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You know your homeschooling when...

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DH calls out, "You've got to come see this!" I walk with him to the living room, peep around the corner, and see all 3 dc on the sofa, which is covered in books spilling over to the floor.:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:


What moments stick in your mind as the best of your homeschooling journey?

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Two days ago we sat in the open garage. Ds and I spent at least 30 minutes watching 3 bees and 3 wasps battle for territory in our detached garage eaves. It was fascinating. We decided the bees were like harriers and the wasps like fighter jets.


We have abundant wildlife in our yard so most of our wow moments revolve around the nature that shows up at our door.

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I love it when topics we've studied show up in the boys' play.


My 12 year old is now sophisticated enough to know that the other boys in the neighborhood do *not* play history-oriented games or refer to cloud formations or biology . . . sigh.


But I also deeply appreciate my boys' love of baking cookies. So at least some of my teaching has fallen on fertile soil, where the birds of the air have not plucked it up nor the weeds grown up and choked it. :lol:

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My 12 year old is now sophisticated enough to know that the other boys in the neighborhood do *not* play history-oriented games or refer to cloud formations or biology . . . sigh.


This is so true, isn't it.


My kids aren't huge fans of history so they don't either. However, I catch them using words like "queer" when they play. They learned it from reading The Hobbit and other classics. I debated whether to tell them not to use that word anymore since it has changed meaning. DH says no, we should take back the original meaning of the word.


Most of our homeschool moments revolve around my son because he is so self-motivated, unlike my daughter (sigh). It's not unusual to find him studying the Presidents list in the back of our Children's Encyclopedia of American History or working out difficult multiplication problems and simple long division on the white board even though he hasn't officially reached those types of problems in his math work. He just refuses to be held back.

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My you know you're homeschooling moment came this afternoon. We had a bomb drop on our family today and so I dropped 2 of the kids off at grandma's for the weekend. On the way home I decided to stop at teh teacher store we love to pick up a couple things, leaving ds10 in the van playing his ds while the baby slept. As I walked in the clerk came right over and asked where the kids were then directed me right to the new shipment that just came in in which she had saved one of each new item just for me to see. LOL After spending almost $100 in 8 minutes I was on my way again.


Further proof of homeschooling, one of those items was not a new thing, but one I just hadn't picked up yet, a multiplication wrap up. My ds10 got VERY excited by it and proceeded to work his way through each number on the drive home, while declaring that is the funnest math he has ever done.


So there you go, If you are such a good customer in teacher stores that they put stock aside for you to peruse, and your ds gets excited over math related items you know you are a homeschooler.

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Earlier this week one of my dc asked to have a plastic disposable sandwhich meat container.


"I'm going to science this." He proceeded to test it's floating ability. Then all three were on the wood floor pumping air with a mattress air-pump trying to make the meat container slide across the floor. It worked once we got rid of some leftover water that was making it stick to the floor.


"Mommy, let's science this." Is so sweet to my ears.

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"Dog Land" is the imaginary planet? state? place? that my boys call the place that their stuffed animals live, mostly dogs, but some whales, a rabbit, a chick, and an alligator. The "dogs" have had elections with elaborate handwritten ballots and campaign posters that I find strewn across the house. I think it's cute and sweet when I find "Sandy" or "Glowy" or "ThunderWhale's" campaign signs with things my boys have written: "I will make the taxes go down. I will make our army strong. I will make a missionary job. I will make our land strong. I will make a better Dr."


They write out invitations, have court hearings (which are quite amusing), weddings, codes of law, etc. for their many little characters. Ahhh... the innocence.

Edited by Annabel Lee
sp. error :)
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Last week the cousins stayed with us for the weekend (they are also homeschooled) and the kids spent HOURS planning and filming the story of Jamestown with Playmobile. I put the first couple of clipshere onto my blog if you want to see it. (They are just 30 second clips) There were a total of 12 clips and they were very cute.

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When we were at the beach (my sis lives there) & played w/ another hsing family there (we see them about once or twice a year), the kids played together for hours on the beach, building all sorts of stuff, etc....


Guess what they played that entire time?


Robinson Crusoe.



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