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Can we try another exercise thread???

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How have all of you regular (and not-so-regular) exercisers doing lately????


I've been running quite well lately. I was all upset as the weather got better and I was out for runs that my times seemed to be getting worse!! I used to be able to keep up a 9:30 pace for 5 miles. (That was fast for me!) Suddenly my Garmin said I was running an 11 minute pace. ugh.


I had a feeling something might be wrong with the Garmin. So, I started timing myself with a different watch. Yesterday I ran 3 miles in 26 minutes!! Today I ran 2 (short day) in 16 minutes! Now, to figure out what's wrong with the Garmin.


And, finally, the weight is starting to come off. S.L.O.W.L.Y. My waist measurement is down an inch too! I don't know what the difference is. I've made NO changes to eating or exercising. Weird.


So, how are the rest of you doing?

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Day 1: Start to exercise. Son comes in and says a fox had attacked my cat. Cat escaped, but I needed to come down and find where he had hidden and make sure he was O.K.


Day 2: The phone rang. Mom was sick. I jumped into the car...


Day 3: Mom in hospital. By the time I got home, I went to bed and did NOT exercise.


Day 4: Phone call at 7:00 a.m. Got lots of exercise that day--the cows were out.


Day 5-10: New meds. Gained 5 lbs in 5 days of water weight. Feel like a blown up balloon.




BUT...I'm eating better. There is still hope, right?


:001_smile: Jean

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Way to go!


I am still working out 3 times a week with a workout buddy. We do weights for 30 minutes and cardio for 30 minutes. I have no weight loss to report though. Whaaa!


Great job!! An hour a day is great! And, having a partner helps, I bet. Try not to worry about the weight loss (or lack thereof!). It'll happen. I found that when I was working out regularly and not losing weight, that I felt SO much better that it didn't matter. I have been stuck at the same weight for a year now.


Keep it up!!

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Day 1: Start to exercise. Son comes in and says a fox had attacked my cat. Cat escaped, but I needed to come down and find where he had hidden and make sure he was O.K.


Day 2: The phone rang. Mom was sick. I jumped into the car...


Day 3: Mom in hospital. By the time I got home, I went to bed and did NOT exercise.


Day 4: Phone call at 7:00 a.m. Got lots of exercise that day--the cows were out.


Day 5-10: New meds. Gained 5 lbs in 5 days of water weight. Feel like a blown up balloon.




BUT...I'm eating better. There is still hope, right?


:001_smile: Jean




I always figure on weeks like this that God knows my intent to exercise, so that will count for something - right?


And, yes! There is hope if you are eating better!!


You can do this.


I hope your mom is better.

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You know how they tell you to wait 4-6 weeks after the baby is born to start exercising?........Well, it's been 5 months!! With homeschooling and the little one, cleaning, cooking, etc...I'm blessed if I get in the shower!:D How do you fit the exercise into the day so I can fit into my pants again?!:bigear:

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I'm on week 3 of Couch 2 5K. I'm alternating days with Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred. The only problem with this plan is that I'm tired by the time I get to Judo, so my Judo technique is looking sloppier. Eventually it should help, but right now....not so much.

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How have all of you regular (and not-so-regular) exercisers doing lately????


I've been running quite well lately. I was all upset as the weather got better and I was out for runs that my times seemed to be getting worse!! I used to be able to keep up a 9:30 pace for 5 miles. (That was fast for me!) Suddenly my Garmin said I was running an 11 minute pace. ugh.


I had a feeling something might be wrong with the Garmin. So, I started timing myself with a different watch. Yesterday I ran 3 miles in 26 minutes!! Today I ran 2 (short day) in 16 minutes! Now, to figure out what's wrong with the Garmin.


And, finally, the weight is starting to come off. S.L.O.W.L.Y. My waist measurement is down an inch too! I don't know what the difference is. I've made NO changes to eating or exercising. Weird.


So, how are the rest of you doing?


Yes, what is wrong with the Garmin?? You paid enough for it that it should run for you! Great job running, btw!


I think the waist reduction is the dvd's you did while stuck inside! And then going back to running was a switch.

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I've been running or walking almost everyday, plus some Pilates in the morning and Yoga at night (I find it relaxing).


I hit a snag with my running. I was doing well, but when the weather warmed up I decided to run outside. I did my 10% increase (I was on week 6 of my plan), but increasing and switching surfaces didn't match up and I got bad shinsplints. I made it worse by thinking I could just run through them if I ran on my treadmill. I had to stop running for 2 weeks.


I'm back to running, but my dh wanted me to go backwards on my plan to make sure I didn't reinjure myself.


As the weather warms again I plan to walk outside and then slowly start running outside.

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Has been decent. I was getting upset with swim times again, but I think it must have been left over muscle fatigue. Last Friday it was only a minute or so off my best as opposed to a minute or 2 off my worst! Then they keep setting the pool up in long course instead of short course. You can say that I'm swimming the same distance but without that mental and actual 3 second break, it's a huge difference! But I can swim a 1/4 mile all in free now!


I haven't been on my bike yet. I have to do that Saturday! The tri is in a month!


Running has been good. Slower but good. I can take the dog again now that it is short. Anything over 5 and he limps 2 days later. I may need to get the chiropractor to pop my ankle. It's been feeling odd. Times are just ok. Today felt fast.


Pace: 10:01 (avg)

Speed: 5.99 (mi/hr) (avg)


I need to sign the kids up for a tri on May 31 - a kids' tri. DS will do the short course - 100 m swim, 2.5 mile bike, 1K run. The girls will do the long course - 300 m swim, 5 mile bike, 3K run. That means I also need to get them outside exercising and to the pool! DH will bike and run with ds. The girl do not want us with them - something about we encourage them to go faster too much. It's a pool swim.


I need to sign DH and I up for the Skirt Chaser 5K on May 23. The women start at 5pm, the men start at 5:03 pm. Could be fun! It's also our anniversary.

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I am still working out 3 times a week with a workout buddy. We do weights for 30 minutes and cardio for 30 minutes. I have no weight loss to report though. Whaaa!


Great job Ferdie! Getting those muscles toned will get them burning more calories!

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You know how they tell you to wait 4-6 weeks after the baby is born to start exercising?........Well, it's been 5 months!! With homeschooling and the little one, cleaning, cooking, etc...I'm blessed if I get in the shower!:D How do you fit the exercise into the day so I can fit into my pants again?!:bigear:


Do you have one who is old enough to watch the rest? Or can you put the baby in a stroller and the rest on bikes. Walking is great! As the weather gets warmer, all of you will benefit from time outside.

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Day 1: Start to exercise. Son comes in and says a fox had attacked my cat. Cat escaped, but I needed to come down and find where he had hidden and make sure he was O.K.


Day 2: The phone rang. Mom was sick. I jumped into the car...


Day 3: Mom in hospital. By the time I got home, I went to bed and did NOT exercise.


Day 4: Phone call at 7:00 a.m. Got lots of exercise that day--the cows were out.


Day 5-10: New meds. Gained 5 lbs in 5 days of water weight. Feel like a blown up balloon.




BUT...I'm eating better. There is still hope, right?


:001_smile: Jean


Yes Jean, there is still hope! You keep trying and it will happen!

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I'm on week 3 of Couch 2 5K. I'm alternating days with Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred. The only problem with this plan is that I'm tired by the time I get to Judo, so my Judo technique is looking sloppier. Eventually it should help, but right now....not so much.


Sorry the Judo is sloppy right now, but you are right. Your body will adjust and then everything will be easier!

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I've been running or walking almost everyday, plus some Pilates in the morning and Yoga at night (I find it relaxing).


I hit a snag with my running. I was doing well, but when the weather warmed up I decided to run outside. I did my 10% increase (I was on week 6 of my plan), but increasing and switching surfaces didn't match up and I got bad shinsplints. I made it worse by thinking I could just run through them if I ran on my treadmill. I had to stop running for 2 weeks.


I'm back to running, but my dh wanted me to go backwards on my plan to make sure I didn't reinjure myself.


As the weather warms again I plan to walk outside and then slowly start running outside.


Sorry about the shin splints. Thankfully once they are gone, they are gone. But it does take them a while to go sometimes! Going backwards on your plan is actually a good thing when injured.

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Do you have one who is old enough to watch the rest? Or can you put the baby in a stroller and the rest on bikes. Walking is great! As the weather gets warmer, all of you will benefit from time outside.


Oh, I can't wait to get outside again!! We had sunshine yesterday, and I told my little girl, "As soon as it warms up, Mommy is taking you for a walk!" :001_smile: It's still pretty cold and windy here in Michigan.


Blessings in all of your exercise endeavors, Everyone!!

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