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Anyone getting excited about the HEAV convention and hearing Voddie Baucham?

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A friend sent this link to Voddie Baucham's blog. This one has a youtube video of Dr. Baucham preaching about education. I thought it was very powerful and am looking forward to hearing him speak at the HEAV convention in Richmond June 12/13 - he is the Keynote Speaker.:)




Here's the link for the convention:



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A friend sent this link to Voddie Baucham's blog. This one has a youtube video of Dr. Baucham preaching about education. I thought it was very powerful and am looking forward to hearing him speak at the HEAV convention in Richmond June 12/13 - he is the Keynote Speaker.:)




Here's the link for the convention:






And I hope I run into you there Kathleen!


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We'll be there as well; last year we went but didn't have time to do more than see half the exhibit hall.:glare:


That must've been disappointing. I recommend getting there no later than 8am Friday morning so you have time to park and walk to the venue for the Keynote Speech which starts at 8:30. A lot of folks miss that opening speech, but I have found it to be one of the most inspirational and encouraging aspects of the whole convention. I especially like Dr. Baucham - he's theologically spot on and every time I hear him preach I remember what is truly important in life, why I am homeschooling and I get fired up all over again.

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We'll be there for the exhibit hall again this year, but I've never heard of him.


Watch the video in the link I posted in my original post. You'll be glad you did.:)


Here is another link that gives more info about him personally and a list of links to other youtube videos and a whole lot more:



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Watch the video in the link I posted in my original post. You'll be glad you did.:)


Here is another link that gives more info about him personally and a list of links to other youtube videos and a whole lot more:





I wish we could bump up our satellite connection service. I can't watch the video's without getting FAP'd (exceeding Hughe's Fair Access Policy):crying:


I read somewhere (I think it was his website or blog) where they are now posting his sermons on sermon audio....Again...I can't listen to them unless I want to be put on restriction by Hughe's for a day. :glare:




Be sure to let me know what I am missing out on....:D

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This will be my first time attending HEAV, or any homeschool conference that is! I'm really looking forward to it, any tips?:D


Here is the link for general info about the HEAV convention:




Other than that, I'd say check out the list of speakers and the schedule so you can plan ahead of time which seminars you want to attend. Also, some of the speakers have provided downloadable handouts that are available at the heav website. You will want to take those with you to aid in taking notes.


Wear comfy clothes, take bottled water, consider bringing one of those crates on wheels thingys to tote your stuff around. Be prepared to walk a lot. If you have an infant, sit by the door so you can quickly scoot out if your baby gets noisy (even happy noises :-) as the sessions are all being taped.


Pack a picnic lunch and plenty of snacks and keep them in a cooler in your car. The Convention Hall food is pricey and no outside food is allowed.


That's all that comes to mind for now.

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Dr. Baucham is speaking at our small homeschooling Expo this weekend in San Diego! I couldn't believe it when I saw his name since we're a smaller organization and our Expo is held at a local church. He's going to be speaking on a topic this weekend then continuing the theme at the much larger CHEA convention this summer. He's also hosting a father/son luncheon for our members so its going to be a great chance to see him in a much smaller venue. We can't wait!

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Have I been under a rock?


I just listened to The Centrality of the Home this weekend with my dh. Wow! He was great! I didn't know he was so poplular.


Too bad our conference is so bity. :glare:


Enjoy HEAV. That conference is great.




Small conference or not, I bet he'd welcome an invitation to speak in Hawaii. Doesn't hurt to ask:).

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Kathleen, I'm a VA native, and this is the first year I've been able to go to HEAV. Now all this talk about bone-crushing crowds has me breathing into a paper bag. :001_huh:


I'm, er, NOT a people person. ;)


I had planned on taking the kids and putting them in the kids' program, taking the DH, taking the mom-in-law--I'm wondering now if I should ditch them all and just go by myself to get around as much as possible??

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I had the opportunity to hear him speak last year at the conference in Kansas City, MO. It was well worth the crowded room and audio troubles to hear him. I've also purchased his book, the CD's of his workshops, and have enjoyed discussing his ideas with others.


Personally, he gave me and DH the confirmation that we needed that we were indeed a) not crazy for taking the family approach as much as we do and b) that what we read from scripture was confirmed and teachable to our children.


I'd drive a long way to hear him preach.

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Kathleen, I'm a VA native, and this is the first year I've been able to go to HEAV. Now all this talk about bone-crushing crowds has me breathing into a paper bag. :001_huh:


I'm, er, NOT a people person. ;)


I had planned on taking the kids and putting them in the kids' program, taking the DH, taking the mom-in-law--I'm wondering now if I should ditch them all and just go by myself to get around as much as possible??


Well, I don't recall any bone-crushing crowds the last two years, but it does get cozy now and again.;) I took ds12 and dd10 both times and they did fine - they are really looking forward to going again - it's a highlight of their year. I would have been delighted to have had my dh there but he had to work. It is much better having your husband there, imo, because if you learn anything you really are excited about you can easily discuss it. I'd think it would be much harder trying to translate your enthusiasm once you got home. Same goes for your mil. If you can manage a bit of a crowd, lots of walking and a long two days, I'd say take everyone and milk it for all its worth. It depends on the ages of your children, too. If they are very young, it may be a bit much, but I've seen folks there of all ages and they seemed to have been enjoying themselves.


Oh, and the security for the children's program is quite tight. They are extremely careful on that front.

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Kathleen, I'm a VA native, and this is the first year I've been able to go to HEAV. Now all this talk about bone-crushing crowds has me breathing into a paper bag. :001_huh:


I'm, er, NOT a people person. ;)


I had planned on taking the kids and putting them in the kids' program, taking the DH, taking the mom-in-law--I'm wondering now if I should ditch them all and just go by myself to get around as much as possible??


I don't like crowds, either. That's why last year I only went to the exhibit hall on Thurs. I would like to hear him speak, though.

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A friend sent this link to Voddie Baucham's blog. This one has a youtube video of Dr. Baucham preaching about education. I thought it was very powerful and am looking forward to hearing him speak at the HEAV convention in Richmond June 12/13 - he is the Keynote Speaker.:)






This will be our third HEAV conference. We now plan our vacations around the conference. My friends laugh at me that we go to Williamsburg every year, but who can beat a great conference and Williamsburg as well!

We are sooo excited:willy_nilly: :D

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Kathleen, I'm a VA native, and this is the first year I've been able to go to HEAV. Now all this talk about bone-crushing crowds has me breathing into a paper bag. :001_huh:


I'm, er, NOT a people person. ;)


I had planned on taking the kids and putting them in the kids' program, taking the DH, taking the mom-in-law--I'm wondering now if I should ditch them all and just go by myself to get around as much as possible??


From everything I am hearing, it won't be like that this year. Convention crowds and vendors are down, so I think this would actually be a nice year to go to HEAV.


Although, Voddie is a big draw - he's amazing!

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