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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn  

  1. 1. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

    • Loved it
    • Liked it
    • Didn't particularly care for it

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I'm about 25% of the way through this book. So far it's OK, but I'm not LOVING it. I think I'm going to keep reading, but was wondering what the hive thinks...


Care to weigh in?


If you've used it with your kids (Sonlight 400 or another program), care to comment on what they thought about the book?





Enjoy your little people

Enjoy your journey

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I read this book in my 20's and loved it. I recently re-read it and enjoyed it very much, but it did not reach me in the same way it did when I read it in my 20's. I think a lot has to do with what is going on in your life and how applicable the book is to you at the time you read it.



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It was the first book I could remember that had some adult material in it. It unsettled me as a young high schooler. Not my fav by a long shot. But it was well-written, and I actually do remember bits of the plot and have an overall "picture" of the main character still--which means it made an impression. Perhaps that means it really was worth reading, I don't know.

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Oh, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is my favorite book of all time!!! I just love it. But, I have to say, I loved it from the very first pages. If you haven't enjoyed it so far, I don't think you're likely to. That's okay... lots of people love Johnny Tremain and I couldn't stand reading that book, so we all have our own preferences. :001_smile:

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