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Why does everything "pop" when you get older??

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You're no spring chicken anymore, hon.



LOL I know! It stinks too because I still feel like I'm 17 in my mind. I think I can do whatever I want and my body says, "NOOO you can't!";) Not to mention I look in the mirror and ask, "who are you??" hehehe:tongue_smilie:

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Yeah - and who stuck those little brown age spots on my hands? I have Grandma hands!!!!! And don't get me started on DNS - Deficient Noun Syndrome ("Child, hand me that, that....thing I use to open the can. The screwdriver, no - spatula,....no - CAN OPENER!!")


I will be officially Older Than Dirt this June 27th.

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DNS - it makes me quite at home among the old folks at my mom's retirement center. They tell me that I shouldn't have these problems. But I tell them that it doesn't have anything to do with age, it was those ... thingamabobs, you know the thing they give you when you have a ... what's it called ... something that cries ... oh yeah, a baby. Anyway, it's the lobotomy you get with each child - when half your brain seems to disappear.

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ROFL You guys are too funny! hehehe Thanks for the laugh. I didn't realize that there was a name for what I've always called "mommy brains". Now I know... it is DNS. hehehe :)


Thanks 3littlekeets for the advice on the Glucosamine. I haven't taken it before. The pops don't really bother me, I was just more wondering why it happens when you get older. :) I'll probably try the glucosamine just to see what it does though. :) Thanks. :)

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We call it CRS around here (Can't Remember "Stuff")...anyway, Glucosamine is very helpful. Remember to drink lots of water to lubricate your joints, skin, etc. :001_smile:

I am wondering what exactly is "older than dirt?" I'm afraid that I may have missed an important milestone.

Edited by AnnetteB
typo and clarification
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Yeah - and who stuck those little brown age spots on my hands? I have Grandma hands!!!!! And don't get me started on DNS - Deficient Noun Syndrome ("Child, hand me that, that....thing I use to open the can. The screwdriver, no - spatula,....no - CAN OPENER!!")


I will be officially Older Than Dirt this June 27th.


I have this too! Sometimes I actually have the correct word in mind but when I open my mouth something else entirely pops out and sometimes totally random things just pop out. It would be amusing if it wasn't so scary.

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great, I'm not the only one with DNS. My daughter just told me last week that I need to start saying what I actually mean. Instead of pointing, saying that, that. I am actually wondering how am I going to HS this kids when I can't even remember the names of simple things like spoon and cup.:tongue_smilie:


I'm a future HMSCer, thank you for bringing it up. I feel better now.:D

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We call is CRS around here...anyway, Glucosamine is very helpful. Remember to drink lots of water to lubricate your joints, skin, etc. :001_smile:

I am wondering what exactly is "older than dirt?" I'm afraid that I may have missed an important milestone.



ROFL :lol::lol::lol: Oh man!! And what a milestone! hehehehehe


I drink probably close to a gallon of water a day. I'll give the Glucosamine a shot and see what it does. But does anybody actually know what physciologically causes the pops?? I'm just curious. It might be a good trivia thing to know for cocktail parties when I'm out hobnobbing in South Hampton. Yeah right! hehehe:tongue_smilie:

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I just read recently that regular (at least three times a week) sexual intercourse lubricates those joints.. Just something to know ;)


Um, hon.. can you.. lubricate my joints? :lol:



:lol::lol::lol: I'm sure that a man is the one who came up with that treatment. hehehe :)

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great' date=' I'm not the only one with DNS. My daughter just told me last week that I need to start saying what I actually mean. Instead of pointing, saying that, that. I am actually wondering how am I going to HS this kids when I can't even remember the names of simple things like spoon and cup.:tongue_smilie:


I'm a future HMSCer, thank you for bringing it up. I feel better now.:D[/quote']



LOOOOL :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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