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Worst momma of the year

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Yup that would be me. TOnight I sat down to share a bowl of veggie soup with dd19 months. SHe grabbed the bowl just as I was sitting down and it fell on her. Her left shoulder and almost her entire back is now scalded. I don't think I have ever ripped her jammies off of her so fast in my life. I got her stripped and in luke warm water right away and managed to keep it at a scald and not a more severe burn. She now looks sunburned. Luckily my neighbor and I had just been talking about the virtues of clay for sunburns and I knew she had a supply of it, so I ran next door, scared the pants off them I am sure knocking on their door at 10:30pm. She helped me coat dd's back and shoulder in clay and dd immediately felt better. She is now sitting next to me snacking on a cracker, and keeps asking for more soup. I on the other hand want to hide under a rock for making my little girl suffer because I stupidly left the bowl too close to the edge of the table.

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Yup that would be me. TOnight I sat down to share a bowl of veggie soup with dd19 months. SHe grabbed the bowl just as I was sitting down and it fell on her. Her left shoulder and almost her entire back is now scalded. I don't think I have ever ripped her jammies off of her so fast in my life. I got her stripped and in luke warm water right away and managed to keep it at a scald and not a more severe burn. She now looks sunburned. Luckily my neighbor and I had just been talking about the virtues of clay for sunburns and I knew she had a supply of it, so I ran next door, scared the pants off them I am sure knocking on their door at 10:30pm. She helped me coat dd's back and shoulder in clay and dd immediately felt better. She is now sitting next to me snacking on a cracker, and keeps asking for more soup. I on the other hand want to hide under a rock for making my little girl suffer because I stupidly left the bowl too close to the edge of the table.



(((hugs))) Brandy. We all make mistakes. I know you must feel just terrible, but you are not the worst mama. You're a caring, loving mama who has a lot on her plate, isn't getting enough sleep and is carrying a heavy burden by herself. I'm sorry this happened to your dd, but don't beat yourself up over it. I'm glad it worked out in the end and that she is doing alright. Hang in there honey, better days are coming. :grouphug:

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Accidents happen to all of us. I think it was great that you reacted so quickly and knew where to get relief for her.


By the way, lavender essential oil is excellent for burns. I wouldn't apply it directly to such a large area but it is great to have around for those times when you accidentally touch the oven rack. A drop or two and the pain is gone in an instant. Then you just reapply for a couple of days as needed and it heals much quicker.

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OH honey, I know just how you feel, unfortunately!


But I DID scald my poor baby. My youngest was 13 months old and chewing on a marker, I bent down wit ha coffee cup in my hand to take it and spilled it on her. It didn't *seem* that hot- I was drinking it- but she had 2nd degree burns on her chest. It was so, so, so, so, so SO awful.


She has no scars, thank God, and it healed fine without anything more than a cream the doctor had us put on and a visit to check it a few times. But, oh, the guilt. I still just get sick when I think about it.


(((hugs))) I know you need 'em.

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I'm going thru some painful realizations about my part in my son's fears and addictions--I know how it hurts to wound those you love.


It was just an accident, it could've been worse, she likely won't remember it, and she's fine--you'll be fine, too. Accept that you are human.


Lots of hugs, and I hope she feels better soon. And, isn't it amazing that the knowledge you needed (the clay thing) was right there for you when you needed it? wow.

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:grouphug: Brandy! :grouphug:


Please don't blame yourself for this -- it was an accident, and thankfully, you knew what to do and acted quickly and decisively to help your dd. And what a blessing that you'd just spoken with your neighbor about the clay stuff!


You're dealing with so much stress right now that it's a wonder you're not dropping everything in sight. Yet, in spite of all of your other worries, you knew just what to do to help your baby -- and that sounds like a GREAT mom to me!!!


Oh, and Happy Mother's Day! :001_smile:



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Thanks ladies. I just checked her and almost all the redness is gone this morning. She has on small mark left on her shoulder and one small spot left on her back and those are down to a light pink compared to the bright red of last night. She seems to have forgotten about it already, I on the other hand still feel lousy about it. I know it was just an accident but totally preventable if I had been paying closer attention to where I placed the bowl. Thankfully this lesson was learned without more serious or long term injuries. I will be extra careful now about where I place hot items.

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