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At my kid's well visit today..

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The doctor asked my 7 year old son if he felt happy most of the time. And he said, "Probably not." She asked him what is something that makes him happy and he told her playing football(with Daddy or kid next door) and when she asked what makes him sad he said doing school.




I feel awful. He is such a social kid. He wants to be with boys playing all the time. We have 1 kid that lives next door who can only sometimes play with him do to homework and sports. Daddy works late a lot of days so it's only a couple times a week when they can play.


He likes when I come outside and play. I guess I need to more efficient at housework so I can.....

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My 5 year old would have said the same thing! He just hates doing school period. If I sent him to ps, he would hate doing school there too. He asks me all the time why he can't just play. I think it is the age. And with a child who has never been to ps, they have nothing to compare homeschooling to. My oldest ds went to ps for 4 years, he is grateful to be homeschooled now.

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I think most boys are built to run, jump, spit, get dirty, yell.....etc. etc. Traditional settings for school work better for children who are content to sit, inquire, be verbal, wait, etc. Andrew Pudewa (IEW, Writing for Structure and Style, etc.) has an excellent talk on teaching boys. I have two (ages 10 and 5) and one of the reasons I homeschool is to allow them to be little boys for a little longer. They enjoy going outside first thing in the morning and messing around in the yard after breakfast before we start school. I also try to do a lot of role playing especially for history and literature. Hats are great for transforming sons into whoever they want to be for a little while. I know it's hard when the other kids in the neighborhood are away in school, but if they can develop their imaginations, they have built in friends/scenarios/etc.


I'm not into playing sports with my guys, but we do spend the day in some sort of role-play often. You might try playing around with whatever you're reading.


Another thing I do that they love is let them tinker. Lately I picked up a printer, vcr, keyboard, mouse, and cpu from our trash collection site (we live in a rural area) and gave them tools to take them apart. Our "goal" is to salvage parts and create a Time Machine (from a large box painted gray and cut out doors). They will duct tape the parts/pieces and we'll be able to travel to whatever time we like!! Old small appliances can be salvaged at thrift stores (get the ones they reject that don't work).


Field trips with "interviews" are good, too. We try to think up interview questions before we go.


OK, gotta go. Enjoy your son and see if you can just squeeze in school here and there!


Nancy in NC

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My 6 year old is also the same way. He wants nothing to do with school work. He always says he's bored. Even when we go out and do things ALL day. We can literally leave the house at 9 am and not get home till 4 or 5, and he will ask me what we are going to do next. :001_huh: I was the same way as a kid, and I went to school, and did quite a bit of after school activities. Now, I am the total opposite. It takes alot of motivation just to get out the door some mornings. :o

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Guest Katia

My ds was in public school when he was 7yo. While visiting with a store Santa Claus ds said he hated school. Santa said something to the effect that ds probably liked recess the best and ds practically yelled that he hated recess the worst of all! (the others kids are really mean; you don't get to play the things you really want to play, etc.) Poor Santa was dumbfounded....


But, I think your ds's response was typical, no matter if homeschooled or public schooled. Little boys just seem to hate school.


It's nothing personal against you, really. I'm sure the dr. hears this all the time from 7yo boys.

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And I'm wondering how different his response would be if he was in public school?


Football with Dad versus school? Please. He's normal. Don't be overly sensitive.


I haven't read the other responses. I hope this is a repeat.;)




edit- this sounded harsh. Sorry. I didn't intend to direct this at you- just the general concept of a 7yo preferencing football over school.

Edited by battlemaiden
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The doctor asked my 7 year old son if he felt happy most of the time. ....



Huh?:001_huh: I could see this question being asked if you took ds in b/c you were concerned about his psychological well-being. But this was a "wellness" visit for goodness' sake. Sheesh! What's that all about? :confused:


Makes me raise my eyebrows - a little of what Parrothead was saying.

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I wonder if doctors ask those kinds of questions to kids who go to traditional school.


They do. A good doctor will check to be sure your child is hitting developmental targets via carefully crafted conversations. I wish I could dig up a reference on this and tell you exactly what he was looking for. :/


To the OP, rest assured that little boys who go to a traditional school hate the five hours of sitting at a desk and live for the thirty minutes of recess.

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They really don't like school at all, but I'm not one that gives into that. They do their work and like parts of it, but they would rather be playing outside or doing almost anything else. It's OK, I'd rather be playing too. :001_smile:

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I don't ask that question but I usually do ask the kids what grade they are in and what the like best about school. (I also ask them what they like to do outside of school. Mostly this is just to make conversation and to see if they can have a developmentally normal conversation and to put them at ease before I start poking and prodding. It's not like I put a black mark down in the chart if they say they like Video Games instead of Chess. :)).


I'll tell you 95% of kids at that age say they like Recess. I might ask them other than recess....then I get Lunch. Followed by PE. Art. Music. Your son basically said recess so that pretty much puts him with the majority of kids I see, homeschooled/public school or private school.

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It's very normal for kids to say they hate school. That just means they wish they were free to do whatever they want all day. I'm sure that most kids would say this, and most people would think nothing of it. However, when a homeschooler gives this perfectly-normal response, the asker might make all sorts of assumption that things are awry at home.


I've had to coach my son over the years not to say he hates school. Or if he must, then he must clarify that he hates school in general but he's glad to be homeschooled. And this is true. He'd much prefer to spend his day playing computer games (so in that respect, he "hates" school); but he loves homeschool.

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