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Would you leave the kids for a week to go on a trip with DH?

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I not only would but I have. When my kids we 5 and 7 they stayed with their grandparents so dh and I could go on a cruise for our 10th anniversary. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.


When my kids were 1 and 3 I left them with their grandparents to take dh to Officer Cannidate School, which was a 2-3 day car trip. There wasn't any need to take the kids to sit in a car that long, so we didn't. They had fun.


I'd say go for it!

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I wouldn't want to elevate my relationship with my children above that with my husband.




I don't think we can truly predict how our children would do without us, unless we have done exactly the same thing with them before. Even then, there are variables that can make or break a situation.



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No, I would not. I would miss them too much! Plus, dh and were older when we married and really old when we first had dc, so we did all that stuff when we were younger.


If we had a week to do something like this, I think we'd take the kids or do something with them.


But, no. I couldn't leave them for 6 days.



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Yes! Been there, done that! (My boys don't seem to be adversely affected...but then again, they are teenagers/pre-teens now...it's hard to tell!) I think it's healthy to have time alone with your husband. It sounds like your in-laws will keep them entertained and safe. You'll appreciate your kids more if you have time away from them!

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We ditched the kids for a week at a time twice last year. I tagged along on a business trip with DH the first time to the place I was born, but moved from at 6wks. The second trip was to Disney World. Yep you read that right, we ditched the kids with Grandma to go to Disney (we are such bad parents). If you are concerned with how the kids will do with the grandparents, maybe they could take them for a long weekend first where you will still be home if you are really needed.

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I could have handled it but my husband - not so much :glare:


Like so many have said, I would try a weekend first and see how it goes.


I hope that it works out well as it sounds like it will be a marvelous time for you and your husband!

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Forgive me if I"ve missed this in the flurry of replies, but do you know how dh feels about it? It occurred to me that my dh would love to go off on a trip with me, but he would be horrified if friends were involved, :D.


We've gone on vacation with friends and all of our kids and had a great time, but if we didn't have the kids, we'd ditch the friends as well. That's just us; seems like a bit of a waste of alone time, ya know?


I'd separate out all the issues and consider them one by one. What's the attraction, this actual trip or any trip without the kids? Will you have the chance to acclimate the 2 yr old (it's not clear how far the grandparents are)? How far from the kids will you be? How insane will you be if the g'rents call and say "you MUST come get this kid?" Do you KNOW dh wants THIS trip, or are you guessing?

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Issues for me in planning such a trip:


1. How old are Grandma and Grandpa? In our case, Grandma and Grandpa can handle the kids for 3 or 4 hours but any more than that and they are shell-shocked.


2. Do Grandma and Grandpa follow your rules for food, entertainment choices etc.? What might not be a big deal for an afternoon visit (too many cookies for example) can become a bigger deal if it is for a whole week.


3. Do Grandma and Grandpa remember stuff about basic developmental stages? I ask this because in my M-I-L's case, she really forgot. She would expect things of a small child that weren't appropriate.


4. How do your kids handle bedtime? My kids do great during the day with family but night-time they really prefer us. My kids are older and so even though they'd prefer us to be home, they'd do all right. But when they were 2 years old they wouldn't have had the capacity.

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Forgive me if I"ve missed this in the flurry of replies, but do you know how dh feels about it? It occurred to me that my dh would love to go off on a trip with me, but he would be horrified if friends were involved, :D.


It's not a surprise trip or anything, was actually HIS idea! I would love to go on a trip alone with just him, but in this case a good size group of friends who don't all live near each other are planning to meet up at the home of one couple in Maine and go camping, white water rafting, take a trip to the ocean, and just be a group of adults having a great time. We would be sleeping on our own though in a camper that belongs to the couple who lives there (some are taking tents, etc.) so would have private time to ourselves also. They have invited us to come along and now we are just trying to decide if we can or not.


He would actually be ok with going without me, but it would not be the same and I'm not so ok with him going without me. It's me that is having reservations about leaving the toddler. The other two kids I'm absolutely certain would be fine because they have stayed with these grandparents for a week at a time on more than one occasion and loved it every time.


The grandparents live about 75 minutes from our home. But Maine is a plane ride away from us, so not easy to get back (but of course possible in an emergency.)


The Grandparents are in their low 50's. They do well with following our rules about food (except for too many popsicles!)


I think that if we decide to do this, we will do a trial weekend next month and see how it goes.


I really appreciate all the replies...you have all given me so much input to help us make this decision. It's not a decision we will jump right into though.

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