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Activities for 16 yo?

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So, my 16 year old was trying to brainstorm activities in which he could meet other kids his age.


He does band and orchestra but says there's really no time for socializing.


He's not too keen on the idea of team sports.


So-so on getting a job - he wants to use his web-development skills to earn money rather than working for minimum wage.


He shot down all my ideas, but this conversation was started by him. Anyone else got a good idea?

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The SCA often have college students around, but that's a couple of years older than your son... It is a good place to hang out for intellectual or handicraft types. It's pretty hard to be too nerdy to fit in there, lol, which is why I do!


All I could think of right now, sorry.



Edited by Rosie_0801
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My dd16 is in the same boat, except she does have a part-time job. But she often runs the shop on her own during her shift so there isn't anyone to talk to besides customers. The latest story on her so called friends is a real sob story. These kids are nuts and Claire won't be seeing them anymore by mutual decision between me and her. She is down to 1 friend. At least I know that being in school won't help. She was lonely in school too. She doesn't drink, smoke, or fool around with boys. This makes her a nerd that no one wants to hang out with. :(

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I was going to suggest a youth group. My son will be 15 next week. He does play hockey most of the year, but I think he socializes most at youth group. I think our youth group is a little unique in that it is mostly boys. That just seems to be the make up of the group right now. So, they do a lot of "guy" things without concerning themselves with the ladies.


We encourage working also, but not as a means of socialization.



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Guest Katia
My dd16 is in the same boat, except she does have a part-time job. But she often runs the shop on her own during her shift so there isn't anyone to talk to besides customers. The latest story on her so called friends is a real sob story. These kids are nuts and Claire won't be seeing them anymore by mutual decision between me and her. She is down to 1 friend. At least I know that being in school won't help. She was lonely in school too. She doesn't drink, smoke, or fool around with boys. This makes her a nerd that no one wants to hang out with. :(


This would be my dd as well. She is 16yo, doesn't drink, smoke or even care to look at boys much less fool around with them.


Even though she has no close 'friends', she has found a niche for herself and is happy there.


First of all, she started volunteering at the public library simply because she loves books and they were needing some unpaid, extra help because of financial cutbacks. She absolutely LOVES working there. All of the other people working there are adults and she fits in with them nicely. She feels this is her 'group'.


After working there for a while, the Friends of the Library group asked her to be the student representative on their board! So.....there is another group that she enjoys being involved in.....but again, they are all adults. Do you see a pattern here?


Last of all, she has been singing in the community college choir since last year. She love, love, loves this! The 'kids' are older and simply accept her as one of them. Not much socializing, but it's fun.


However, out of the choir she found out about the cc musical theatre and auditioned for a part. She got two small parts, and because she is always at rehearsals she is doing a lot of little 'extra' things in the musical, and when she is not on-stage she is having a ball socializing with the other thespians backstage. This was totally unexpected.


Out of 'this' experience, she was invited to go out-of-town with a group from the cc to see the musical "Hairspray".


So, sometimes just finding one thing will lead to something else, but we have found that it works better to find older people for our kids to associate with. They just seem to do better.


Oh, and dd does belong to our church Youth Group (there are five dc including dd) but she still does not socialize well with them. She just doesn't seem to have the same interests (or vapid non-interests) as other teens.

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Our area started a teen group with weekly activities. Originally the mom's took turns planning an activity but eventually the teens took over. Activities they have done are frisbee golf, bowling, pool, ballroom dance, meeting at a local pizza joint, etc.


All it took to get it started was one mom suggesting a meeting of teens at a local park on our local support group list and it took off from there.

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So, my 16 year old was trying to brainstorm activities in which he could meet other kids his age.


He does band and orchestra but says there's really no time for socializing.


He's not too keen on the idea of team sports.


So-so on getting a job - he wants to use his web-development skills to earn money rather than working for minimum wage.


He shot down all my ideas, but this conversation was started by him. Anyone else got a good idea?


My teen is taking classes at the local community college & joined a few clubs (Christian club, photography club,etc) to find like minded peeps. She also started volunteering for a local non profit that works w/ kids & has made some friends there.


I get the skills vs minimum job thing but would he be interested in getting a minimum seasonal job for fun? The local malls higher teens to work the trains in the malls, or the local water parks hire for the 2 months of summer only. Disneyland hires seasonal also. Just a few ideas.

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