor, and ruined all my hard work of several years ago. 

    There are a million things that can go wrong, and probably will. It's an old kitchen, and the cost of replacement is far from covered by insurance, so everything that can be salvaged has to be salvaged. I've got a good contractor who understands that, thankfully, because I couldn't begin to replace any cabinets with what is available for the repair.


    So yeah, when you see your hard work being ripped up, it's not a good scene.

    The only thing I am sort of happy about is being able to pick out my floor and not having to put it down like last time...the next time it floods I'll be far less attached to it. 



    My dishwasher busted a couple of months ago, and the result was/is a badly warped hardwood floor (for about 2 ft in front of the dishwasher).  We've left it.  We didn't bother with insurance.  We had a very large claim 3 years ago (whole town did, thanks to storm damage) and I don't want to lose our insurance.  This house is hard enough to insure.

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