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Could I get a prayer list please?

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There are a lot of posters who are continually in my hearts and prayers (I am sure many of you know who you are), then others that I know have chronic pain or other health issues (or family members with such), some who are going through marital issues or other life stresses currently and so on. I am such a scatterbrain and my memory is not so good as it used to be and I just want to make sure that I am not forgetting anyone. So if you would like me to keep you in my prayers, would you please post and maybe include a short, brief description of your needs. Thanks so much.

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I would appreciate some prayer because I just found out yesterday that some of the problems I've been experiencing lately (headaches, vision/balance changes) are due to papilledema and increased intracranial pressure. I have to go in for a brain scan this morning and am trying not to freak out about the whole thing! (Added to this, we're about to lose our health insurance and DH's job.)

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I will be grateful if you'd pray for me: I'm 19 weeks pregnant and diagnosed with breast cancer. I begin chemo on Friday. Please pray specifically that the baby will be protected from any effects of chemo, the chemo will obliterate the cancer cells, and my side effects will be minimal. God has already proven himself so faithful to our family over the past year. I've no doubt he will bring us through this also. But the prayers of others literally carries me throughout the day.

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My inlaws could use some prayers. My fil is still hosptitalized after having a stroke in early Feb. It has been 1 step forward and 2 back w/ him, and mil has been driving back and forth to the hospital every day. Prayers for health and healing would be appreciated. Oh, their names are L and L.


Thank you for doing this!

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lung cancer. I will go in on June 10 to see if the medicine I've been on has shrunk the cancer or not. I also could use prayer for my digestive system to be healed. I have irritable bowel syndrome and it makes it hard for your body to use the nutrients, which my body needs in order to get well. I'm asking for healing from the cancer and the digestive issues. Thank you so much for praying for me and my family during this time!





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I will be grateful if you'd pray for me: I'm 19 weeks pregnant and diagnosed with breast cancer. I begin chemo on Friday. Please pray specifically that the baby will be protected from any effects of chemo, the chemo will obliterate the cancer cells, and my side effects will be minimal. God has already proven himself so faithful to our family over the past year. I've no doubt he will bring us through this also. But the prayers of others literally carries me throughout the day.




I am so incredibly sorry. I got a huge lump in my throat as soon as I finished reading your post. I cannot imagine what you must be going through. What an emotional roller coaster.


I wanted to share something to hopefully encourage you. My neighbor across the street had the exact same thing happen. She was diagnosed with breast cancer early in the pregnancy and went through chemo while pregnant. Now her little Bryan is 4 1/2. He is smart, healthy and smart as a whip! I will pray that you too have an amazing story to share when this is all said and done.


In the meantime many, many, many :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


and prayers coming your way. Please keep us posted on how you are doing.

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Thanks for this. I do want to pray for you all and it is so helpful to have posts in one location.


My prayer requests concern my two daughters. My older one had a seven month long nonstop headache that went away almost a year ago now with Lexapro but we never had a diagnosis. SHe has very loose ligaments that give her pains, her regular migraines cause pain, and she has very bad periods too. She also has mitral valve prolapse and anxiety issues. She is a non complaining very hardworking girl but I can see that all the pain issues are wearing her down.


My younger was diagnosed with osteoporosis in February after five breaks in three years and two of those being atraumatic. She also had very low bone density. Just a week or so ago, her bone doctor called me on my cell phone (and I just figured out how to get my message) and told me that he has reviewed her whole body scan and she has some additional?? fractures and I need to call so we can discuss more treatment options. She is already on extra vitamin F and calcium. She is 12 1/2 and not growing as well as her siblings were.

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