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When do you call it a day?

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Curious when people call it a day from lessons


We normally finish everything...no matter how long it takes--which is doing a number on us.



Today, dh and I had a meeting to go to. So 2 youngest stayed with oldest ds, until I got home at 11am. They had their list of subjects to do, but there were about 3 that I needed to be here to do with them...R&S Grammar, Bible, and Writing.

Ds took about an hour and a half to do a math test...which he failed!

We didn't even do Bible or writing. I am tired..I know it has to do with the time change and stress about the meeting we had today.


But I am tired of doing lessons ALL day, everyday!

I am ok with 7:30 or 8 to 3, but after that we should be done with lessons..RIGHT??



Dc are in 5th and 7th grade

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I think for those age/grades stopping at 3 would be fine. There were some moms on here not too long ago that did a loop or some sort of thing. Where they would go through so many subjects and then pick up where they left off and do the loop again that way they didn't skip the same subject everytime. I've not done this but I'm considering it for my stb 7th grader.

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We usually finish everything...but on the rare occasion that we don't, I throw in the towel when we are all frustrated beyond the point of finishing. I hate to say that, but there are just THOSE DAYS. Today was one of those days. :(



Oh, yes, one of THOSE DAYS! It's better to start over fresh another day. Learned that the hard way.

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We go to a co-op two days a week so I have to be very structured about what we do on the other 3 days to make sure we get through everything I want us to get through!! So, I have checklists and I usually don't quit until we are done with everything on my list. If we don't finish something it throws off my week and then I have them finish it sometime over the weekend so I get to start fresh the next week. (Its OK, you can say it....I *am* compulsive.) :001_smile:

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We finish by 2pm. With caveats.


After a rest time (my children need more sleep than the average), they have a hour of silent reading, which is usually assigned reading like history. So maybe some people would count this.


In the evening they do piano and typing (they switch off). So maybe some people would count this too.


I guess *I* am done teaching by 2pm. If they take too long with their work (I have basic ideas about how long I expect each subject to last), or if the work is poor quality, they have to finish it on their own time, whether that be morning recess, during lunch, or in the evening.

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We finish by 2:00 to 2:30 every day except Wednesday. My girls have gym/dance 3-4 days a week, so we do not have a choice if we are going to get there. My 9th grader usually keeps working for a while independently after that. We work very hard to be finished by then. The things we are behind on, we catch up on Wednesday - our ONLY day to stay home in the afternoon.

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I am done at 3pm regardless of the kids. I will answer quick questions, but I have no reserves left for teaching. The youngest usually starts between 8 and 9am and is done by noon at the latest. The oldest doesn't actually get started until 10:30ish and we do mom needed stuff first and he finishes up with reading, however it takes him. He tends to frontload his schedule so that by Fri., he has a math test and little else.

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I would put everything away at 2. When I taught multiple ages in a one-room school, the school day was over at 2; we picked up the next day wherever we left off. Seems as if that would be reasonable for a homeschooling family, too. :-)

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