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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. I order online.  Talls from Eddie Bauer.  I try to get the tops when they run a sale.  


    It's hard to get knit tops when your long-waisted.  I also have long arms, and I can't stand that all of my tops look like 3/4 shirts after a few washes, so now I only buy Talls.  


  2. I was raised in a blue collar family.  While I was young, my parents were always strapped for cash because my brother had cancer.  The medical bills were overwhelming, but I never realized it as a kid.  It always felt like we had what we needed, and my mom was a genius and stretching a dollar.  


    When I was a teenager my dad got into marketing and sales, then management. The medical bills were gone and they had a bit more.  

  3. I love not having an agitator.  I can wash comforters, sleeping bags, delicates, everything.  You not only have more space but your clothes don't get all twisted and caught on the agitator.  Right now I have a front loader.  Next wash machine will either be a top loader with no agitator or a front loader again.  I'll never go back. :)

  4. When I worked as a language teacher (assistante) in a French high school (Lycee) from age 20 to 21, the standard teacher's lunch in the school canteen included a 1/3 bottle of red wine.  I didn't drink it (not a day-time drinker) but wine on the teachers' tables was a normal sight.





    My dd had read in her French book (when she was taking French in highschool) that the teachers got a bottle of wine everyday!  I thought that French teachers are treated well. :)  

  5. :grouphug:


    Our Christmas is spent at home, far from our extended family.  But we have a lot of fun at Christmas.  We have a special Christmas Eve dinner, then spend the rest of the evening watching Chistmas shows/movies.  Christmas morning we do presents, then have a big breakfast.  After that the kids play. We spend the day together, not going anywhere or needing to get anything else done (which is the best present. :) )  We play board games, eat lots of cookies, and have a nice dinner, maybe watch another movie.  The day is relaxing and fun.  


    I think the key is not to put a lot of pressure on yourself. Just be there and enjoy your dd.  

  6. They certainly made it impossible to have any sympathy for Pan.  I wasn't sure if they'd try to turn his character around, kind of like Rumple, but no, now I can hate him completely.  


    And I'm guessing Wendy hooks up with Neal?  That way Emma gets Hook. :)  

  7. I finished Kafka on the Shore.  What a powerful book!  It's hard to describe, and I still have it swirling around in my head.  I can't figure out the father.  I don't get the flute.  I would love to sit down with someone and discuss it over some coffee or tea.  There was so much in that book.  So much was going on, yet Murakami held it all together.  This book was filled with such pain and tragedy.The processing of loss was much deeper here than in Wind-Up Bird.  This book also seemed more of a commentary on modern Japan than Wind-Up Bird.  The past and present were brought together beautifully.  Every part of the book reflected the duality found in life.  And, of course, when I read and finish Murakami I have to pull out our Classical recordings. :)  


    I've read his books in the wrong order.  I read 1Q84 first, then Wind-Up Bird, then Kafka.  Kafka should have been first, then Wind-Up, then 1Q84.   1Q84 is so big, but someday I will have to go back and reread it. 


    Right now I'm reading Grisham's Rackateer. It's the first time I've ever read Grisham, and I'm a bit disappointed.  At 25% through the book, I felt like I knew how it would all play out.  I'm still reading it. Maybe it will surprise me.  It reads like a Law and Order: SVU episode, complete with little preachy vignettes.  I wanted something quick and light after Murakami and this certainly fits the bill. 


    I've been thinking about reading Goldfinch.  I was even thinking of buying it.  The Kindle price is pretty good, and it is 800 pages.  I just don't know if it will be worth my time. 

  8. Doing a whole week at once because...I just never posted this week. Mon &Tue -4 mile run, Wed-3 mile walk and yoga, Thu -4 mi run and yoga class, Fri-5 mi run( which felt great, time usually cuts me short), getting ready to go on a 5 mi trail walk with dh this morning as soon as it's light enough to see.

    *** A question for you ladies who lift/ use weights. I mostly do push ups, pull ups and yoga poses for abs. Is it really worth investing in some kettle balls? Christmas is coming...trying to decide whether I want another pair of running tights or some weights.



    Yoga is an excellent compliment to running and walking.  You can get stronger with yoga.  I do kettlebell because you get can get stronger faster with weights.  Weights are more efficient, and can especially help with upper body strength.  I love yoga, and if you do a strong yoga practice you can improve your core strength, as well as lower body and some upper body (if you put more focus on it).


    I wouldn't get weights unless you are interested in weights.  I had a nagging injury a few years back that required a lot less running.  I got into kettlebells which is a bit different than traditional weights in that the movements tend not to be as static.  I like to move. :)  I enjoy kettlebell, and I like that I can work on strength, which is something I've never had (I was always the skinny weakling :D )  


    You can look into kettlebell or weightlifting.  There are some great resources online. But if you're happy with your routine you should stick with what you like. 

  9. Nothing today.  I was supposed to run, but it's that time of the month and I feel drained.  


    The yoga article was interesting.  One thing that I read, that didn't read true to me was the statement that yoga teachers will tell students to push through the pain.  I've never heard that, in fact, I always hear the opposite, to not push past your edge.  Respect your limits.  But maybe I've only heard a certain type of teacher.  


    I only do gentle yoga, and I will never be that flexible, plus I run, which is great for hip strength.  But I could see how, that if a woman never did any weight bearing exercises and focused only on flexibility, it could be bad.  

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