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This is so wonderful....

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That is so amazing. The kids must have remembered their parents, I wonder what their grandfather told them and why he felt so compelled to take them. It is all so very strange. The "kids" are my age and it would just totally mess with my world to find out these things. The article doesn't say how it was all figured out at this late date.

A couple of women saw the grandfather and recognized him, and called authorities.


The parents will be flying to California tomorrow. They are all pins and needles.

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A couple of women saw the grandfather and recognized him, and called authorities.


The parents will be flying to California tomorrow. They are all pins and needles.


WOW. So your friend didn't have any contact with the grandfather for 20 years or so?


I wonder how they graduated college without a SS number or a birth certificate, or maybe he faked them.

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I noticed the parents were in seminary at the time of the kidnapping. My dh is in seminary, and from time to time, a seminary family is threatened by their parents, in-laws, or social services. Some people actually think (and will say so) it's child abuse to give up a good paying job, change careers, and live in less-than-luxurious seminary housing. We have a good friend who is in that situation now with his in-laws, and he hasn't even given up his regular job or housing; he's just taking night classes. It's scary to think that there are people out there who will go the extremes described in the article.

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