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Experience with "Eat to Live"

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I've been on quite a food journey this last six months. It started when a dear (west coast, tree-hugging, health nut) friend gave me a book about unhealthy yeast in our digestive tracts. That made sense to me and it turned around the bloating middle/excessive afternoon fatigue/puffy pounds that were plaguing me.


A few months ago, another friend put Eat to Live in my hands. I can wrap my head around the premise of this . . . I was a vegan for 7 years before I got married so dropping animal protein, dairy doesn't offend me.


It's the quantity of greens that I can't wrap my head around . . . I'm just wondering if any of you have closely followed Eat to Live and could we PM to have a few questions answered?


Warmly, Tricia

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I bought the book and I'm wading my way through it. :) It seemed really full of politics in the beginning, but I have some hang up about skipping portions of books, so I kept reading even though I found the political angle offputting.


I haven't fully implemented the suggestions, but we have cut way back on the processed foods and I routinely eat no meat at all 4 or 5 days a week.

Edited by Scarlett
for clarity
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I'm not that familiar with Eat To Live, however, I have been pursuing a high raw diet which involves a TON of greens. I use a variety of recipes to incorporate these. But I also find juicing my greens to be a quick, easily digestable way of getting the amount of greens I need or want in my diet. Believe it or not, I start to actually crave that green juice!


I think, that knowing WHY you are eating the greens helps me stay motivated and away from the boredom aspect, kwim?


I'll check out Eat to LIve, though! Looks good.

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I read the book about a year ago and thought it was one of the best nutrituion books that I have ever read. My main take away from the book was that what we feed our children now will effect their future health.


I really don't know how realistic it is to eat that way and I personally don't know anyone that follows Eat to Live. However, we do eat a lot more fruits, veggies and salad than we did a year ago.


Blessings on your health journey.

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Hi Tricia,

I haven't read Eat to Live, but am curious what book the first friend gave you...(about unhealthy yeast)







That was too easy -- the joy of Google.


I borrowed the first edition, so it looks like this is the new and improved version. Enjoy. I found this tremendously eye-opening in terms of my lifestyle.


Warmly, T

Edited by Sweetpeach
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I'm not that familiar with Eat To Live, however, I have been pursuing a high raw diet which involves a TON of greens. Believe it or not, I start to actually crave that green juice!



Similar here. We're converting to veganism and while I'm not at the green smoothie stage yet, Dh had better provide salad with my dinner or there's trouble! It doesn't matter how fantastic the meal he cooked, I still want something raw to go with it. These days a salad seems a bit lacking if it's made with only iceburg lettuce and no rocket or baby spinach. It's as though my body is saying "So, you're finally going to start behaving yourself eh? Well, I'll start speaking to you again then!"


I'll have to check out that book too.





Edit: EW! I just looked it up on my library catalogue and it brought up that book and "Stiff: The curious lives of human cadavars." Something like that should not come up on a search list unless you are actually looking for it! I'm feeling quite disturbed now. :(

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Dh and I did EtL for a few months last year. I've since fallen away from doing it, but really need to try again. We both felt great, though consuming that *quantity* of greens was harder for dh than me. It's a *lot* of chopping and a *lot* of chewing. ;)


But I think it's a fantastic way to eat.

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