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Explode The Code Online???


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We LOVE it!!!


My six-year old son had done some of the workbooks, but I let him just begin at the beginning with the software. It assess and adjusts to the child. The review has actually been helpful. However, if you need to set the beginning level for your child, that is an option. Very detailed information and results are available to you, as well.


My son enjoys it. He usually does a set number of exercises 3-4 days per week, but sometimes does more of his own free will. :001_smile:

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We love this too! I have 3 of my dc doing this (ages 6, 5, 4). We've been using this program since September and I've seen a dramatic improvement in my dc's spelling, reading ability and reading comprehension.

My kids usually come stumbling down the stairs at 7 am and before breakfast I'll have 1 on the laptop and another on the desktop computer doing their phonics. (ok, so it's usually just to get school done so they can play rather than b/c they love the ETC. But, whatever, I'll take it!)


There is also a teacher's login where you can see how your child is doing, what they are struggling with and what they are flying through.


We've never used the books but I've heard that the program closely mirrors the books.

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I have this for 3 of my kids - I bought it through the homeschool buyers coop so it was half price. It's ok - for us, it did not end up replacing the workbooks. My kids are a bit creative on the reading comprehension portions and sometimes end up giving the "wrong" answer to questions because of that. The software then kicks them back down 2-3 levels assuming they couldn't read the question and then I have to go in through the teacher's side and manually reset where they are working. There is also a "time" factor to it that my kids obsessed over. Basically your child does an exercise and earns one of 4 things - after a short amount of time it's easy for kids to figure out that "this one" means you didn't do well and that one is the "best" you can get. The problem for me, is the time element to it - there are 3 different thing they can earn that all mean they answered the questions correctly. One for if they answered in the average amount of time needed, one for if they answered slower than that average time, and one for if they answered faster than that average time. The "highest" level - the one for if the student answers faster than the average time is really really hard to get and that bothered my kids greatly.


Overall - it's been an ok add-on for us, I can assign a kid to work on it when I'm occupied with the others - but I won't be spending money on it again next year.

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I've used ETC online with my two boys for a year. I'd rate it as just okay. They liked it, but for the cost (I think I paid $90 for both) I probably could have bought a several CD-ROM learning-type games that they would have liked just as well.


Additionally, we have a Mac, and while it runs on a Mac, it was designed for PC use. Of the four "tokens" that kids can earn, it was impossible for my kids to earn the top one because they couldn't complete the exercises fast enough due to the fact that the program runs slower for Macs. This drove my son crazy, and I had to tell him over and over that it was the computer, not him. I even tried to earn the highest token and couldn't do it fast enough, proving that it was the machine, not me (I'm pretty speedy at reading 2nd grade words).


Our year subscription is nearly through, and I won't renew.

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I only use the books. I just tried out the demo and it looks pretty good. Though $60 for only one year. I would like it better if it were software they would send out, instead of having to use the internet for the program.



I got it through Homeschool Buyer's Co-op for $35. We like it, but it introduced sounds in the second book that are not related to consonant blends (ir, ee). This has given my dd some problems. So, we are taking a break from it right now.



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I'm another vote for just okay. Dd rarely asks to do it. If I mention it she'll do it but it isn't her favorite thing.


Like a previous poster said, I don't like the fact that the child will be dropped down a few levels for getting one or two answers wrong. It is especially annoying for the lessons where the child has to type the word. My dd is 5 and this is a struggle for her. She can read the words easily but cannot type quickly and will often hit the wrong letter on the keyboard. Doing that twice causes her to drop down a few levels. I have to reset the lessons manually quite often.


So it's an "okay" for us and I won't be renewing it when our subscription runs out.

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  • 1 month later...

We got it too and I stopped using it. I don't know if it's my computer (a PC), but it takes forever for the lessons to load! I usually don't have a problem with this and we have cable modem.


My ds also isn't too crazy about it and it gets boring. I actually feel like I wasted my money. Luckily, we got it at a discount from Homeschool Buyers co-op.


And, no, I never saw any talking animals in it.


Liz in NC

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Yes and yes. My ds5 asks for it. :)


We only schedule it twice a week. I alternate with the ETC book that we are on at the time. 2 days, book - 2 days Online. I also only require him to get 3 blue coins and then he can stop. It goes fast, but he has learned a LOT and really likes the program. Defintiely get it through Buyers co-op though. Much cheaper!

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I loved it here! We did HOP first and then ETC online and finished the series in 1.5 years. At first they used it independently, but as we got to book 4 and beyond, I spent time going over it with them and while it was a lot of work, 4+ times a week, it was well worth the effort and the cost. I have two six year olds who can read well, and other subjects are easier because of it. Susan Wise Bauer gets a HUGE thanks from our family for the encouragement in WTM to teach reading early!

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