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Would love to hear what you are doing for 3rd grade


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Writing: Classical Writing Aesop A


Latin: Prima Latina


Science: Nature Study


math: Abeka


cursive: New American Cursive (from Memoria Press)


Memoria Press Introduction to Classical Studies Guide using:

(Bible)The Golden Bible, (History)Famous Men of Rome and (literature)Greek Myths



Little Annie's Art Book of Etiquette & Good Manners

Creativity Express (Computer Art Program)

The Great Composers

Music Ace



lots of literature

and *something* for American History.


I'm not doing all of this every day. Below is pretty much how I will schedule everything through the week though I am sure some things will not take as long as I have it scheduled for:



30 minutes:

M-Th: The Golden Bible

F: other devotional books I have.


45 minutes:

M: Nature Study

T: Greek/Norse Myths

W:Famous Men of Rome

Th:Nesbit's Shakespeare (plus Shakespeare paperdolls and coloring book)

F: SOTW 3 (still unsure about this since she has already read it, I would rather have something for American history)


30 minutes:

M-Th CW Aesop A

Friday: SOTW 3 Written Narration


30 minutes:

M-Th Prima Latina

F: SOTW 3 timeline & mapwork


30 min.

M-F Math


30 minutes:

M: Little Annie's Art Book of Etiquette & Good Manners

T:Creativity Express (Computer Art Program)

W: The Great Composers

Th: Music Ace


30 min.

7 days a week: free reading (library books that complement our other studies: nature, history, composers, artist, history & shakespeare as well as classic children's literature.)


10 minutes:

M-F: New American Cursive Book I


10 minutes:

M-F: reading poetry

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We are finishing up 3rd grade right now:


History - SOTW ancients with activity guide


Science - Singapore i-science, but I would recommend more of a living books approach (and you can use janice van cleave type books for experiments)


Spelling - this comes easily, so she just has a list of words that she copies once a day


Grammar - not much formal grammar in 3rd for us; a friend lent us GWG 3 so she just read over it


Writing - I was total fail at copywork and dictation this year; she did write a lot of timeline pages for history and in her journal


Latin - Latina Christianae II (she's been tagging along with big sis but they will need separate programs next year; LC II was hard for her)


Memory work - the kids used to pick their own poems to memorize; this year I pick them and we all work on the same ones, much easier! poetry is the bulk of our memory work


Math - - Singapore level 3


art, music, and etc are mostly a mix of things, not one curriculum

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We're using:

My Father's World--Adventures as the base. Then, I'm adding in Rod & Staff math (possibly with Singapore). MFW uses Usbourne books for the science portion. I'm still up in the air about the Language Arts part. I do have Primary Language Lessons AND FLL3 (just the TM), BUT I'm looking at the Queen's Language Arts too. For cursive, we're using Reason for Writing. First we'll use the Transitions book, then the next one. So, all that, with LOTS and LOTS of reading quality books added in. Oh, for music, he is involved in musicals for the Children's Theatre, but I will probably borrow books about different composers from the Library and also borrow some classical music. For art, I'm doing The Lamb's Book of Art. Oh, spelling! We're using Spelling Power, lol.


OK, I think that's all folks!

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Here is his RAW (reading, arithmetic, writing) report:


Reading: Story of the World Volume 1 with activities guide and tests.

American Tall Tales

Lyrical Science and Exploring Creation with Botany

Arithmetic: Singapore 2A/B and Challenging Word Problems 1

Writing: Writing Tales 1


Latin: Prima Latina

Logic: Building Thinking Skills level 1 and Mindbenders A1 and A2


For Bible, he is in TNT's book 1 for AWANA

For Music, he is learning the violin and piano. He is learning about the composer, Franz Liszt.

We are reading as read alouds, Famous Men from Greece and The Four Story Mistake.


Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





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For my 3rd grader next year:


Bible: Betty Lukens Bible Stories/Felts


Math: RightStart (finish C, start D)


LA: Italic Handwriting, Progeny Press Lit. guides (3 or 4)

finish FLL, begin Classical Writing


History: Biblioplan Year 2


FIAR: for science, art, and to round out math and LA


Foreign Languages: French and local language through immersion method





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Heart of Dakota-- Bigger Hearts (core- History, Science, Geography, Arts & Crafts, Poetry, Copywork, Spelling/Dictation, Bible,etc.)


Singapore Math


R&S English 3


Drawn Into the Heart of Reading (also Heart of Dakota, and excellent Lit. program and a Cathy Duffy top pick!)


Talk Now! Foreign Language CD-ROM


English From the Roots Up


Cursive using New American Cursive StartWrite program


Go Fish For Art for Art Study


Themes to Remember for Music Study



This has been awesome! It's laid out, fun, easy, Christ-centered, rigorous but holds their attention with awesome retention!, and we're always done by lunch...my kids are all academically ahead using this wonderful core! You just have to check it out!

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Math: Rod and Staff 4

History: SOTW Ancients/Biblioplan

English: Rod and Staff 3/LLATL Yellow

Spelling: Simply Spelling

Science: Letting the kids choose topics

Reading: Lots of family reading

Art: Meet the Masters free online program/The artkids free online lessons

Foreign Language: Spanish


Will it all get done? Probably not but I like to plan big.

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Here's ours:


Math: Abeka Arithmetic 3

Grammar: R&S English 3

Spelling; Abeka Spelling 3

Writing: Combo of WWE3 and Writing Tales 1

Reading: Combo of books from History list and other book lists

Latin: Latina Christiana I

History: Using Christine Miller books as spine plus a load of additional reading and activities

Science: Christian Kids Explore Chemistry

Bible: Continue Proverbs study

Piano: Continue lessons


It's great seeing what everyone else is using as well. :lol:

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Started third grade 7 weeks ago. sticking to the plan as I layed it out at the beginning of the "year". In order of appearance:


Latin - Latin for children A

History - History Odyssey, early modern

Math - Saxon 3

Science - NOEO Science chemistry (awesome awesome science program)

break time

Latin again - Review the video, do worksheets, flash cards, etc. Latin is complicated stuff and this extra practice time is crucial, I've found. Especially for me!

Spelling - Spelling Workout C

Grammar - First language Lessons 3 (I love this program! I never had any sort of decent grammar in school and this is all new to me too. I can't imagine jumping into it without the benefit of the solid start of the first two FLL books.)

Writing - Writing Strands 2 (Decided to do both 2 and 3 this year, since we didn't do "writing" last year, working at double speed)

Handwriting - Nothing specific, just a cursive practice workbook. We're a little late getting into cursive.

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Here's what my 3rd grader did this year:


Sonlight Core 5 (listened in and supplemented down for him)


Horizons Math 2 (2nd book)


Apologia Astronomy


Wordly Wise


All About Spelling Levels 1 & 2


Handwriting Without Tears cursive


Alot of reading - Sonlight suggestions, as well as lots of library books.


Writing Strands Level 3


Grammar Songs

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Singapore Math 2 pages a day

Right Start level C (one lesson a day)


Finish ETC 4, 5, 6


All About Spelling level 2


First Language Lessons level 2 (yep, know I am a year behind and am ok with it).


TOG Literature for readers.


Old SL LA 2 for dictation.


WWE 1 at a normal pace till she finishes her HWT cursive book, then at double pace and into WWE 2.


HWT cursive.


Egermier's Bible


TOG history/mapping


Apologia Botany for Science.




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