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Remember the carpet conversation we had? ugh

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We had new carpet installed a couple of weeks ago.


We have all been careful. The boys take their flip-flops and shoes off (I always have them take them off b/c they don't have the sense to think "are my shoes muddy?"


I generally wear slip-ons around the house. John and Aaron are careful about their shoes -- whether there's mud on them, etc. We do have many mats to wipe our feet on) outdoor and indoor.


So, today, two neighbor boys knocked on the door. My husband opened it, and they asked if Nathan and Ben could play. My husband looked over at our boys and asked, "boys, would you like to play?"


At that time, they both begin walking through our living room -- one of them tracking muddy footprints all over out carpet.


I am astounded that someone would just enter our house like that. The muddy footprints just made it worse.


Now we have to rent a rug doctor because I couldn't get the spots up.


ugh :glare:

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When things like this happen it is when I turn to my husband and say, "Why can't people train their children as well as I train mine!!??" And my husband invariably wonders what our son has done when he is away that is shocking yet normal boy behavior and outrages others.

Deep Breath in, Deep Breath out and try to be thankful that others find your boys terrific enough to come and invite them to play.

That first dent, ding, splotch, scratch on anything new is the hardest blow.

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we had new carpet at a house years ago and bought a little SteamVac. it was perfect for spots!!! We still use it now only much less than before(kids older, old carpet I don't care about). It was about $50 but well worth the investment.


in fact:


a can of paint had fallen over in my son's room when we painted and no one knew for HOURS. I had dh pour buckets of water on it and I sucked it up in the SteamVac and IT ALL CAME OUT.


Kohls has them too and if you have their card you can use a coupon....I just got a 30% off one in the mail. BBB also has them and they have the 20% off coupons.


We need new flooring but I doubt we will ever get carpet again in this house....we too have neighbor kids who just walk in.

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His head was turned around facing our boys, and as soon as he saw him pass by, my husband also saw the mud streaks he left behind. He then called out, "wait -- your shoes are muddy." He was completely oblivious and never said anything about it.


We've never been a stickler for taking shoes off, but we've also never had the neighbor kids in our house. The boys always play in the backyard with them or ride bikes in the front.


We have friends who come over, but the whole family comes over then, and most of the parents have trained their children to take their shoes off.


This boy has actually only played in our yard one time before. Our neighbor, the other boy there, walked in on his own one day as well. We had the front door held ajar because we were moving things into our POD. He literally came walking half-way in our house.


Another day, there were some Playmobil pieces on our driveway (their playtables had been moved out on the drive-way for the carpet installation, and the storage containers were stacked up on them). He rang the doorbell and asked if we could clean them up because they were bothering him and in his way when he would walk on our driveway. I explained that he wasn't supposed to be hanging out on our driveway, and I tried to explain his property vs my property.

Edited by nestof3
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Funny how kids are kids. It could have just as well been one of your boys running in to tell you something or have to quick get something and forget about his shoes. How I know this oh to well.. I purchased a steam cleaner years ago, one of my best purchases ever.

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Oh, I know -- my boys have done this. The carpet cleaning is just an annoyance. I am just as annoyed when I have to do it with my kids.


What alarmed me is that he walked in our house without being invited. And, his friend did the same at another time. Is this common? Like I said, neither boy had ever even been in our house, and this boy had only played in our back yard one time.

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My parents had a home built in Texas. For whatever reason, a repair man of some sort had come to the house to fix something. His boots were muddy and he graciously took them off at the door, only to traipse across the brand new carpet with MUDDY CRUSTY FEET!


My mother was LIVID.


Moral of the story? I dunno, it just seemed to fit the thread. Sorta.

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Oh, I know -- my boys have done this. The carpet cleaning is just an annoyance. I am just as annoyed when I have to do it with my kids.


What alarmed me is that he walked in our house without being invited. And, his friend did the same at another time. Is this common? Like I said, neither boy had ever even been in our house, and this boy had only played in our back yard one time.


How old are the neighbor boys? About the same ages as your sons? If so, yes, I would say this is normal. At least, my kids do/did this at those ages. If the door is opened, they just assume they will be invited in, so they don't always wait for the invitation. :tongue_smilie:


It's something I don't allow them to do when I am with them, and we talk about it, etc., but if they were at your house without me and your husband opened the door? Yeah, I can totally see them walking in uninvited.


It's not correct, of course. But in kids those ages, I don't think it's uncommon or beyond the pale.

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What alarmed me is that he walked in our house without being invited. And, his friend did the same at another time. Is this common? Like I said, neither boy had ever even been in our house, and this boy had only played in our back yard one time.


Unfortunately, this is common. I have an apartment, and kids I don't know will actually try to force their way around me into my personal space!!! Really annoying. (I try to stay calm and assume it's just curiosity.) The muddy shoes would just add insult to injury.

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My parents had a home built in Texas. For whatever reason, a repair man of some sort had come to the house to fix something. His boots were muddy and he graciously took them off at the door, only to traipse across the brand new carpet with MUDDY CRUSTY FEET!


My mother was LIVID.


Moral of the story? I dunno, it just seemed to fit the thread. Sorta.



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