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Nephew just returned from Mexico is sick - please pray

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He got home at 3:00 am, felt fine, slept lots and was good today. Now he's hot and throwing up. I just told my sister to call the hospital.


Good thoughts and prayers appreciated.


I'm totally freaked out.



Oh poor thing. Does he have that swine flu?? I heard that they are able to treat it with medications so that is good news. I will certainly pray for him. :)

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I'm not in any danger. I'm still across country. Just my sister's family is exposed so far. Hopefully it's just fatigue. She said in her email they were all going to bed and would just keep an eye on him, so I called to tell her that other students from New Zealand had gone home from Mexico on Saturday and a bunch of them had gotten sick, so she should call a doctor and make sure.


It's really late there. I'm not sure they appreciated the call. I just couldn't live with myself if they didn't know that and didn't call the doctor, though. Sigh. I never know what's the right thing to do.


It seems like if the sick people get help quick, though, it doesn't have to be bad.

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Definitely contact either a hospital or his physician first thing in the morning. From the reports that I have been reading there is a drug, Tamiflu or something like that and another one that starts with an R......both of these have been successful in treating the other people in the US. They were also reporting that they had 50 million doses available, but that some areas may need to order them because they don't keep on hand. And that the earlier people receive the drug the less severe the case.



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Do call, but I'd think he has a stomach bug or ate something bad. Throwing up isn't a symptom of the flu.


Actually, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea have been common symptoms of the American variant of the current swine flu.


Human flu viruses bind to receptors found mostly in the respiratory tract, causing mainly respiratory symptoms. Avian influenza viruses bind to those in the GI tract, and swine flu viruses can bind to both respiratory and GI receptors, causing both respiratory and GI symptoms.


GI symptoms of seasonal influenza do occur occasionally in kids, as well. But both swine flu and avian flu cause more GI symptoms than the usual flu.

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Do call, but I'd think he has a stomach bug or ate something bad. Throwing up isn't a symptom of the flu.



According to the CDC's website (http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/key_facts.htm):


What are the symptoms of swine flu in humans?

The symptoms of swine flu in people are expected to be similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza and include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. Some people with swine flu also have reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.





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Actually, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea have been common symptoms of the American variant of the current swine flu.


Human flu viruses bind to receptors found mostly in the respiratory tract, causing mainly respiratory symptoms. Avian influenza viruses bind to those in the GI tract, and swine flu viruses can bind to both respiratory and GI receptors, causing both respiratory and GI symptoms.


GI symptoms of seasonal influenza do occur occasionally in kids, as well. But both swine flu and avian flu cause more GI symptoms than the usual flu.


I learn something new everyday. Thanks for the info.

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So far, so good!


Looks like he just caught a regular "stomach flu" bug that's going around. He's already feeling a bit a better. He hasn't been tested but their doctor says he doesn't think it's swine flu.


Man, what a roller coaster ride for my sister's family!




Did you see the CBC news last night? There are 4 cases here in Nova Scotia now, from kids who just returned from Mexico.

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So far, so good!


Looks like he just caught a regular "stomach flu" bug that's going around. He's already feeling a bit a better. He hasn't been tested but their doctor says he doesn't think it's swine flu.


Man, what a roller coaster ride for my sister's family!


I'm glad he is doing better and that it wasn't anything more serious. Your sister and her family certain do deserve a hug:grouphug:

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