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How much time do you spend on Latin/day?


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Just curious. We haven't made the leap into Latin yet, but I am seriously considering starting it with my 2nd and 4th graders in the Fall. They will also be learning another language at the same time (by attending a local school in another country for part of the day) and I don't want to overwhelm them and I don't want to set us up for failure. I haven't even settled on a program yet.


If you do Latin and don't mind, could you share which program you use and how much time you devote to it daily and weekly?


FTR, so far I am considering Lively Latin and Rosetta Stone Latin.



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We spend between 30 - 60 minutes on Latin per day, with 45 minutes being more of the usual time spent. We do aim to cover Latin 5 days per week. The core program we're currently using is Galore Park's Latin Prep, and I supplement with readings from Ecce Romani. I'm a bit of a Latin curriculum junkie, so I do keep other materials handy, mostly for me (like the Henle I books and I plan to eventually work my way through Lingua Latina). I use a book titled Pray it in Latin (Catholic), which I purchased from Lulu, as an additional supplement as well. I am not familiar with Lively Latin, but have heard lots of rave reviews. I used to use Prima Latina and LC, but these didn't work for us. I just love the format of Latin Prep, and the kids are absolutely thrilled with it. I know that the difference in the order of the cases bugs some people, but this hasn't been an issue for us.


We're also doing Greek and Spanish, without problems and with no language confusion.





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Well, we chose Lively Latin and have really liked it. This was for my 4th grade son. I was really hesitant to study Latin - thinking that I would drop out, and not entirely convinced of it's merit. We've done almost a year and I'm pretty excited about it. With LL, you could do 20 minutes a day if you planned on one sheet per day. We've chosen to do usually 2 pages, and sometimes (lately) it takes my ds 40 minutes to do 2 - but that's if I leave him alone. Lately he's become confused with the declensons and conjugations, so sometimes he sits stumped. I explained that he will have a light bulb moment when it all becomes clear, and he'll be able to work through his assignments quickly.


For planning, I would plan on 20-30 minutes/day and just cut off the lesson at that point.

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I am loving Getting Started With Latin. My kids study the lesson, translate the latin into English and then the next day they translate it back into Latin without looking. They also check their own work and correct mistakes (I do hang around to make sure they not cheating).


We are doing this book until First Form Latin from Memoria Press comes out with their DVD's. :)

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My dd11 takes an online class and spends about 60 minutes daily. DD9 will begin the same class in the fall. Before 4th grade we spend about 20-30 minutes maybe three days per week. It isn't really a priority in the lower elementary grades. We have used Song School Latin, Lively Latin and Latin: A Fresh Approach for K-3.

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Until recently, Calvin has been doing about half an hour four times a week, plus ten minutes of memorisation a day. He's a bit overwhelmed with the classical civilisation course that he is doing at the moment, so Latin has dropped back to ten minutes a day plus two half-hour sessions a week. He is using Latin Prep 3.



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I have Rosetta Stone Latin and would not recommend it. A child could do Rosetta Stone all day and may never understand the grammar. Rosetta Stone is good for spoken Latin, but Cambridge plus the CD's is better. It is a whole to parts program, but does take time to explain the grammar. But Cambridge is not a program for a second grader.


OK, this message is not making much sense, but I'd like to save you the $$ on Rosetta Stone.


My 6th grader is doing Latin Prep and supplementing with Cambridge for additional reading and hearing the spoken Latin on the CD's. We spend about 45 minutes per day, 5 days per week. For a second grader, I'd only spend 15 mins per day learning vocabulary. For a 4th grader, well they may be capable of much more (mine did Latin Prep 1 in fourth, but he had done Prima in 3rd which did serve as a good intro.)



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Thank you for the tip on RS Latin, Penny!


I have Rosetta Stone Latin and would not recommend it. A child could do Rosetta Stone all day and may never understand the grammar. Rosetta Stone is good for spoken Latin, but Cambridge plus the CD's is better. It is a whole to parts program, but does take time to explain the grammar. But Cambridge is not a program for a second grader.


OK, this message is not making much sense, but I'd like to save you the $$ on Rosetta Stone.


My 6th grader is doing Latin Prep and supplementing with Cambridge for additional reading and hearing the spoken Latin on the CD's. We spend about 45 minutes per day, 5 days per week. For a second grader, I'd only spend 15 mins per day learning vocabulary. For a 4th grader, well they may be capable of much more (mine did Latin Prep 1 in fourth, but he had done Prima in 3rd which did serve as a good intro.)



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I use Lively Latin. We do 1 lesson per month. So we work at the pace of 1 worksheet or story per day since we have 4-day work weeks. We spend about 2-5 minutes on chants and then 5 to 15 min per day on the work. I did make my dd a reference lapbook for her Latin so that she could look things up.


We are on lesson 5, she is doing very well. She is remembering a lot of the vocabulary and learning to work with the endings. She is not "speaking" Latin yet but she is making a lot of progress with words. :001_smile:

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