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Singapore Math/Going from K to 1A


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My DD, 5-1/2, is just about to finish the Kindergarten math books. It looks like the first 3/4 of 1A is nothing new (?). Is it worthwhile to do all that review and work on speed??? It seems like an excessive amount of review to me, but I also don't want to rush things for her. Thanks to those of you who have been there already!

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My ds is 5.4 and we are starting 1A next week (finished EB B this week). We are going to do all of the review because we need to get our facts down now and I love the way Singapore does that. I also picked up the Extra Practice and Intensive Practice books so we could have more practice than just the textbook and workbook allow. Practice makes perfect. :)

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We have used Singapore for six years and have loved it. I would not skip any of it, even though they seem to know it well. Although, we do skip reviews though, if they did well on all of the exercises. But I wouldn't skip a bit of the textbook, because they seem to reinforce things with problems that are a little different or just a little more difficult.

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Don't skip. 1A can look deceptively simple. Your child really has to be pretty good at holding numbers in her head and manipulating them mentally. They have to be very comfortable with the combinations that make 10. Later in the book, when adding say 8+6, they don't just memorize 14. You can do that, but you really want them to learn to make the 10 so that later they will be able to add 78+6. I actually delayed starting 1A after finishing EB last spring with my youngest. Having gone through it with my now 3rd grader, I believe that what is asked of the child is a lot harder than EB. Back to the 8+6 problem, they need to be able to identify that they need 2 to make the 8 a 10, subtract the 2 from the 6, and add the result to 10. In their head. Fairly quickly. I'm sure it's easy for many kids, but don't underestimate the difficulty and be prepared to slow down and take all the time your dc needs to gain facility with this. It will pay off in the long run.


-Former math teacher

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My DD, 5-1/2, is just about to finish the Kindergarten math books. It looks like the first 3/4 of 1A is nothing new (?). Is it worthwhile to do all that review and work on speed??? It seems like an excessive amount of review to me, but I also don't want to rush things for her. Thanks to those of you who have been there already!


Oh yeah, I remember that feeling. It reviews and then gets tougher. Getting smooth with the facts takes time and repetition. I vote keep going and at the first sign of slowing down, do so. Don't get lulled by the review.

At this age you are building huge numbers of neuronal connections. Lay down the math tracks solidly, and your child won't have the math misery so many others get later on. IMO.


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Thanks, Ali. I just read carefully through every page and realized exactly that - it IS deceptively simple at first glance. Now I see how it's at a subtly deeper level. I love this program, and see more why with each passing day.


In Singapore they don't start 1A until a child is 7yo, so IF you hit a wall, order some of the practice books and regroup. :)


My oldest soared through the EB books and into 1A. She did great with it till about half way through the book when they start taking away the pictures. She could do it with the pictures, but without them she had no ability to use manipulatives (nor did she want to) and she didn't have the mental ability yet to do them without some sort of manipulative. After a break we came back and she was able to move on. Now I just wait till my kids start 2nd grade to start the 1A book, but Singapore is not our only math program either. It just makes things easier on ME. ;)




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I was planning Singapore as a supplement for math crazy dd6, but not til the fall (he just finished RS A and he's now doing MEP math and some other fun mathy stuff.) Your post was a lightbulb moment for me-I think what I'll do is hold off a little on Singapore. I'm planning on CLE as his main math, and cherry picking some from MEP and RS B next year for conceptual "fun." I planned Singapore in there too (it's pretty short and to the point, and the more the merrier for him) but now with what you said I think I'll do just the ones I had planned and wait til 2nd grade to start Singapore. By then I'll be done with all I wanted to do from RS, so the Singapore can just replace that. Some of Sing will be review at that point for him, but that's fine.


Anyway, thanks a lot because it helped me solidify something that I was going around and around in my mind about!

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actually reading in another post where someone had their dc do Horizons through third grade and THEN go back and do the Singapore from 1A. I personally don't plan on that, but I can see the advantage of having an extra year of maturity before starting it. I think in general I am seeing this with the second dc-waiting on things more than I did with my first guinea pig dd. And because my second is being introduced to things with more maturity, he just flies through the material.


Thanks for the lightbulb moment!

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