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Any Neti Pot users out there??

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The key is to keep breathing, through your mouth, while pouring the salt water through. If you do that, you won't get that half drowning feeling that I expected. It's amazing.


I find that just afterwards I feel very loose and watery for about 20 minutes, and then everything finishes drying out and I feel bonedry for quite a while. I can breathe through my nose--what a concept!

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I don't have a lot of sinus issues, so take this for what it's worth.


BUT I just had to try the neti pot because it just sounded so dang interesting! If you feel you need to use one, just go ahead and experiment with it. I know there are some nay sayers, and I even heard one really negative story here on the boards one time, but that is not how it goes with most people. I also know some folks who love it so much that they have invented large contraptions for nasal irrigation because they want WAY more fluid than a neti pot can hold. I'm talking, like, a small bucket full!


I would be more inclined to use it as a part of my daily cleansing rituals, but I just find it very unpleasant. Kind of like drowning while breathing. Still, if I ever had any nasal congestion, I would use it without worry.


Do you have any specific questions?



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You can't drown yourself. Open your mouth and breathe while the water is in your nose. You will have to play with the position of your head a bit to get the hang of it. Don't worrry everyone feels awkward at first and most folks don't achieve a complete pour through on the first try. If all you do is fill one nostral and then the other, that is still good. It can be a bit gross particularly when doing it during a sinus infection. Your nasal secretions will become copious and thin. This is a good thing however, just don't be low on Kleenex. :) Oh, and get an individual neti pot for each user. It's a like your toothbrush or razor, don't share the germs!

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baby-snot sucker-outer....:eek:


Sorry, I forget what they're really called. :o But, really, all you need to do is get out of the really flexible ones that you can squish all the way "in". Stick in your salt solution (I use 1/8 teaspoon and a cup of water), let it "out" and all the salt solution will go "in", ready to be used however you see fit.


I do wash mine with soap for about a minute after each use.




Also, unless I have an infection, I usually just stand at the bathroom sink, tilt my head to one side and "flush" the solution through the upper nostril. (Repeat, alternating sides until solution is gone or it seems to have "worked".)


When I have really bad congestion, I lie down on the bed on my back, hanging my head off the side, and fill my nose up (my dh did this for me until I got used to it!). It takes less than one snot-sucker-ful of water to do - LOL! Do cover your eyes with a towel, and remember to breathe through your mouth and *don't swallow*!!! Let it sit for as long as you can, then use the towel as your handkerchief. (To be honest, I hate dealing with the dirty towel, which is why I usually just flush at the sink.)




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if it hurts, is really gross to do, you know - just everything you can tell me.


My oldest dd really wants one as well. I'd just like as much info as I can get.



We have one. At first I was scared to use it but after I did use it, I found out it's not so scary after all. lol


I haven't really noticed a difference since using it but it may be that I have not used it long enough yet. I just started using it the first of this month.

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We use it all the time during allergy and cold season.


If you have ever been knocked over by a wave in the ocean, you know how after about 2-3 minutes you sneeze and every drop of congestion and snot just clears out of your head and you feel amazingly clean and attuned to scents? It feels like that but without the sand in places you didn't know you had and without a huge smack in the face from a wave. :)

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The netti pot worked awesomely for my ds. Whenever he starts to get sick it ends up in his sinuses so now as soon as he gets stuffy he uses his netti pot and it clears everything up. My dd is using it too because she has allergies. It feels a little strange at first but is not painful. We got ours at Walgreens for about $15.

Some netti pot humor: My son was using his the other day and was joking about taking it to college with him in the fall. He said I'm going to be so popular and cool. Just a second guys, I've got to go use my netti pot. LOL!

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I've just used the snot-sucker-upper (LOL that I actually knew what you meant!) for the past ten years as recommended by my ENT, but I'd like to try a neti. There are so many different brands! What do you have and like, and why? I think I saw a couple that were dishwasher safe, which would be nice.

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