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Foods for moods....

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Help me. I am just out of sorts lately. Easily irritated by every little thing the children do. I can't filter. I think my hormones are wacky.


I think some nutritional input would help. I haven't cut out caffiene- I know, I know. Have mercy.


What foods do you supplement with in these situations? I prefer foods, not pill form, if possible.


I'm waiting for Nourishing Traditions to arrive in the mail. But today I'm desperate. ;)





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I second chocolate, but choose a Dr Pepper from Sonic instead of a Coke.


Okay, okay, that's not what you need, I know. I also second the protein suggestion. That helps regulate my blood sugar quite a bit. I like keeping hard boiled eggs in the fridge for just this sort of pick me up.


I find a brisk walk (or other work out) helps me tremendously. Fresh air, sunshine, and a release of tension.

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I went to the mini-mart and bought two dark chocolate bars, chips and salsa, brownie mix, and BBQ sauce. You would think I was pregnant or something---:glare:. I'm not, by the way.


This should hold me over until happy hour. :D


I will start keeping better care of my protein intake next week.


Thanks everyone.



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I went to the mini-mart and bought two dark chocolate bars, chips and salsa, brownie mix, and BBQ sauce. You would think I was pregnant or something---:glare:. I'm not, by the way.


This should hold me over until happy hour. :D


I will start keeping better care of my protein intake next week.


Thanks everyone.




During the time my mom was dying of cancer, I went to the grocery store here at home for some thing one of the boys needed for school...it wasn't until the check out gal asked me if I was having a bad day that I realized what I gathered. Startled by her question, I looked at what I'd placed on the counter...oreos, chocolate, Dr Pepper, more chocolate, and ice cream...and the small item my kid needed. Yes, @^%$^#, I was having a no-good, very bad day.


I hope you feel better fast!

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Your problem may be hormone-related. I suggest you read What Your Doctor Won't Tell You about Premenopause.


Pay attention to how you feel afterward if you choose to eat chocolate. While it may help for the time immediately after eating it, some people are bothered by severe irritability the next day. In those cases, it can be caused by the high copper content of chocolate. Avoiding high copper foods (chocolate, soy, carob, shellfish, and artificial colors) can help. Also, zinc supplementation may be needed.

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