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Thinking Of Starting A Commune, Wanna Join?

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How do you build a sand castle with mulched rubber? That's just weird. Don't forget all the hand-me-down clothes we could pass around that haven't been...gasp...tested.


I have tons of hand-me downs. I could clothe a small army. And I even think that most of it would be acceptable to the commune.

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Ahhh...those new laws don't apply to used clothes (I think there was a thread a month back or so on that). Not that it matters for this post...


If a family of respectful unbelievers that respect others and their property rights are allowed...sure sign me up. I can be the COS (Chief of Sarcasm).

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Is it too late to join???


I'll teach music classes to elementary age kids - great stuff, analyzing the classics. I'll run a great choir program.


Dh will run the organic gardening center, and he'll even coach a homeschool orchestra.


Dd16 can start a classical ballet school.


Can we come? Can we? Puh-leeze???

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:iagree: Exactly what I was thinking. :)


Yeah, maybe not so much. But one can dream can't they?


Actually, I would just settle for a "Galt's Gulch" - like in Atlas Shrugged where people went to the Gulch for a few months to get away from a crazy world and got to enjoy living, working and playing with other like minded people.


Commune year round in real life? No. But it would be nice to have a place to go to escape the crazy world for a few weeks or months.


We did that one year for 5 or 6 days when we went to Grand Cayman Island with friends. It was AWESOME.

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Can I sew cute, funky, imaginative,sweet, stylish, made-to-order clothes that don't have "Brat" plastered on the rear end?





Oh, please do! Since when did "Brat" become a compliment? I saw some "girly" themed stickers one day and some of them said "Brat!" Eew.

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Here is the web-site: http://www.homesteadheritage.com/index.html


We've visited there the day after Thanksgiving a few years ago. It is a Christian community. The people that live on the property live a very old fashioned lifestyle. They garden, farm, can, make their own soap, make their own clothes, and on and on. They home school, as well. This community, while they still use cell phone and electricity, like to do things the old way. They often farm with horses and built a large barn on the property without nail, only wooden pegs.


The web-site doesn't say anything about their community. I'm guessing they don't want people from all over descending upon them.


It's a fascinating place.

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