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What do you collect?

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When I was younger I collected a lot of different things. Most were silly, like: brochures (mostly tourist ones), roach clips (decorative only), penpals from all over the world (not a silly one, actually), earrings, concert ticket stubs, posters, Detroit Tiger memorabilia, and baseball cards.


The collection I invested the most money into, however, centered around my biggest obsession: U2. I had an extremely large and valuable U2 collection, complete with some rarities. I had special edition records, the original official fan club mags, bootleg albums, every magazine cover, etc... However, when my husband and I were newlyweds and short of cash, you guessed it, I had to sell some of the stuff to make ends meet. Luckily, I still have quite a bit left, but I don't add to it much anymore (my money goes elsewhere with 4 kids).


Other current (less costly) collections that I have: old cameras (from rummage sales), books, sayings and favorite poems (that I write down in one of those blank books), and Russell Crowe movies via TiVo.

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I remembered something else. My parents used to have a condo in Destin, and whenever my sisters and I were there we'd have a competition to find the wildest earrings. I have some huge ones, all wooden and painted bright colors.... a fish, hot air balloon, parrot, that type of thing. My dds have made necklaces out of them.

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Dust doesn't count I know but what about pets. Since I made my siggy I have added a Japanese Chin for yet another dog in the house, that makes 7. Thank goodness all but one is under 4 pounds. Projects for me to do, I have a huge collection of those. Oh, how about DVD's I like to own them, same with books, I can NEVER return them on time so I always get a fine; so it ends up being cheaper for me to buy it. I have walls of both and I get rid of them when I can too. Not sure what this will say about me, lol, hope its good.

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Well, I didn't used to think I collected anything, but turns out...:)


I collect N.C. Outer Banks lighthouses and photographs and whatnot. (My great-grandfather was the last lighthouse keeper at the Ocracoke light.) Only Outer Banks, not lights from everywhere else.


I collected Homer Laughlin china. Specifically, "Theme."


I also collect Sandwich glass dishes, especially the luncheon plates that have cups that go with them.


And there are Boyds' Bears figures. I have several angels (all retired pieces now), Tomorrow's Child, the complete Noah's Ark, three nativity sets, the "Nicks," and some miscellaneous pieces.


Books. I don't have a huge collection of those, but I especially love to find classic children's books (The Little White Horse, Understood Betsy, and The Chestry Oak are three favorites), or books that were made into movies (Good Morning Miss Dove, The Snake Pit, The Miracle of the Bells, Tammy Out of Time, to name a few).


I have a horror of being overrun with tchtchkes, lol, so I try to be careful:D

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My wife would say that I collect languages. :rolleyes:


The only things I really collect are annual Christmas ornaments made in my mom's home town of Grove City, PA.


I LOVE languages. Love them. Studied linguistics in college. I still have most of my books and love to read grammars for different languages. I have tapes and books to teach myself Gaelic (dh didn't think I should teach the girls, something about needing a more practical language for them) and someday I will learn it.


I collect books. I adore old books. I have some of my dad's books from when he was a kid and I could lose myself in a good used book store for days. I have other stuff, too, like tons of cross stitch patterns, but books are my love. My dh thinks we might have too many, but really, that could never be true. I love homeschooling most for the excuse it gives me to indulge in my passion for children's books. :)


My most recent purchase that I LOVE is an old, old copy of Midnight Folk by John Masefield. It's got cool colored pictures, with tissue paper over each one, and I've actually had to separate some of the pages with a knife to read the story. I know that reduces the collectability but I have the books to read, even the old ones. I also got a an old copy of the Burgess Children's Book of Flowers - I just love the way old books smell.

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Well....if my dh had his way I would collect NOTHING. He hates "plunder" which in itself is a word I cannot stand as it comes right from the mouth of his ex..grrrr


I collect scrapbooking items (should be using them but can't find the time)

Another Book collector here

My dh buys a silver charm for dd and myself for places we or he travels to

I used to collect NKOTB stuff....sold it all

ds collects Calvin and Hobbes and Foxtrot items.

dh still owns and collects parts for his 1966 Ford Bronco...still running...

(And he thinks I should get rid of my items...I ask....how big is a Bronco, spare tires, doors (not attached) etc. compared to my scrapbook stuff) honestly, his is taking up more room than mine......



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Mostly running shoes and books. I don't collect anything that would be "collectible" but I do accumulate! Some races we do have posters or art-ish type things so I do get those. Last year dh and I ran the Country Music half marathon and the race poster was amazing. It is of the Nashville skyline and was done by a local artist. He signed if for us, we had it framed and it is sitting above our mantle. We entertain A LOT and it is always a focal point of conversation. I plan to accumulate a lot of those.

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I collect anything with cellos or penguins on it, postcards, and ABC books, and of course books in general. :)


Do you have the book "A is for Salad" by Mike Lester? I don't know if it is the type of ABC book you collect, but it's so fun, imo.



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Oh, and really anything that is orange. It is my favorite color and I will buy just about anything as long as it is orange. What does that say about me?! :rolleyes:


Glad to see another orange fiend, lol! I love orange too.


Since you collect fabric also, you would probably love the fabric for our kitchen curtains -- orange (a print from Ikea), if you like a fairly modern style. I've found that Ikea usually has orange as an option (fabrics, other accessories) -- it's not always so easy to find, I think.

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Willow Tree figurines


Carnival glass bowls


Family owned antiques (I have a cradle found in my Dh's grandmother's attic when she moved into her house in the 20's.)


Electric pole insulators


Other than that - ???? I really tried to pare down for our last move, and only kept things that I truly love.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I used to collect stamps, African Violets, and Daphne DuMaurier books. I gave away my stamp collections after I got married, my African violets after I had children, and my Daphne DuMaurier books got traded in for Landmark history books after I started homeschooling. Now I think of a collection as something that takes up space or gathers dust. I'm not really that much of a sentimentalist.


Amy's practice of getting a dish towel from each place she visits is something I can get into, so practical. I think I'm going to start doing that.

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