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We are moving to Pittsburgh maybe to my dream house (a rental)!

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The best part is this, if it works out:


I have wanted to live in this little city north of Pittsburgh ever since DH started talking about moving there.


I called a real estate broker last week. There are no rental houses at all there.


The next day, the broker called me. A man has a house for sale on 15 acres of land, with an 8-stall barn. He would consider renting it.


DH talked to the man twice. On Saturday morning, we will go see the house. The rent is in our price range! It is a gorgeous house, much better than I ever thought we'd be able to get. And it is my #1 favorite style of house: an expanded Cape Cod.


I pray that if it is the right house for us, we get it. The man is so nice that he has found, on his own, 3 office spaces for DH that will hold our 43,000 books -- and the space is well within our budget!


I am very excited and I have to calm myself down so I'm not too disappointed if it doesn't work out.


We are looking at 6 other houses in the Pittsburgh area, too. They are all 4-6 bedrooms, 1400 -2400 s.f. How one fits 6 bedrooms into 1400 s.f. is beyond me, but we are getting desperate. These houses are all pretty ugly, too, and all but one looks like the ones in my neighborhood (depressingly ugly). All 7 of the houses are within the same rent range -- the cheapest one is only $200 less than the dream house and is 1380 s.f., 6 bedrooms!


The house in the little city has a gorgeous, huge kitchen. I can have chickens! It has 2 working fireplaces! I don't know how useful the barn would be right off the bat, but I'm sure you all could give me some ideas.


Gee whiz, I'm dancing on air here. The owner says he wants to rent it to us for the 4 years we'd need until the kids get out of school, unless we decided to buy it from in the meantime (us buying it would take a True Miracle).


Plus, the owner is a real guy. I checked him out thoroughly -- he is a stable businessman, not some kook or scam artist.



Edited by RoughCollie
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Sounds great! I hope it works out for you.


We love having a barn, even though we don't have any animals in it! The kids have made a craft room in one of the stalls and play in the loft all the time.


I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

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I guess we will know whether this happens, on Friday or Saturday. Our appointment is for Saturday morning, but DH is going to try to change it to Friday.


Wouldn't it be something if everything fell smoothly into place?


That would be God's hand at work because nothing else can explain it.


It would also be the first really good thing to happen to us in the last few years of one bad thing after another happening. I mean, when DH calls me from work, my heart sinks because I expect bad news now.


That's why I don't want to get over-excited. It's not working, though. I have to keep in mind that God's will is at work here, not my own.



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It would also be the first really good thing to happen to us in the last few years of one bad thing after another happening. I mean, when DH calls me from work, my heart sinks because I expect bad news now.



I know what you mean.

I am afraid to be happy about anything for fear that I will lose it.

Here's hoping for a change in tide!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are going to sign leases on a house and office space in Mt. Lebanon, which is 7 miles south of Pittsburgh (I think).


I'm not thrilled about the house, but the location is great. The town is busy and has lots of places to go, we are within walking distance of virtually everything, there are sidewalks all the way, and the library is 1.5 blocks away.


We are on our way home, finally, two days later than we expected to leave here. I cannot wait to get home because this has been an extremely stressful week. None of us want to move, but we have no choice.


Every house we looked at had major flaws. I had a strong feeling we would end up with the house we will rent, especially when we found office space in the same town. It was definitely a sign from God that we were making the right choice. Every office we checked out rented for $4,500 to $7,000 a month.


Today, we were driving down major roads in the area and as soon as we entered the town, we saw a "for rent" sign on a building, called, and found the perfect space. Even though the space is on the second floor, the parking lot and side entrance are uphill, so our 190 bookcases and 43,000 books can be moved in as though the office were on the first floor. This one rents for $1750, which includes utilities. It is half what we have been paying for the same amount of space here in Mass.


We were honest with the landlords at the house and office about our financial problems, and they were both fine with it!


The best part is that now my DH won't have to have an office that he found, which although it cost $400 a month less, was in a high crime area and was a 3-story building in which the books would have had to be on the 3rd floor.


I was really worried that DH would fall on the stairs or get mugged, so I put my foot down about that place.


So far, everything is working out. Now we have to figure out the logistics of moving (packing, paying for it). Also, we have to figure out where DH will live during June because he has to be out of his office here on May 22, but our house lease doesn't begin until July 1. This should be interesting.


I will be glad when July 2nd arrives. Meanwhile, I'm just glad that we are on the way home.


To those who have been praying for us, thank you very, very much. God's hand is quite evident in this -- if I told the whole story of what we have been going through for the past week, you would be bored to death, but it has been quite distressing until it all came together today.



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What type of office/business do you all have?


I am so glad things are coming together for you! God has a way of taking you places you never thought you'd go...and for reasons you could never imagine. To this day, I have no idea how or why dh and I ended up in tiny little Ringgold for 3 MISERABLE years, but apparently we learned what we needed to learn, because He finally brought us back here where we wanted to be and opened more doors than we could have ever dreamed. :) Hang in there. He has a plan...

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