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Lux Et Veritas Academy

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Everything posted by Lux Et Veritas Academy

  1. Help- Are the graphics on my web page all over the place? I need you to look at the first page and the blog- The link for the blog is at the top of the page- I see them fine, but someone just said they saw them dancing around- If you reply, tell me what browser you are using? Thanks __________________
  2. Help- Are the graphics on my web page all over the place? I need you to look at the first page and the blog- The link for the blog is at the top of the page- I see them fine, but someone just said they saw them dancing around- If you reply, tell me what browser you are using? Thanks
  3. How about BYU Highschool online- They have a great program and she could speed through it if needed. They are a huge university and lots of options
  4. Can you recommend an awesome telescope? I want to purchase this for my son's 11 birthday!;)
  5. Looking for what you think the best medieval destinations are!:rolleyes:
  6. That sounded negative- but I mean it positive, like what skills or special gifts do you recognize!
  7. Hi Cami, I saw you were from UT and just wanted to say Hi to my former state- I grew up in Ogden! We are like neighbors!
  8. I do online banking- but I contacted my bank to quit sending me statements and they said it was against their policies- Sad:mad:
  9. I pay 50.00 an hour for harp lesson- She is worth it. I used to pay $15.00 for piano for .5 hours and 15.00 for violin. But they were not professionals like our harp teacher-:D
  10. I uses the United Streaming and just type in the topic. There is usually something for every grade. They have been a huge hit:)
  11. My kids don't have great rote memory skills, so I don't do a lot of memory work because they can memorize and two weeks later that short term memory piece is missing. I use poetry books for copy work and dictation. I am also going to download poetry to listen to on the iPod.
  12. Brigham Young University independent studies has an online school- i believe that is accredited.
  13. I use the lab book and the student workbook- If you use the student workbook you are basically following along taking notes. Somedays I wish I had the teachers manual. I combine United Streaming with it. We love it- I assign a section a day for a 7th grader and incorporate the film in about 2-3 times a week. :)
  14. I love them and still use them with my 4th grader to review- because he is weak in phonemic awareness areas.:o
  15. I love to plan too- but I just keep thinking- Do your best! Public schools, do not finish everything, and I think that as lofty as many goals are that I make for the school, some just aren't going to get done! Did I fail my child- no! It is simply a process- they are learning to learn!:o
  16. Most kids want to start by mid 2nd grade- 3rd grade is the big focus in Public schools. I don't understand what the big push is for it- but I am a print freak vs. cursive. I don't require, because some are just not comfortable. Both of my kids have learned it, but they both prefer to print! For what it is worth!
  17. I did early american the first half of the year wit a 4th and 7th grader- It has been wonderful, now I will try to combine 1600-1850 this second half, and still progress with american. The concentration on one country has been amazing.
  18. Math: Saxon 6/5 Science: Scott Foresman English: Write Source Spelling: Sequential Spelling Writing: Write Source History: Middle Ages-probably SOTW and my own curriculum using united streaming Art: Museum Classes Specials-computer, cooking, robotics, photography
  19. We are taking the day off and going skiing- I follow the PS schedule to a tee!:)
  20. I agree with the above posters- I try to buy on sale and download the ipod version when the visual is not to crucial. We just finished CS Lewis with a 7th grader, I am doing John Milton right now and we are going to start Art History-Impressionism in February. I think some of the courses can be used with the middle grades. I started CS Lewis with my daughter wondering if she would be happy- an she absolutely loved it. She would clean the bathroom and bedroom while she listened. I felt like it was great lit study!
  21. I have the newest versions and love it- it is interactive with the internet. So that may be the difference in the old and new. Either way PH is a great curriculum. I use it for my 7th grader!;)
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