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What did/do you use for middle school middle ages?

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It's one of my typical, piece-it-together-'cause-I-keep-finding-good-stuff plans.


My son will be 11 (6th grade by age). He'll use a Houghton Mifflin text called Across the Centuries as a spine. In addition, he'll do readings from the Parragon Atlas of World History, a book called History's Greatest Hits: Famous Events We Should All Know More About and four issues of Learning Through History magazine. Those will all be interwoven and (I hope!) work nicely together.


Meanwhile, on the side, he'll read Catherdral, Forge and Waterwheel and The Age of Shakespeare (Laroque), because I have both on the shelf and I think he'll enjoy them.


He's also going to read Adam of the Road, The Trumpeter of Krakow and some Norse myths, but I haven't figured out whether we're counting those as "history."


And, of course, there are lots of great movies and documentaries we can Netlix.


Across the Centuries has review questions after each chapter, and I'm planning to have him do those. I've warned him that I will be making up tests made up largely of questions drawn from those reviews. And I'm planning at least one "major" project per semester, but I'm flexible about what that must be.


I'm currently developing a list of possible field trips, too.


It should be a fun year.

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K12 Intermediate World History B (great for kids who have natural affinity for history), added some Sonlight Core 7 readers.


Abeka's Grammar and Composition I (taking a break from RS Eng. 7)


Incorporating the practice workbooks from Magic Lens (Royal Fireworks)


VCFR C (torn between staying in this series and using Royal Fireworks Word Within A Word; depends a lot on which one is easier to implement and thus staying with it consistently)


Writing: Using this resources; seems a lot but somehow it works out

Home2teach.com writing

Symbol & Sense (Stephen Hawley)

Using Editor software by Serenity Software for editing

WriteToLearn by Pearson Technology (get access through our charter school)


K12 Adv. Life Sci. + Harcourt Brace Gr 6 (successfully taught ds Cornell Style notetaking using this text)

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Here's what I'm working on, but it's not nearly finished yet. It's in two posts because it's too long for one:


Sixth Grade

Medieval History/Lit/Reading



Week 1 - Monday

Review with “Fall of Rome†- 395 - 410 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 1

King. Red, Early Middle Ages, pgs 97-99, 138-43

Usborne Medieval World, pg 3

Historical Atlas, 3.01

Tales of King Arthur, retold by Felicity Brooks (Usborne - use who’s who at end for memory work)

The King Who Was and Will Be: The World of King Arthur and His Knights, Kevin Crossley-Holland (use Arthur books over course of first two weeks for lit and reading)

Lancelot, Hudson Talbott (simple)

Young Arthur, Robert D. San Souci (simple)

Magic in the Mist, Margaret Kimmel (Wales - simple)

A History of Britain through Art, Jillian Powell ( 4-7)

King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table, Sidney Lanier, ed.




“Early Britainâ€- c. 449 A.D.

(Celts, Barbarians, Beowulf)


SOTW Ch. 2

Usborne Med. World, pgs 46-47

Hist. Atlas, 3.02

Ancient World Leaders: Attila the Hun, Bonnie Carman Harvey

The Celts, Hazel Martell

Scottish Myths and Legends, K. E. Sullivan

Kings and Queens for God: Matilda of Scotland

Beowulf the Warrior, Ian Serraillier

Famous Men of the Middle Ages: Intro I, Intro II, Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3

read from History of the Kings and Queens of England, David Williamson



Week 2 - Monday

“Christianity in Britain†- c. 596 A.D.

(Augustine, Monasteries)


SOTW Ch. 3

King. Red, pgs 102-03; 168-69

Usborne World, pgs 97; 108-09

Eyewitness Medieval Life, pgs 30-43

Usborne Med. World, pgs 7; 34-41

Hist. Atlas, 3.09

Augustine: The Farmer’s Boy of Tagaste, P. de Zeeuw

Watch “Cathedrals†video

Brother Wolf of Gubbio, A Legend of Saint Francis, Colony Santangelo (simple)

The Holy Twins, Benedict and Scholastica, Kathleen Norris (simple)

Saint Francis, Brian Wildsmith (simple)

Famous Men of the Middle Ages: Ch. 7; 21; 25




“Byzantine Empireâ€


SOTW Ch. 4

King. Red, pgs 100-01

Usborne World, pgs 92-93

Hist. Atlas, 3.15

Usborne Med. World, pgs 4-5

Famous Men of the Middle Ages: Ch. 6

Anna of Byzantium, Tracy Barrett



Week 3 - Monday

Continue Byzantine Empire




“Medieval India†- 200 - 650 A.D.



SOTW Ch. 5

Usborne World, pgs 116-17

Hist. Atlas, 3.19



Week 4 - Monday

“Rise of Islam†- 570 - 632 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 6

Usborne World, pgs. 96; 98-99

King. Red, pgs 106-07

Eyewitness Medieval World, pgs. 44-45

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 8-9

Hist. Atlas, 3.05

Famous Men of the Middle Ages: Ch. 8


Continue Rise of Islam



Week 5 - Monday

“Islamic Empireâ€


SOTW Ch. 7

King. Red, pgs. 116; 134-35

Usborne World, pgs. 112-13

Child’s Eye View, pg. 18

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 10-11

Hist. Atlas, 3.13; 3.14




Continue Islamic Empire



Week 6 - Monday

“Great Chinese Dynasties†- 581 - 906 A.D.

(Yan Chien, Tang)


SOTW Ch. 8

King. Red, pgs. 104-05; 136-37

Usborne World, pgs. 118-19; 153

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 70-71

Hist. Atlas, 3.20; 3.21




“Japan and Korea†300 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 9

King. Red, pgs. 118-19

Usborne World, pgs. 120-21; 154-55

Eyewitness Castle, pgs. 36-37

How Children Lived, pg. 30

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 72-73

Hist. Atlas, 3.24; 3.25



Week 7 - Monday

“Australia†- 800 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 10

How Children Lived, pg. 32

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 76-77




“Islamic Invasion†- c. 711 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 12

Famous Men of the Middle Ages: Ch. 11



Week 8 - Monday

“Kingdom of the Franks†- 485 - 510 A.D.



SOTW Ch. 11

Eyewitness Medieval World, pgs. 6-31

Eyewitness Castle, pgs. 14-15

Usborne Med. World, pg. 6

Hist. Atlas, 3.06

Famous Men of the Middle Ages: Ch. 5




“Great Kings of France†- 690 - 814 A.D.

(Charles the Hammer; Charlemagne)


SOTW Ch. 13

King. Red, pgs. 114-15; 126-27

Continue Eyewitness Medieval World

Usborne Med. Worlds, pgs. 18; 48-49

Kings and Queens for God: Charlemagne

The World in the Time of Charlemagne, Fiona Macdonald

Famous Men of the Middle Ages: Ch. 9, 10, 24



Week 9 - Monday

Continue with France


Continue Eyewitness Medieval World




“Arrival of Norsemen†- 790 - 1000 A.D.

(Gods, Eric the Red and Son)


SOTW Ch. 14

King. Red, pgs. 130-31

Usborne World, pgs. 100-01

Child’s Eye View, pg. 20

How Children Lived, pg. 18

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 12-15

Hist. Atlas, 3.07

A History of Britain through Art, continue (8-9)

Explore-a-Maze, Robert Snedden - Leif Eriksson

Famous Men of the Middle Ages: Ch. 12, 13

Viking Life, John Guy (w/ questions)

BBC Fact Finders: Vikings, Peter Chrisp

Leif the Lucky, Ingri and Edgar D’Aulaire (simple)

Inside Story: A Viking Town, Fiona Macdonald

If You Were There: Viking Times (w/ fold out game board), Antony Mason

Usborne Starting Point: Who Were the Vikings? (Simple)Jane Chisholm and Struan Reid

Usborne Illustrated World History: The Viking World, Philippa Wingate

Black Fox of Lorne, Marguerite de Angeli

The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow, Allen French



Week 10 - Monday and Wednesday

Continue Vikings



Week 11 - Monday

“First English Kings†- 866 - 1066 A.D.

(Alfred, Battle of Hastings)


SOTW Ch. 15

King. Red, pgs. 122-23; 132-33

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 16-17; 20

Augustine Came to Kent, Barbara Willard

A History of Britain through Art, continue (10-11)

Battles of the Medieval World, Kelly Devries, et al - Hastings

Kings and Queens for God, Carol Greene: Oswald, Guaire Aidni, Alfred the Great, Edward the Confessor

Famous Men of the Middle Ages: Ch. 14, 15, 16, 18, 19

continue w/ Kings and Queens of England




Continue with England



Week 12 - Monday

“England After Conquestâ€

(Language, Serfs, Noblemen, Stone Castles)


SOTW Ch. 16

King. Red, pgs. 152-55; 158-59

Usborne World, pgs. 102-07

Eyewitness Knight, applicable sections

Eyewitness Castle (except specific countries)

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 22-23; 26-31

Hist. Atlas, 3.08

Ultimate Explorer: Castles, Susan Churchill (w/ kit)

A History of Britain through Art, continue (12-13)

The Castle, A Pop-Up Fantasy, Tom Partridge

The Big Book of Knights and Castles, Barbara Weisberg

Castle, Struan Reid

Scottish Castles, Gordon Jarvie

Marguerite Makes a Book, Bruce Robertson (simple)

Queen Eleanor: Independent Spirit of the Medieval World, Polly Brooks

continue w/ Kings and Queens of England




Continue with England



Week 13 - Monday

“Knights and Samurai†- to 1560 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 17

King. Red, pgs. 150-51; 156-57

Usborne World, pgs. 136-37

Eyewitness Knight, as much as possible

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 24-25

Days of the Knights, A Tale of Castles and Battles, Christopher Maynard (simple)

The World of the Medieval Knight, Christopher Gravett

If You Lived in the Days of the Knights, Ann McGovern (simple)

The Samurai’s Tale, Erik Haugaard

In the Time of the Knights, Shelley Tanaka (simple)

Exploring History: Ancient Weapons, Will Fowler




Continue with Knights



Week 14 - Monday

“Age of Crusades†- 1031 - 1099 A.D.

(Jerusalem, Saladin, El Cid)


SOTW Ch. 18

King. Red, pgs. 145-49

Usborne World, pgs. 110-11

Child’s Eye View, pg. 26

Eyewitness Castle, pgs. 34-35

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 42-43

Hist. Atlas, 3.17

Saladin, Noble Prince of Islam, Diane Stanley (simple)

Battles of the Medieval World, continued - Hattin and Arsuf; Constantinople

Famous Men of the Middle Ages: Ch. 17

The Beduins’ Gazelle, Frances Temple

continue w/ Kings and Queens of England




Continue Crusades



Week 15 - Monday

“New Kind of King†- 1189 - 1215 A.D.

(Richard the Lionhearted, John Lackland, Magna Carta, Robin Hood)


SOTW Ch. 19

Usborne Med. World, pg. 45

King. Red, pgs. 162-63

Living History: Fourteenth-century Towns, Ed. John D. Clare

The Legend of Robin Hood, Ed. Dami Editore (Barnes & Noble illus. edition)

The Canterbury Tales, retold by Geraldine McCaughrean

Understanding the Canterbury Tales, Clarice Swisher

The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer (Penguin Classics)

If You were There: Medieval Times, Antony Mason (w/ fold-out game board)

Magna Carta, Clyde Bulla (L)

Famous Men of the Middle Ages: Ch. 23

The Adventures of Robin Hood, Roger Lancelyn Green

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, Howard Pyle (RD’s Young Readers)

Adam of the Road, Elizabeth Gray (and on tape)

Castle Diary: The Journal of Tobias Burgess, Page, Richard Platt

continue w/ Kings and Queens of England


Continue with England



Week 16 - Monday

“Diaspora†- 70 - 1306 A.D.

SOTW Ch. 20

King. Red, pgs. 108-09

Milk and Honey, A Year of Jewish Holidays, Jane Yolen

Great Illus. Classics Ivanhoe, Sir Walter Scott (simple)




“Mongols†- 1167 - 1294 A.D.

(Genghis Khan)


SOTW Ch. 21

Usborne World, pgs. 114-15

King. Red, pgs. 170-71

Child’s Eye View, pg. 22

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 52-53

Hist. Atlas, 3.22; 3.23

Battles of the Medieval World - Leignitz



Week 17 - Monday

Continue Mongols




“Mysterious East†- 1271 - 1924 A.D.

(Marco Polo, Forbidden City)


SOTW Ch. 22

King. Red, pgs. 174-75; 180-81; 184-85

Child’s Eye View, pg. 24

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 74-75

Explore-a-Maze - Marco Polo

The World in the Time of Marco Polo, Fiona Macdonald

The Adventures of Marco Polo, As Dictated in Prison to a Scribe in the Year 1298, What He Experienced and Heard During His Twenty-four Years Spent in Travel through Asia and at the Court of the Kublai-Khan, ed. for the modern reader by Richard J. Walsh - primary source

Year of the Dragon, Nigel Suckling



Week 18 - Monday

Continue w/ Marco Polo




Continue w/ Marco Polo

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Week 19 - Monday

“First Russians and Germany†- 860 - 1584 A.D.

(Ivan the Great and Ivan the Terrible; Holy Roman Empire)


SOTW Ch. 23

King. Red, pgs. 112-13; 120-21; 124-25; 222; 226-27

Usborne World, pgs. 128; 144-45

Eyewitness Castle, pgs. 18-21

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 19; 56-59

Forests of the Vampire, Slavic Myth, Charles Phillips and Michael Kerrigan

The White Stag, Kate Seredy

Battles of the Medieval World - Peipus

Kings and Queens for God: Vladimir, Elizabeth, Jadwiga, Katarina, Anastasia Romanov

Famous Men of the Middle Ages: Ch. 4; 20; 22




Continue Russia/Germany



Week 20 - Monday

“Ottoman Empire†- 1250 - 1566 A.D.

(Constantinople; Suleiman)


SOTW Ch. 24

King. Red, pgs. 182-83; 209; 216-17

Usborne World, pgs. 142-43

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 54-55

Hist. Atlas, 3.16

Battles of the Medieval World - Constantinople (198)




Continue w/ Ottoman Empire





Week 21 - Monday

“Plagueâ€- 1320 - 1351 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 25

King. Red, pgs. 178-79

Eyewitness Medieval Life, pgs. 60-61

Usborne Med. World, pg. 44

Hist. Atlas, 3.10

Crispin: The Cross of Lead, Avi




Continue with Plague



Week 22 - Monday

“France and England at War†- beg. 1413 A.D.

(Henry V; Agincourt; Joan of Arc)


SOTW Ch. 26

King. Red, pgs. 176-77

Usborne Med. World, pg. 21

A History of Britain through Art, continue (14-17)

Battles of the Medieval World - Agincourt

continue w/ Kings and Queens of England




Continue w/ 100 Years War



Week 23 - Monday

“War of the Roses†- 1422 - 1485 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 27

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 50-51

The Black Arrow, Robert Louis Stevenson

continue w/ Kings and Queens of England




Continue War of Roses



Week 24 - Monday

“Spain and Portugal†- 1419 - 1492 A.D.

(Ferdinand and Isabella; Henry the Navigator)


SOTW Ch. 28

King. Red, pgs. 200-01

Eyewitness Castle, pgs. 16-17

How Children Lived, pg. 22

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 60-61

applicable pages from Columbus and the Renaissance Explorers, Colin Hynson (20-23)

Exploring Africa, Hazel Martell and Gerald Wood ( 12-21, carrying over into next two weeks)

Don Quixote and the Windmills, Eric A. Kimmel (simple)

Don Quixote, retold by Michael Harrison (simple)

Around the World in a Hundred Years, From Henry the Navigator to Magellan, Jean Fritz




Continue w/ Spain and Portugal



Week 25 - Monday

“Africa†- 1000 - 1526 A.D.

(Gold, Salt, Ghana, Mansa Musa)


SOTW Ch. 29

King. Red, pgs. 117; 164-67; 208

Usborne World, pgs. 122-23; 151

Child’s Eye View, pg. 32

How Children Lived, pg. 20

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 62-65

Hist. Atlas, 3.18

Continue w/ Around the World in a Hundred Years

City States of the Swahili Coast, Thomas Wilson

History of the World: Africa (8th to 18th Century)




Continue w/ Africa



Week 26 - Monday

“Moghul Indiaâ€- 1526 - 1556 A.D.



SOTW Ch. 30

King. Red, pgs. 218-19

Usborne World, pg. 152

How Children Lived, pg. 28

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 66-69

continue w/ applicable pages from Columbus and the Renaissance Explorers (24-27)

Explore-a-Maze - da Gama

Continue w/ Around the World in a Hundred Years




“Columbus, Vespucci and Magellan†- 1492 - 1520 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 31

King. Red, pgs. 232-33

Usborne World, pgs. 140-41

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 90-91

Hist. Atlas, 3.03

continue w/ applicable pages from Columbus and the Renaissance Explorers (2-15)

Westward with Columbus, John Dyson

Christopher Columbus: Explorer of the New World, Peter Chrisp

Magellan and the Exploration of South America, Colin Hynson (w/ questions)

Christopher Columbus: First Voyage to America, From the Log of the ‘Santa Maria’ - primary source

Explore-a-Maze - Columbus and Magellan

The Great Adventure of Christopher Columbus, a Pop-Up Book, Jean Fritz

Columbus, Ingri and Edgar D’Aulaire

Continue w/ Around the World in a Hundred Years



Week 27 - Monday

Continue Explorers




Continue Explorers



Week 28 - Monday

“Americas†- 600 - 1525 A.D.

(Mayans, Incas)


SOTW Ch. 32

King. Red, pgs. 110-11; 128-29; 172-73


Usborne World, pgs. 124-27; 138-39

Child’s Eye View, pgs. 16 and 34

How Children Lived, pg. 26

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 78-85

Hist. Atlas, 3.26; 3.27; 3.28

Pyramids, Anne Millard, pgs. 42-55

Looking at Aztec Myths and Legends: Land of the Five Suns, Kay McManus




Continue w/ Americas



Week 29 - Monday

“Spain, Portugal, and New World†- c. 1519 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 33

King. Red, pgs. 186-91 wrap-up; 196-99; 206-07; 212-13; 220-21




“Renaissance†- c. 1456 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 35

King. Red, pgs. 160-61; 193-95; 202-05

Usborne World, pgs. 129-33

Child’s Eye View, pg. 30

Eyewitness Medieval Life, pgs. 62-63

How Children Lived, pg. 24

Usborne Med. World, pgs. 32-33; 86-89

Hist. Atlas, 3.11; 3.12

Watch “Masterworks of Western Art: The Northern Renaissance†video

Living History: Italian Renaissance, ed. John D. Clare

Journey through History: The Renaissance, Garme Peris (simple)

Eyewitness Renaissance

Read from Famous Men of the Renaissance and Reformation


Week 30 - Monday

Continue Renaissance




Continue Renaissance (New Universe; Copernicus) - 1543 - 1609 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 37

Continue Famous Men



Week 31 - Monday

“Martin Luther†- from 1509 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 34

Usborne World, pgs. 34-35

Hist. Atlas, 3.04

Luther the Leader, Virgil Robinson

Continue Famous Men




“Reformation and Counter-reformation†- from 1545 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 36

King. Red, pgs. 214-15; 224-25; 228-29

Continue Famous Men

continue w/ Kings and Queens of England



Week 32 - Monday

“England’s Greatest Queen†- 1547 - 1603 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 38

King. Red, pgs. 210-11

Usborne World, pgs. 146-47

A History of Britain through Art, continue (20-25)

Mary, Bloody Mary, Carolyn Meyer

continue w/ Kings and Queens of England




Continue w/ England



Week 33 - Monday

“Shakespeare†- 1564 - 1616 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 39

Child’s Eye View, pg. 36

The Young Person’s Guide to Shakespeare, Anita Ganeri (w/ CD)

Shakespeare’s Theatre, Andrew Langley

Tales from Shakespeare, Charles and Mary Lamb

Shakespeare’s Globe, An Interactive Pop-Up Theatre, Toby Forward

Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare for Children, E. Nesbit

Shakespeare’s Stories: Comedies, retold by Beverly Birch

Oxford School Shakespeare: Hamlet, Antony and Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Twelfth Night, The Tempest, and Much Ado About Nothing, all edited by Roma Gill

Macbeth, ed. Nicholas Brooke




Continue w/ Shakespeare



Week 34 - Monday

“New Ventures in America†- 1539 - 1607 A.D.

(Raleigh; Lost Colony)


SOTW Ch. 40



Continue w/ America


Week 35 - Monday

“Exploration of Northern N. America†- 1534 - 1608 A.D.



SOTW Ch. 41

King. Red, pgs. 230-31

continue w/ Columbus and the Renaissance Explorers (16-19; 28-31, plus questions at end)




Continue w/ N. America Exploration



Week 36 - Monday

“Spain and England’s War†- 1588 A.D.


SOTW Ch. 42

King. Red, pgs. 223; 234-39

continue w/ Kings and Queens of England




Continue w/ Spain/England War

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Currently we are using (6th grade) MFW EXP to 1850 for Bible, History and Science. For math he's almost done with Singapore 5B moving on to 6A. We use Abeka for English and Spelling and Writing Strands for creative writing.


He also does Rosetta Stone Spanish and Latin. He must read a classic each week of my choice and then many book basket books.


For 7th the plan is:


MFW's 1850 to MOD for Bible and History and will add their 7th and 8th grade supplement. For Science he'll do Apologia's "Exploring Creation with General Science". After Singapore 6B I think we'll move on to NEM. We'll keep with Abeka for English and Spelling and will probably use Writing Strands as well.


He'll move on to Rosetta Stone Spanish II and finsh Latin.


I think he'll take a Logic and Apologetrics class at a local Christian School and a Jazz Band.

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My son will be doing Literary Lessons from the Lord of the Rings for English next year. So, my plan is to add some supplementary reading from the period. The curriculum has them doing bits and pieces of both Beowulf and Gawain and the Green Knight, but I'm planning to have my son read the full versions of both. We'll also read Macbeth, as suggested in the curriculum, and I'd like to do one other Shakespearean play. I'm waiting to decide, though, until I see what the Shakespeare theatre's season looks like. My preference would be to read something we could then go see live.


I think that should tie things together nicely.

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I am working on our second semester of co-op where we are doing the middle ages and although we are using STOW, we have gone of on soem other interesting topics as well. We have 14 books we are going through and we have 14 biographies we are assigning to each one of 14 kids!


here is the list which will cover much of 1215-1600. We had covered fall of Rome through William the Conqueror the first semester. Additonally we may do Henry V for Shakespeare.


The biographies include a lot of christian bents.



1 Queen Eleanor 1122 Proud Taste of Scarlet and Minerva $5.99 208 pp

2. Magna Carta 1215 The Magna Charta $10.19 169 pages

3. Gutenberg 1398 Fine Print $6.95 64 pages

4. Joan of Arc 1412 Beyond the Myth $8.95 192 pages

5. Michelangelo 1475 Michelangelo Diane Stanley $6.99 48 pages

6. Da Vinci 1452 Second Mrs Giaconda $7.99 160 pages

7. Martin Luther 1483 Luther Biography of a Reformer $10.19 219 pages

8. Galileo 1564 Along Came Galileo $11.95 90 pages

9. Plaque 1664 At the Sign of the Sugared Plum $8.44 176 pages

10. War of the Roses 1455 The Black Arrow $10.44 142 pages

11. Med/Knights Men of Iron $9.95 224 pages

12. Poland 1300 The Trumpeter of Krakow $5.99 224 pages

13. Japan/Samurai 1500's The Samurai's Tale $ 6.95 256 Pages

14. England 1290 Catherine called Birdy $6.99 224 pages




1. Joan of Arc 1412-1431

2. Henry VIII

3. John Wycliff 1320-1384

4. Ferdinand Magellan

5. Christopher Columbus

6. Michelangelo Buonarroti – 1475-1564

7. Leonardo Davinci 1452-1519

8. Marco Polo 1254-1324

9. Martin Luther 1483-1546

10. John Gutenberg 1400-1468

11. William Shakespeare 1564-1616

12. Galileo 1564-1642

13. John Calvin 1509-1564

14. William Tyndale 1496-1561



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