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Noises from spine when walking?

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Hey, be thankful you still have the hearing to hear it! How's that for optimism?




Here's a funny side line for you...I started hearing a horrible creaking in my shoulder. I thought, oh my gosh, there goes another body part down the drain. I already have a titanium hip and was wondering what on earth I would have to have done to my shoulder in the coming years! This went on for months. Then one day I realized something . I never heard the noise when I was in my PJs. It turned out I had bought a new kind of underwire bra (several the same) and the underwire squeaked as I moved my shoulder about. What a nerd!

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Welcome to middle age.


It's not me. It's actually a friend. She's 27. She's also achy all day long, and fatigued even though she is the person amongst my friends who keeps the obnoxiously healthy lifestyle with vegetables at every meal and constant biking, hiking, roller blading, yoga. She's always been in pain and fatigued like that, starting from age fourteen, and no doctor knows what's up even after dozens of tests. (It's not her thyroid.) Is it really just middle age? She does tend to obsess over small things that everyone else just sucks up, though I love her truly and feel guilty saying that about her in public.


ETA -- No, wait, it's not roller blading. It's roller derby. And contra dancing. And hooping. And jogging.

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Oh no that is not acceptable for a 27 year old woman. Has she been checked for anemia and had a OB/GYN appt lately as sometimes ovarian cysts/endometriosis and other scary stuff can cause lower back pain. In any event she should go to an orthopedic doc to be sure that the sounds are not from damaged or bulging discs between the vertebrae as permanent nerve damage can occur. I suffer with this malady and to date having seen a neurologist, 2 orthopedic surgeons and a rheumotologist am still unable to know why I hurt occasionally . I know this sounds self evident but check her shoes...she might have a compressed/bulging disc in her back and poor support in the arches and inflexible shoes(Birks etc) can greatly exacerbate the pain. If she has not done so she should see a podiatrist for an exam to see of supports in her shoes and proper shoes can help. It changed my life along with a bit of medication for nerve damage. It is not something she should live with .Feel free to pm if needed of course. Best of luck and bless you for caring about her chronic pain I have often felt very alone due to this . You relieve her pain and frustration by simply listening and giving a darn about what she is experiencing.

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I had some lower back, pelvic, tailbone pain a few years ago. I went to my doctor to have things checked out and to get a referral for physical therapy. I found that my tailbone was not in proper position -- too forward and to the side some. My legs are slightly off in length -- well, not the same. Enough to cause one foot to be really flat and the other to go highly arched. There are other issues too, but I was able to get assessed, treated, and worked with for the constant pain. And given exercises to do to retrain and strengthen the proper muscles in order to hold things in the right places.


PT might be another thing to add in getting your friend checked out. I hope something is able to help!

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I would say find a chiropractor. My hips have done the same thing. For just about as long as I can remember, they pop when I walk, rather loudly I guess. I thought they had stopped, 'cause I hadn't noticed the sound for the past couple years, but when my mom came to visit, we went for a walk. It was quiet and peaceful to me, but she made the comment, "Is that you? Are your hips still popping?" So I guess it didn't go away, I just got used to it. I would blame it on old age, but then I would have been old at 15! Oh well, thats life, I guess.

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