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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. No workout for me today, because I went with my dh to watch him run a marathon!  He ran the Knoxville Covenant Marathon, and he beat his goal time!  He used Hanson's Method (they have a book), and he felt pretty good the whole race.  It was fun trying to find spots to see him.  I saw him start, then mile 12 and mile 18, and of course, the finish.  We got home, took a nap, and we enjoyed a steak dinner (cooked on the grill! Spring is coming!).  


    I did enjoy a nice breakfast at Tupolo Honey's while he ran the first half. :)  

  2. I did.  I ran a few 5k's, and I've run 3 half marthons.  I did C25k, got injured, then did a similar program that Runner's World had.  I was 38.  I'm now 44 and I still run. 


    Enjoy the program and enjoy running.  And don't be afraid to take extra weeks in the program if you need to.  I pushed myself too hard with C25k, which is one of the reasons I got injured.  When I did the 2nd program, I repeated a couple of the weeks when I didn't feel ready to move on.  

  3. I ran 1.5 miles this morning, then a kettlebell routine from a new DVD I just got.   It was a good workout, with deadlifts, rows, presses, squats, push-ups and swings.  It felt good.  I'm trying to pull back a bit.  I think I've been doing to much with kettlebell and I need to focus.  I'm hoping the DVD will help. 

  4. I ran 4.5 miles today, all against the wind.  I was sure that when I ran out with the wind pushing against me, that my run back would be good (I run from home to the park and back), but the wind was always against me.  Running up the hills with the wind pushing made me feel like I was in some epic movie. :D  

  5. For my b-day I bought merril minimalist shoes.  Walked 2 miles in them earlier in the a.m. and then just ran 2 miles of hills in them.  I am trying to retrain how I run because I'm a very very slow plodder.  My 19 yo won't run with me because I'm soooo slow but I've never cared because jogging has always been about the alone time and the scenery for me.  However now I need speed because in sparring my slow habits are hurting me.  They translate to slow kicking.  So for the 2 miles I ran (just a hair under sprinting) one block then walked a 1 1/2 blocks the whole 2 miles.  


    I love the shoes, I could really feel how I was running and made constant corrections.  


    Even with the walking I ended up with my normal embarrassingly slow time of 11.5 minutes per mile.  Sigh, it is going to take a long time to break my plodding habit.  



    That was my pace today for my run, but for me, that's faster. :D  


    Getting faster is hard.  I've heard hill repeats and sprints are the way to do it, but I think I'm working against my age. ;)  I don't know if I can shave much time off my pace.  I would like to do it.  If I ever could just have an 11:00 min pace as my "easy, slow" pace, I would feel successful. 

  6. 4 mile run today.  I ran outside, and even though the sun was shining, it was bittter cold.  My feet didn't feel warm until I got home.  I had wanted 5 miles, but was so cold, and my legs felt tired.  After I got home I realized I was running at a 30 sec faster pace than normal.  That was probably why I felt so tired.


    I also did some ab work.  I did 2 TGUs before I ran, then did 3x5 Ab rolls with my ab wheel, and 3x30 sec planks on the balance ball.  That's a lot harder than normal plank.  I didn't realize it would be harder. :D


    Last night I was able to do an hour of Yin yoga.  I would love to do at least 30 minutes tonight.  I'll have to see.  


    My dh pulled something in his back Sunday night/Monday morning, and his marathon is this Sunday.  He's been doing lots of Yin too, and I've been trying to give him back rubs.  Poor guy.  I hope it all feels better by Sunday.  He's trained really hard. 

  7. I just finished the 1000 calorie burn fitness blender workout!  It was good.  The only thing that was hard for me was in the ab part - scissor kicks.  I just can't do those.  I will definitely do it again.  


    My right hip has been sore from doing the yoga for runners video.  Not happy about that.  The intermediate is pretty intense and there are a lot of hip lunges, too much for my right hip.  Not sure what I will do about that.  I was really enjoying the yoga.  I think I need to go back to the beginner video for awhile. 


    For the ab thing, when they do scissor kicks, work on leg lifts, or just keeping you legs at 45 degees (or as close to the floor as you can get).  I found that if I modify I can slowly work up to what they are doing.


    Same with the lunges.  They are my weakness, so I know I need more of them, but you don't want to hurt yourself.  Just straighten the leg, and back off a bit.  Soon you'll be able to do it. 

  8. :grouphug: OP, if you have safety concerns about the water park, that is your call.  You are the parent.  We have known families with kids who drowned that were perfectly capable of swimming and there were adults/life guards present in two instances.  I have nearly drowned twice, myself.  Once, I was lucky and the tide dumped me back on shore just as I completely ran out of air (ocean).  The second time the only reason I made it (public swimming pool) was because Dad was nearby and realized I was in trouble.  Another child, who could not swim, grabbed me to try and stay up.  I was not strong enough to keep us both above water, so my head went under and stayed there.   I panicked and sucked in a lot of water.  Everyone else thought we were playing.  Dad realized we weren't, thankfully.  Accidents CAN happen.  Does that mean that older children should never be allowed to go swimming without a parent?  Lots of kids go swimming without a parent and do just fine.  And the odds are that your child will have a great time and be perfectly fine.  But you would be worried the whole time and your vacation would not be much of a vacation...plus if something were to go wrong, well, that scenario just doesn't even bear thinking about.  


    With regards to Legoland specifically, though, I am sorry she either intentionally or unintentionally circumvented you by mentioning Legoland again to your son after you had already said no.  And I am sorry she was only inviting one child and not able to invite the others.  But if you COULD get discount tickets and take the whole family and help her feel like a part of things, I would do it.   The family gets to do something fun, the kids get to build some memories with your mom, if your mom runs into health problems/lack of mobility issues, there are two other adults to help out and give the kids a chance to still enjoy themselves and you and your family are not just shopping to build memories for the kids with grandma.  And your mom can feel like she still has something to share with her grandkids.  (and since you and DH would actually be there, you could see how she does walking everywhere and if she struggles you will know for certain that this is NOT an option for her to do on her own and perhaps she will, too).


    I lost my dad several years ago.  We had a good relationship and I loved him very much but we butted heads a lot.  Because of that there were times that I shut down his suggestions without really trying to respectfully find an alternative way of doing things that was acceptable to me but also supportive of him.  And because of that the kids don't have as many memories of him as they should have.   :(


    Hugs and best wishes, whatever you decide.  I know trying to work things out between grandparents/parents/grandchildren can be challenging.


    This is well written, very kindly put.


    I understand the issues you are having.  The biggest one though is that you have a different ideas on how to spend time together than your mother does.  Not going as a group would be the thing that I would say not to.  You only have a week and need to maximize your time.  Your mother should be able to understand that.  But, and I say this gently, you need to get past the fact that what your mom finds fun is different from what you find fun.  


    I prefer national parks and hiking over amusement parks or shopping, but my mother and MIL have very different ideas.  If you want your children to have good memories of their grandmother, you will let her show her love the way she is able to do it.  You are going to CA to visit your folks, let it be about that.  If you can't find a way for all of you to go to Legoland, then you'll have to find a way to help your mother understand.  But do try and see if you can all find a way to go together.  It sounds like it could mean a lot to your mom.  

  9. Kettlebell day. 1 mile run then  3 rounds of 2 per side TGUs, then 20 swings.  2nd set was 4 rounds; 5 goblet squats, 10 push-up (incline), 10 pull-ups (assisted), 20 swings.  I then finished out doing more swings, to get my total of 300 swings for today.  

  10. I've been doing some research on training for faster speeds (without injury) and see books like Run Less Run Faster, The Galloway Book On Running and they all sound great...

    Does anyone here have a training book for runners that they recommend?  



    I have 2 books, Run Like a Mother and Train Like a Mother (which contains 2 training plans each for 5k, 10k, half, and marathon) I like the Train Like a Mother plans.  They are doable and push just the right amount.


    My dh is running a marathon this weekend and he used Hanson's book. He's really like that method.  


    I like Galloway's book, but I found a lot of the fitness information outdated.  I like the run/walk, and it has worked well for me.  I go a lot faster (almost 30 sec a mile faster for my half marathon) when I walk/run.  But his overall plan is not as good.  I used another plan, but just did the walk/run thing.  


    I've read all of the articles I could on the Run Less Run Faster (there is alot online), and it's good, but I don't think it would work for me.  I do better when I run more, not less.  I think it depends on the person.  But overall, it's a good plan, doing 3 hard workouts a week.  But then you are supposed to do a crosstraining workout that is cardio, like swimming or biking.  If you don't, they suggest you do an easy run.  



  11. Yesterday I ran 6 miles, and got in my 300 swings, but only 40 push-ups and 30 pull ups.  The run was hard because it was so cold out. The temp was around 50 the the wind felt like ice, and it was strong.  But I got my run in. :)


    This morning I did 40 minutes of yoga; mostly gentle, to get the kinks out.  I do feel much better than I did when I woke up. 

  12. I'm excited to say I have a 12kg kettlebell coming my way :) I've wanted to try one for ages and am having serious desire to lift something in addition to my bodyweight work. I think I'll just start with swings.  On the docket today is Bada$$ workout and maybe a walk with the family, not sure if we'll have time though as we have some jobs we've got to finish around here before dh's schedule goes crazy. We might get in a little bike ride with the kids instead of the walk. I'm trying to get going early here so we have plenty of time.


    Goals for this week: 

    4.2 mi bike ride- hoping to do it in 30min instead of 35 and make it all the way up all the hills except the Graveyard (ds and I are naming the hills based on severity) 

    .6 mi run- hope to increase speed this time- and for my lungs not to burn by the time I make it to the top of Buttkicker Hill!

    Hill sprints- not sure how long I'll last on these :)

    Walks- every day we're able- these range from 1-2 miles with various paces and lots of hills (we have hills everywhere around here!)

    1 leisurely bike ride with the kids

    6 Bada$$ workouts

    kettlebell swings?? Need to read more - maybe 3 days a week- not sure on reps- depends on how much I can do with good form


    I've been doing kettlebell for a couple of years, but I really ramped it up last year.  Swings are great way to strengthen your core and get in some extra cardio.  A good ratio is an equal work to rest.  So 10 swings take about 15 secs, then you rest 15 secs, and do another 10.  10 x 10 is a good starting point.  You can swing everyday, it's not like lifts or squats, but it might not be bad to try every other day at first.  


    This book, by Tracy Reifkind, is a good beginner swing book.  It also includes her story and diet stuff.  But the swing progressions are good. She also has a website where she post her workouts.  I tend to use Lauren Brooks stuff, but Tracy's workouts are good too, especially if you want to focus on just the swing.  If you want other stuff, like squats, presses, rows, TGUs, lunges, etc.... Lauren Brooks has excellent DVDs and programs.  


    Enjoy your new bell.:)

  13. I have a lot of special Disney moments.


    From our last trip; all of the hugs my ds8 gave me.  Every day, multiple time throughout the day, he kept hugging because he was so happy.  


    From the previous trip; seeing my children's faces at the opening of the Magic Kingdom Park our first day there.  That and my ds (who was 10 at the time) showing his adventurous side.  He's my quiet homebody, but he loved every thrill ride he could go on.  


    We also went when my oldest, who is about to turn 20, was 4.  Favorite moment was when she met Cinderella at the princess lunch at the Castle.  She shook from head to toe.  It was so sweet.


    Our high school went to Disney as the Senior trip.  I spent the entire trip with my boyfriend (who I am now married to. :D).  We spent every waking moment together, and never ran into our classmates.  We felt grown up and like we were on a romantic adventure. 


    I went twice as a kid.  The first time I was 8, my brother was 6 and had terminal cancer.  Our family was sent to Disney.  There isn't just one special moment I can think of from that trip, there are countless. 

  14. Kettlebells this morning. Ran 1 mile then it was a Turkish Get-up themed workout.  In the end I did 18 TGUs per side, all with my 26lb bell.  I also did my 50 pull ups and push-ups, and so far, 200 swings.


    We're going of a hike later today, so I'm glad that there weren't tons of squats.  

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