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Does the Hive know something my doctor doesn't?

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I've been sick with a viral respiratory thing for over 3 weeks now. It started with one of my kids and went through the whole family, but has stuck with me. We all started with cough, then low grade fever/really tired. The kids were better in about 3 days. Dh and I had the fever last for 4 days intead of about 1/2 day like the kids. Our coughing also lasted longer.


Dh is now better, but I've gone through a new cycle of sore throat/hoarseness, nasal congestion, and have kept the cough. I did eventually go to the doctor when the symptoms got worse after the triage nurse at the insurance co. said I needed to be checked for pneumonia. (I like using the triage nurse at the insurance co because they are biased toward not sending you in to the doctor unless absolutely necessary and I like that! However, when she says I should go, I then feel like I really should.) Doctor says lungs are clear. It's just viral. Rest, drink plenty of fluids.


I am resting as best I can. (I do work part-time in addition to hsing 4 kids. I've been doing the minimum possible to get by). I am drinking plenty of fluids. I gargle with warm salt water/peroxide for the throat and it helps temporarily. I drink tea with lots of honey and lemon and it helps temporarily. I've increased my use of garlic in foods. I've tried to consume tumeric (an anti-inflammatory) more often than usual. (On the other hand, I've also eaten more ice cream than usual because it soothes the throat. Other aspects of my diet has changed to more carbs, less vege's and protein partly because I'm tired & healthy takes longer to prepare, partly because of the throat and salads and stuff don't feel good, partly cause carbs are more comfort food). Could that be affecting my ability to kick this? I don't feel up to making homemade soup and the store-brands have so much sodium. I have to watch my bp. Any suggestions for easy-on-the-throat veges/protein?


Now, the nasal congestion is pretty much gone, I still have a bit of chest congestion, but I have a wicked sore throat. I am sick of being sick. Any other things I can do to help my immune system kick this?

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Cut the dairy. Milk products cause mucus, so that might be contributing to your chest congestion. If you want something cold and soothing, puree some frozen fruit and maybe add water, tea or juice to thin it a bit for drinking.


I suggest taking some goldenseal root; it's great for mucus membranes. I find it kicks the butt of chest congestion. In fact, I had bronchitis that, even after a round of antibiotics, still hung on. Three days of taking goldenseal and echinacea, it was GONE.

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I had this over and over a year ago -- at least five times in a year, if you can believe that. I was under a lot of stress at that time. This year I'm not under stress at all, and I haven't gotten sick.


One of the times I was sick, I kept getting worse and worse, day after day. It was during the summer, too, and no one else was sick. I finally (after three weeks or longer) went to the doctor, and he prescribed antibiotics. He said the cold itself was viral, but it was possible that I was developing some sort of bacterial infection as well. After a couple of days on the antibiotics, I was just about well.


The last time I went through a bout of this, the nurse told me to use a salt-water nasal rinse (she gave me a kit). She said that would clean the "gunk" out. It worked very well.

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Cut the dairy. Milk products cause mucus, so that might be contributing to your chest congestion. If you want something cold and soothing, puree some frozen fruit and maybe add water, tea or juice to thin it a bit for drinking.


I suggest taking some goldenseal root; it's great for mucus membranes. I find it kicks the butt of chest congestion. In fact, I had bronchitis that, even after a round of antibiotics, still hung on. Three days of taking goldenseal and echinacea, it was GONE.



I keep hearing conflicting things about dairy. What about yogurt?


Is there a brand of goldenseal you trust? I'm often hesitant with herbal preps because there's no oversight.

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Sorry you had it that long. I was congested when dr. listened. She didn't hear pneumonia or bronchitis. It think that's when a doctor says "clear." Not "clear" as in English meaning "no gunk in there!" Another medical euphemism. My other favorite is "discomfort." When a doctor says "You may feel some discomfort", it usually translates, "This is really going to hurt." :)

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On the ACV recommendation, here's a link that should help:





I was just in conversation the other night about using ACV as both preventive and cure, and they swear by a tsp./day.


On dairy, there are conflicting reports for sure, but those that recommend against it note that dairy is mucous producing (not to mention the fact that we're not baby cows!) and is, therefore, not the best thing to consume if you're fighting congestion. For some, the health benefits of raw milk seem to outweigh the potential negatives, but I guess that's a whole "nother" topic. ;)


If I were you, I'd do much of what you're already doing:


Loads of warm liquids, particularly a "broth" I like to make when I'm sick:


2 cups water or homemade chicken stock

1/2" fresh ginger, sliced thin

3 scallions, cut into chunks

1 clove garlic, sliced thin


Bring to a boil together, and simmer for about 10 minutes. Salt to taste. Drink (and eat - yes eat those goodies!)


Zinc lozenges

Steam tents with eucalyptus oil (towel over head, head over hot bowl of water+oil)

More sleep than usual

Super-good diet (leafy greens in particular)


Hope you feel better soon!!

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Apple cider--straight? How much?


Straight or mixed to your pleasure. We take about 1/2 a teaspoon straight and just swallow it, some people prefer to gargle with it...It is Strong going down and I prefer to try aiming it towards my throat vs. a full mouth full.


Take as often as needed.


Yogurt doesn't have the dairy effect milk does for most people.

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On the ACV recommendation, here's a link that should help:





I was just in conversation the other night about using ACV as both preventive and cure, and they swear by a tsp./day.


On dairy, there are conflicting reports for sure, but those that recommend against it note that dairy is mucous producing (not to mention the fact that we're not baby cows!) and is, therefore, not the best thing to consume if you're fighting congestion. For some, the health benefits of raw milk seem to outweigh the potential negatives, but I guess that's a whole "nother" topic. ;)


If I were you, I'd do much of what you're already doing:


Loads of warm liquids, particularly a "broth" I like to make when I'm sick:


2 cups water or homemade chicken stock

1/2" fresh ginger, sliced thin

3 scallions, cut into chunks

1 clove garlic, sliced thin


Bring to a boil together, and simmer for about 10 minutes. Salt to taste. Drink (and eat - yes eat those goodies!)


Zinc lozenges

Steam tents with eucalyptus oil (towel over head, head over hot bowl of water+oil)

More sleep than usual

Super-good diet (leafy greens in particular)


Hope you feel better soon!!


Thanks very much!

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Have you been tested for strep? If your nasal congestion is gone, a bacterial infection could be causing your sore throat. I had strep this winter and it got so bad I could hardly eat. Also, with strep, your throat will continue to get worse not better. Just a thought....


In general I always thought if something lasts more than 3 weeks, you probably need an antibiotic..at least that's how my pediatrician has always handled things.

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Andrographis and echinacea, high doses. Very high doses. When I am really sick, or someone close to me, I get the naturopathic strength and I take triple the dose.

The other remedy is rest. Dont try and keep pushing through.

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I've had a bad cough for up to 3 months after a bad cold like that and antibiotics did absolutely nothing. As for the sore throat--does it pretty much go away and then come raging back? Over and over? I had something like this a few years ago and the doctor had some name for it. It was essentially an inflammatory response he told me. He said to take a lot of Advil, like 3-4 at a time to deal with the inflammation. I did and it worked after a week or so. It had gone on for something like 6 weeks before I saw the doctor.


Also, I really believe that zinc helps with preventing illness, but I don't know if it does anything to help you get better once you're sick. You could try that though, too.


I'm sorry you're not feeling well.

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