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Post Five Unbelievable Things About Yourself

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This should be fun. Three things you say must be true and two must be false. Then the rest of us can guess which is which.


Here's my submission:


1) I've shaken hands with Bill Gates.

2) I was once destitute on the streets of LA with with no money, home, or even a change of clothes.

3) I've participated in and activity where people died.

4) The closest I ever came to death was while swimming towards a waterfall.

5) While in High School I was ranked in the United States Top 20 at chess in the under 18 category.

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Here's my submission:


1) I've shaken hands with Bill Gates.

2) I was once destitute on the streets of LA with with no money, home, or even a change of clothes.

3) I've participated in and activity where people died.

4) The closest I ever came to death was while swimming towards a waterfall.

5) While in High School I was ranked in the United States Top 20 at chess in the under 18 category.


I'm going to guess that #5, #1, and #3 are true.


Am I right?



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1. I love public speaking.

2. I was once in Jerry Garcia's hotel room.

3. I'm fluent in 3 foreign languages.

4. I almost died on my honeymoon.

5. I married my high school crush.





1) False. HSers tend to be introverted homebodies.

2) Eh... I don't want to but I'll give you this one. There's some twist, like you delivered pizzas when you were 20. True.

3) True

4) False, I'm thinking nearly dying on your honeymoon is very unlikely unless you married Crocodile Dundee. ;) Even less likely than the Jerry Garcia room.

5) I'll go with true. If so how lucky you are to have never loved in vain. I wish we were all so lucky. :)

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I'll tell you that Laura figured them out.


2. I was once in Jerry Garcia's hotel room.

4. I almost died on my honeymoon.

5. I married my high school crush.



#2 _ Volty was right about this. I didn't deliver pizzas but instead cleaned out his hotel room when I was in college. That man had more vitamin pills than a drugstore on his bureau. And one of the other band members had a tour shirt in their bed that not only was from 1972 - it smelled like it, too.


#4 Sadly, this is true. I had ulcerative colitis and didn't realize you could die from it if your meds didn't work. I came home from our honeymoon - a camping/portage trip in the middle of Algonquin Park, Canada - having lost over 20 pounds and needing multiple blood transfusions- I lost count at 4 units - and surgery. It is by the Grace of God that I survived my honeymoon.


#5 Yup, I had a crush on my dh in high school. Enough of a crush that our senior year, I took a secret picture of him so I could 'remember him forever.' How cheesy is that (and would that make me a stalker by today's standards?)


Thanks for starting this, Volty! It is fun!



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- I was a regular rock-climber at university

- I used to be able to sit on my hair

- My ancestor was bankrupted by the death of Queen Victoria

- One of my parents was born in Uganda

- I used to weigh 300 pounds



Either one or five is false. Maybe both. Not many women on their way to 300 lbs would have the arm strength to support that much weight.


1) We'll go with true.

2) You had your own safety harness. True

3) False. Your family was never in the House of Lords.

4) True... you're in China because you got the wanderlust bug from your parents.

5) False. 300 is awfully large, it's much more than I ever was at max weight.

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1. After reading Colleen's thread I cleaned out my belly button today.

2. Popcorn is my favorite food.

3. I was a cheerleader for the Seagals.

4. I love math and I sometimes do it just for fun.

5. I love dogs.


1) I didn't read Colleen's thread yet, I just logged in. But I'm guessing it was a belly button horror story. True.

2) OK We'll give you this one but it sounds too mundane and real. I'm waivering on this or the Seagals. True

3)Maybe. You may have tried out for it but I suspect this is a very difficult job to get. It's not something I would guess you made up. Still go with False

4) Go with false here. I understand loving math, but doing it for fun pushes the envelope too far.

5) Everybody loves dogs. If this is a false one, my head will explode. True.

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1. While I was pregnant with my first child, I spent two months up in the mountains of Idaho, all alone and 30 miles from the nearest town.


2. I met my dh on a blind date and we got married 5 months later.


3. I illustrated a children's book that was published 4 years ago.


4. Our family of six lived in our motorhome last year for 10 months.


5. In college I fell asleep while driving and totalled my boyfriend's car.

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1) I met my husband when I was 14

2) I gave birth to twins in the car on the way to the hospital

3) I was in a car accident in which the car, going 60 mph, rolled 7 times into the median

4) I have seen live productions of all of Shakespeare's plays (including Two Noble Kinsmen), and most of them two or three times

5) I had a cardiac event in Goodwill and waited over half an hour for an ambulance to be called while the employees tried to a) get a coherent response from me b) find a phone and c)determine the address of the store




1) True. Hopefully you're siuation is like Amy's and you never underwent heartache.

2) Unbeleiveable but true. I don't think you'd lie about both car ones, this sounds more realistic.

3) False. I was torn with this and two, but rolling seven times is a bit much.

4) I need something else to be false and this is it. This is more a dream, it's on your "to do" list and hopefully someday it will be true, but as of today it is still false.

5) This doesn't sound like something you would make up. This one is True.

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1. While I was pregnant with my first child, I spent two months up in the mountains of Idaho, all alone and 30 miles from the nearest town.


2. I met my dh on a blind date and we got married 5 months later.


3. I illustrated a children's book that was published 4 years ago.


4. Our family of six lived in our motorhome last year for 10 months.


5. In college I fell asleep while driving and totalled my boyfriend's car.


#1 - false

#2 - true

#3 - true

#4 - true

#5 - false

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1. While I was pregnant with my first child, I spent two months up in the mountains of Idaho, all alone and 30 miles from the nearest town.


2. I met my dh on a blind date and we got married 5 months later.


3. I illustrated a children's book that was published 4 years ago.


4. Our family of six lived in our motorhome last year for 10 months.


5. In college I fell asleep while driving and totalled my boyfriend's car.


Oh, you're very good at this, I'm stumped. They all sound very unlikely but still a dash plausable.


1) Pregnant women need somebody to go berzerk on. Especially their first baby. I doubt you would be so strong willed to stay by yourself or that your husband would leave you alone in that condition for so long. False.

2) Not many people do this and even less can do it successfully. False.

3) Go with true, you have published pictures.

4) Very unlikely, but I'm out of falses. I'll keep the rapid marriage as false and go with true here.

5) This is likely true.

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1. After reading Colleen's thread I cleaned out my belly button today.

2. Popcorn is my favorite food.

3. I was a cheerleader for the Seagals.

4. I love math and I sometimes do it just for fun.

5. I love dogs.


I liked that Volty qualified his choices, so I am going to do the same:

1. True. Let's face it, we all did.

2. True. Because I think #3 is true and because I am a popcorn lover too.

3. True. For two reasons: a) I am pretty sure you mentioned in the thread on knowing famous people that you mentioned a member of the Seagulls and b) you wrote "Seagals" and not "Seagulls" so it shows loyalty to the squad over the team

4. False. Okay, this is probably true, but I ran out of options for false.

5. False. As Volty said, everyone loves dogs, but there is an exception to every rule, and this would be a great time to highlight where you are an exception.

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1) I've shaken hands with Bill Gates.

2) I was once destitute on the streets of LA with with no money, home, or even a change of clothes.

3) I've participated in and activity where people died.

4) The closest I ever came to death was while swimming towards a waterfall.

5) While in High School I was ranked in the United States Top 20 at chess in the under 18 category.


1. True

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. True

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1. During my first, and subsequently last, manicure, I passed out from pain.

2. I turned down an offer to take over half-interest in a medical practice.

3. My fourth child was born on a bridge on the way to the hospital.

4. My behind appears in an episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

5. I was excused from a grad school class because I walked in very pregnant and carrying a dozen roses.

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My five:


1. After high school I lived in a log cabin living the Hippie back-to-nature lifestyle.


2. I speak fluent Japanese.


3. I taught wrestling with a parapelegic coach.


4. I spent a summer mission trip in Mexico.


5. My dh and I got engaged during a fight.


1. True

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. True

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1. During my first, and subsequently last, manicure, I passed out from pain.

2. I turned down an offer to take over half-interest in a medical practice.

3. My fourth child was born on a bridge on the way to the hospital.

4. My behind appears in an episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

5. I was excused from a grad school class because I walked in very pregnant and carrying a dozen roses.


Ooo! This is a hard one!


1. True, unlikely but it has a ring of truth to it.

2. False, because something has to be false!

3. False, see above!

4. True, because who could make up something like that?!

5. True.

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Here's my submission:


1) I've shaken hands with Bill Gates.

2) I was once destitute on the streets of LA with with no money, home, or even a change of clothes.

3) I've participated in and activity where people died.

4) The closest I ever came to death was while swimming towards a waterfall.

5) While in High School I was ranked in the United States Top 20 at chess in the under 18 category.


1 & 2. True. I just like the irony of them both potentially occurring at the same time.


3 True. I think you are bold enough to have done this.


4 False. I just don't think this is the death-defying activity.


5. False. Because something else has to be false.

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My five:


1. After high school I lived in a log cabin living the Hippie back-to-nature lifestyle.


2. I speak fluent Japanese.


3. I taught wrestling with a parapelegic coach.


4. I spent a summer mission trip in Mexico.


5. My dh and I got engaged during a fight.


1) OK, we'll go with True here, I can see it.


2) False. Unlike most European languages, Japanese is too exotic a language to pick up and study to fluency unless you've got a career in international business and are activly using it.


3) This is so ridiculously obviously false, it's like a huge Las Vegas blinking neon light of falses. It's so false that it flips over into something you couldn't possibly have made up. So I'm going to go against all rationality and and say true here and look forward to the story.


4) This sounds plausible. Especially if you've got hippie log cabin blood in your veins.


5) Another impossibilty. Unless you're Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Men go to great lengths to make thier proposal artistic and unique. Only a **** fool would plan to use this technique. I'll give your husband the benefit of the doubt. Unless he knows reverse psychology works well on you in which case he's extremely brave to try. False.

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My five:


1. After high school I lived in a log cabin living the Hippie back-to-nature lifestyle.


2. I speak fluent Japanese.


3. I taught wrestling with a parapelegic coach.


4. I spent a summer mission trip in Mexico.


5. My dh and I got engaged during a fight.


1. True. 'Cause I wanted to do this and chickened out, and I know you are braver than me.

2. False. Because something has to be false.

3. False. Too crazy to be true, so it probably is, but... well, see #2.

4. True. Isn't is a rule that everyone who does a summer missions trip has to do one in Mexico?

5. True. Because it's a great story if it's true.

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1. My first marriage proposal came from a complete stranger in a grocery store.

2. Two people have confessed murders to me.

3. My great aunt kept four of her dead relatives in urns on her mantelpiece.

4. I once thumbed a ride from a guy who said, "Pardon my haircut; I just got out of jail."

5. While traveling in France, my car broke down and nuns repaired it.

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1. My first marriage proposal came from a complete stranger in a grocery store.

2. Two people have confessed murders to me.

3. My great aunt kept four of her dead relatives in urns on her mantelpiece.

4. I once thumbed a ride from a guy who said, "Pardon my haircut; I just got out of jail."

5. While traveling in France, my car broke down and nuns repaired it.




1. I'm going to say false, that would just be creepy!

2. One I might believe but two? I'm going to say false on this one too.

3. True. I hope they weren't four dead husbands!

4. True. Creepy but true.

5. I could see this happening in a Cary Grant movie! True.

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1. During my first, and subsequently last, manicure, I passed out from pain.

2. I turned down an offer to take over half-interest in a medical practice.

3. My fourth child was born on a bridge on the way to the hospital.

4. My behind appears in an episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

5. I was excused from a grad school class because I walked in very pregnant and carrying a dozen roses.


1. false

2. true

3. false

4. true

5. true

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1) I met my husband when I was 14

2) I gave birth to twins in the car on the way to the hospital

3) I was in a car accident in which the car, going 60 mph, rolled 7 times into the median

4) I have seen live productions of all of Shakespeare's plays (including Two Noble Kinsmen), and most of them two or three times

5) I had a cardiac event in Goodwill and waited over half an hour for an ambulance to be called while the employees tried to a) get a coherent response from me b) find a phone and c)determine the address of the store




1. True. I think you met him then but didn't start dating until later... and one of you probably doesn't even remember this meeting.

2. False. I ran out of trues to hand out.

3. True. Too many details of something so scary that it has to be true.

4. True. You probably worked as an usher or theater volunteer somewhere.

5. False. It's too scary to think that something this Laurel and Hardy is true.

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1. My first marriage proposal came from a complete stranger in a grocery store.

2. Two people have confessed murders to me.

3. My great aunt kept four of her dead relatives in urns on her mantelpiece.

4. I once thumbed a ride from a guy who said, "Pardon my haircut; I just got out of jail."

5. While traveling in France, my car broke down and nuns repaired it.


Alright, I have to start by saying that I read the first 3 ans thought to myself, "Well, cr*p! All of those weird me out and I want them to be false, but only two can be. Poor Jennifer." LOL!


1. True. You are so open and approachable I can totally see this happening to you.

2. False. Because I picked the three I thought were true first, and this was one of the two left.

3. True. Because I often keep things out guilt, and I can completely sympathize with someone who has inherited urns containing the remains of family members and not having a clue what to do with them and just popping them up on the mantel and forgetting about them.

4. False. See #2

5. True. Because this would be a great story.

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1. While I was pregnant with my first child, I spent two months up in the mountains of Idaho, all alone and 30 miles from the nearest town.


2. I met my dh on a blind date and we got married 5 months later.


3. I illustrated a children's book that was published 4 years ago.


4. Our family of six lived in our motorhome last year for 10 months.


5. In college I fell asleep while driving and totalled my boyfriend's car.


Alright, I am picking 1, 2, and 4 as true because they all require an adventurous spirit and would likely all be done by the same person. 3 & 5 are false because they are the only two left.

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1) I was a regular rock-climber at university

2) I used to be able to sit on my hair

3) My ancestor was bankrupted by the death of Queen Victoria

4) One of my parents was born in Uganda

5) I used to weigh 300 pounds




I'm going to say 1, 3 & 4 are true because they all indicate an adventurous spirit (and would just be plain old cool if true). That leaves 2 and 5 as false.

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Heres mine:


1) I have six toes on my right foot.

2) I met my husband at age 15 while he was a DJ at a skating rink.

3) On our honeymoon my luggage was lost, so I looked like a hooker for the first day.

4) I have been to 36 countries.

5) I partied with New Kids on the Block and ate cheese cake with one of the guys.

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1. I worked as Alice in Wonderland at Disneyland as a teen

2. I moved to Alaska for a year all alone when I was 19

3. My husband and I hated each other for the first year we knew each other

4. I sky-dive as a hobby

5. My kids all look like clones of my husband

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Heres mine:


1) I have six toes on my right foot.

2) I met my husband at age 15 while he was a DJ at a skating rink.

3) On our honeymoon my luggage was lost, so I looked like a hooker for the first day.

4) I have been to 36 countries.

5) I partied with New Kids on the Block and ate cheese cake with one of the guys.


1. True

2. True

3. False

4. False

LOL at #5! I was going to say that as my false one, except the cheesecake bit. I was a huge fan and would have loved to party with them. I bet your story is true though.

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Heres mine:


1) I have six toes on my right foot.

2) I met my husband at age 15 while he was a DJ at a skating rink.

3) On our honeymoon my luggage was lost, so I looked like a hooker for the first day.

4) I have been to 36 countries.

5) I partied with New Kids on the Block and ate cheese cake with one of the guys.


2, 3 & 5 seem to have a lot of detail, so I'm going to say those are true and 1 and 4 are false.

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1. Last year I won $1 million in the state lottery.


2. I like talking in front of crowds of people.


3. My husband proposed to me on a rainy night in a grocery store parking lot and I turned him down because the location was inappropriate.


4. I got a perm and had my hair dyed red and my husband thought I was playing a joke on him because I looked like Ronald McDonald.


5. Barry Pincus, also known as Barry Manilow, is my uncle.

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1. I worked as Alice in Wonderland at Disneyland as a teen

2. I moved to Alaska for a year all alone when I was 19

3. My husband and I hated each other for the first year we knew each other

4. I sky-dive as a hobby

5. My kids all look like clones of my husband


I am going to say:

1-True--this sounds to good to be false.

2-False--why Alaska

3-True--I can see this as true.

4-False--only because I have to have 2 false

5-True--Mine do to!

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I think #1, #4, and #5 are true.


This should be fun. Three things you say must be true and two must be false. Then the rest of us can guess which is which.


Here's my submission:


1) I've shaken hands with Bill Gates.

2) I was once destitute on the streets of LA with with no money, home, or even a change of clothes.

3) I've participated in and activity where people died.

4) The closest I ever came to death was while swimming towards a waterfall.

5) While in High School I was ranked in the United States Top 20 at chess in the under 18 category.

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I think #1, #2, and #4 are true.


1) I met my husband when I was 14

2) I gave birth to twins in the car on the way to the hospital

3) I was in a car accident in which the car, going 60 mph, rolled 7 times into the median

4) I have seen live productions of all of Shakespeare's plays (including Two Noble Kinsmen), and most of them two or three times

5) I had a cardiac event in Goodwill and waited over half an hour for an ambulance to be called while the employees tried to a) get a coherent response from me b) find a phone and c)determine the address of the store



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I think #2, #3, and #4 are true.


1. While I was pregnant with my first child, I spent two months up in the mountains of Idaho, all alone and 30 miles from the nearest town.


2. I met my dh on a blind date and we got married 5 months later.


3. I illustrated a children's book that was published 4 years ago.


4. Our family of six lived in our motorhome last year for 10 months.


5. In college I fell asleep while driving and totalled my boyfriend's car.

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1. Last year I won $1 million in the state lottery.


2. I like talking in front of crowds of people.


3. My husband proposed to me on a rainy night in a grocery store parking lot and I turned him down because the location was inappropriate.


4. I got a perm and had my hair dyed red and my husband thought I was playing a joke on him because I looked like Ronald McDonald.


5. Barry Pincus, also known as Barry Manilow, is my uncle.


1. False. Because admitting that here is just begging people to ask you for money, and why would you want that?

2. False. Because I think the last three are true.

3. True. "Because the location was inappropriate" is just great phrasing and sounds like a quote.

4. True. Make me laugh.

5. True. Because you know Barry Manilow's real name.

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1. During my first, and subsequently last, manicure, I passed out from pain.

2. I turned down an offer to take over half-interest in a medical practice.

3. My fourth child was born on a bridge on the way to the hospital.

4. My behind appears in an episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

5. I was excused from a grad school class because I walked in very pregnant and carrying a dozen roses.


Well, this thread seems to be going over very well.


Tutor is giving me fits. They're all insanely false. #4 looks reasonable.


1) I've never had a manicure and don't know what's involved but I don't know that they're painful. Let alone painful enough to pass out from pain. Women passing out ... you've been reading too many 19th century novels. ;)False.


2) True. This is very strange and couldn't be made up. Or maybe it could but I need three trues somewhere/somehow.


3) I went true on somebody else's "baby born on the way to the hospital" story, but they never stopped on a bridge. That's stretching the story it a bit too far. Against my better judgement, since I have to find something true, I'll let you twisted this one out of me. True.


4) Sure, I can see that. True.


5) False. You wouldn't get out of my class. No school would ever do this. Now if your water broke in the classroom, that's a good reason to be excused.

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I think #1, #4, and #5 are true.


My five:


1. After high school I lived in a log cabin living the Hippie back-to-nature lifestyle.


2. I speak fluent Japanese.


3. I taught wrestling with a parapelegic coach.


4. I spent a summer mission trip in Mexico.


5. My dh and I got engaged during a fight.

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Here's my list


1. Once I drove up the side of a mountain to see the volcano erupting.

2. I was a page on Capitol Hill in high school.

3. I've backpacked through Europe.

4. Harvey Korman owns a piece of my work.

5. I can milk a cow.




Ugh. This one was hard...


1 & 3 are false. 2, 4 & 5 are true.

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1. While I was pregnant with my first child, I spent two months up in the mountains of Idaho, all alone and 30 miles from the nearest town.


2. I met my dh on a blind date and we got married 5 months later.


3. I illustrated a children's book that was published 4 years ago.


4. Our family of six lived in our motorhome last year for 10 months.


5. In college I fell asleep while driving and totalled my boyfriend's car.


I moved my answers to the spoilers post.

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