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Gross Question....

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When I go to the restroom, the urine smells sickeningly sweet. Like it gags it's sooooooo sweet smelling.


I tried to google it but I got some illness in babies and possible diabetes. However, I'm obviously not an infant. Also, my sugar is regularly checked; it was 87 in March.


I drink A LOT of water. I just can't seem to flush out this awful smell.


Anyone have any ideas?

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When I go to the restroom, the urine smells sickeningly sweet. Like it gags it's sooooooo sweet smelling.


I tried to google it but I got some illness in babies and possible diabetes. However, I'm obviously not an infant. Also, my sugar is regularly checked; it was 87 in March.


I drink A LOT of water. I just can't seem to flush out this awful smell.


Anyone have any ideas?

I would have my blood sugar tested again.

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First thought I had was ketones in your urine. Diabetes or weight loss can cause this. Also other kidney ailments. Also other things can too.


Diabetes is my first concern...I would have a A1c drawn to check your average levels. They could wax and wain.

Edited by HeatherLynn
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Diabetes vote here too. You can buy a pack of keto sticks at the pharmacy and test your urine when you smell it is sweet and then when you don't notice it, to get a comparison. I also would want an A1C test.


I would also wonder if it could be something you are eating? There are foods that can affect the urine's color (beets for example) and odor (asparagus can stink) so you may find a link if you do a food journal.



I would call and ask the doctor for a urine test. If it doesn't happen every day, you can ask that an order be called into the lab and left active, then you can go on a day that you notice it.

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Doesn't the body dump ketones when on a high-protein diet, too? That might be another possibility.


I did the Curves diet once. It includes a "higher protein" and "higher carb" version of the diet. I started on the higher protein version, and within two days I had a sickenly sweet taste in my mouth. It was awful. Dh smelled my breath and it smelled really sweet, too. He immediately said "ketosis". It took several days after switching to the higher carb version for the sweet taste/smell to go away. Not sure if that's at all related to the urine thing, but thought I'd share just in case. :)

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When I go to the restroom, the urine smells sickeningly sweet. Like it gags it's sooooooo sweet smelling.


I tried to google it but I got some illness in babies and possible diabetes. However, I'm obviously not an infant. Also, my sugar is regularly checked; it was 87 in March.


I drink A LOT of water. I just can't seem to flush out this awful smell.


Anyone have any ideas?


I would still have my sugar checked again. I would also go fo rthat test where that make you drink a sugar drink and test you after a certain amount of time. My dad had his sugar tested and always came up fine, until he had this more in depth test, and bingo diabetes. Better safe than sorry, you can function with diabetes and not know you have it, but it can also be dangerous.

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Doesn't the body dump ketones when on a high-protein diet, too? That might be another possibility.


I did the Curves diet once. It includes a "higher protein" and "higher carb" version of the diet. I started on the higher protein version, and within two days I had a sickenly sweet taste in my mouth. It was awful. Dh smelled my breath and it smelled really sweet, too. He immediately said "ketosis". It took several days after switching to the higher carb version for the sweet taste/smell to go away. Not sure if that's at all related to the urine thing, but thought I'd share just in case. :)



Diets that are extremely high in protein intake, like the Atkins diet, artificially cause ketosis. People use ketosticks to monitor, and maintain high ketones.

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Thanks y'all. I kinda figured the a1c test would be fine since I've never been over 110 with sugar and it's usually at 100. They watch it since it is borderline though.


My diet wouldn't be considered high protein I don't think. I mean, I do focus to get enough protein to be in my goal on sparkpeople, and I'm losing weight, but I'm having plenty of carbs and such also.


Here are the numbers for the last week:


Calories: between 1200 and 1500 (goal is "over 1300")

Protein: between 75-105 (goal is at least 60)

Carbs: between 158 and 205


I do know I lost a little over 4 pounds last week so maybe weight loss related? I don't know.


It started a few days ago. I thought about asking y'all then, but it's such a gross question, ya know?

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Are your carbs lower that what they were pre diet? I live a low carb lifestyle and I remember the goal was to get into keotosis when we first started losing the weight. As you are considered borderline with blood sugars normally though, I would definitely look into another blood draw to be safe.

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no asparagus lately....and no indian food. I do take supplements but they are for things I really struggle getting. For example, I take Vit D daily (and am back on the big one weekly) because my levels are so low. I never get enough potassium or calcium or iron in my diet so take those. I take B-6. I take synthroid. None of these are new though.


It seems to have lessened today so maybe it was something else I ate and just didn't figure out. I hope it goes away!

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