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Best cursive for a lefty?

pooh bear

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Which is the best cursive handwriting curriculum would you say is best for a lefty, who is a boy?


I was thinking about Handwriting Without Tears, but before I press the order button, I thought I would ask here what people think of it.


My ds handwriting is OK, well, it's readable anyway.


I'm thinking at first making handwriting a 5 min a day subject, to start with, and build up from there.


If not Handwriting Without Tears, what would you recommend?

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More important than what you use is that you teach your dc to turn his paper to line up with his forearm, the way a rightie turns it to line up with *his* forearm.

:iagree: Make sure he holds his pencil and paper exactly the opposite of a righty. I had my dd sit opposite of me so that she could benefit from a mirror image.

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buy handwriting without tears!


I love handwriting without tears, esp for lefties! it took my lefty from barely even looking like the english language to fairly readable. and my kids who didn't have issues and were right handed have very nice righting, imho.

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I began using CF last September with my ds (4.5yo) and am very happy with the results. Your welcome to check out our blog to see some of his work for yourself.


CF was an easy and inexpensive way to teach my ds cursive first as well relearn it myself... we are both lefties.


HTH :001_smile:

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As a lefty myself, I really like HWT. My oldest is a righty and does great with the program; my youngest is a lefty and his writing is a little - well, bad. But I know it will click and he'll writing as neatly as my oldest in a few years.


From the teaching perspective, I find it easy to do and my kids really enjoy the program. We used a different program at first with my oldest and it was terrible and caused many tears. So the title was what first caught my eye with this program! It really is hard to beat.



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My dd doesn't have the typical hooked wrist that I see with so many lefties. We've only used HWT's, but I think anything would have worked with her. When I noticed she was left handed I expected an uphill battle, but she's been easy to teach and has nice handwriting.


Good luck!

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