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What is the difference between an Ipod and I Phone

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It looks like I'm going to get an Ipod Touch before our trip. Yippee! Now after looking at a few of these posts it looks the I Phone is pretty neat too. What is the difference between the two besides the obvious fact that one is a phone?


I was thinking about the Ipod Touch because I really like the games and some of the other apps you can use on it.


Can you do as many things on the I Phone?

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The ipod touch has all of the same features of the iphone but the iphone has PHONE and Wi-Fi if you are on a data plan. I love my phone and couldn't do without it. It has made my life organized and easy!


It is expensive, ATT service is marginal compared to my old Verizon- but the iPhone rocks in every way possible.


(BTW, I own a ton of MAC stock:) so get buying!)

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An iPhone and an iPod Touch are about the same - minus the Phone and monthly fee :D


You won't have teh GPS feature of the iPhone, and some apps use that to be more enhanced. But overall, you will be able to do all the same things without having to be locked into a cell contract with AT&T.


I won't change to AT&T to get the iPhone, so the Touch is all i can get.


Here is a fun place to keep track of apps as they come out - separate list for the free ones!!




Have fun with it - i'm jealous!

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There's a difference between the internet on the two. The iPhone has the internet everywhere. The iTouch has Wi-Fi, which means you have to be somewhere that there is a public network open. So you will be limited where you can view the internet. And you cannot text with an iTouch. You actually have to even pay for that seperately with the iPhone, on top of your phone and media fees. Crazy!

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We decided on the Touch. We can't get internet access all the time - only where there is WiFi access. But, we also don't have a monthly fee. I couldn't justify that cost. I'm going to wait until that cost comes down quite a bit before taking that plunge.


Figure out what you'd need it for. Are you planning to need internet access when travelling (GPS or whatever)? If so, you might be better off with the Phone.


You can do everything on an Touch that you can do on the internet. So, no texting and it's not a camera.


Enjoy your new toy!!

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I just got an iPhone, and didn't know much about the iPod Touch until reading this thread...but I LOVE this phone.


Our plan is right at about $90/month and includes:

---the phone plan for my husband and I (450 shared mins w/ rollover, family talk)

---the data plan (unlimited whatever that comes with the iPhone)

---AND the lowest text msg plan (it's 5 dollars for like 200 msgs a month).


We do get about 10% off the normal price, I believe, because of his job.

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