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Best age for braces?

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My 8 and 9 year old sons have a big gap inbetween their upper two front teeth which might necessitate braces. At what age would you recommend that they be seen by an orthodontist? I have heard a few people recommend that earlier is better than later, and others that it is better to wait. I am especially interested to hear of any personal experiences within your family or people you know.

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I really just have to rely on finding an orthodontist I like and trusting him or her. Ours does free quarterly checks on the kids to watch how their teeth are falling out/coming in and bases his decision on that. Our oldest child had his braces put on at almost 12 yrs. and second child will be about 12 1/2 when he gets his on in March. I asked a trusted friend (who's VERY picky about medical professionals!) who did the braces for her family, and that's how we came to use our ortho office.


Best wishes,


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Our dentist will refer when they have 8 permanent teeth in. But only if they need "phase I" or palate expanders. So Luke will need braces, and has 8 permanent teeth, but he's got room, so she's not referring him yet.


Peyton will get referred as soon as she gets on more permanent tooth, because those puppies are crowded.

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My dd was 8 1/2 when she got her braces. She needed a palate expander and braces on the top. Her front teeth were coming in so crooked.


The orthodontist gave us two choices:

1. Have top braces put on with the palate expander. She would be in braces for 12 months and then she might need braces again when she's older, but maybe for only another 12 months.


2. Wait until she was older, and then she would probably need braces for 2 years.


The cost would be about the same, so we chose option one because we didn't want her to have really crooked front teeth for a few years until all her permanent teeth were in. She needed the palate expander anyway, so why not do everything.


She's been out of braces for a year and her teeth look great. She still goes in for check ups every 2 months or so. We are hoping that she won't need the second round of braces. Only time will tell.


I think it would be a good idea to ask your dentist if they need to see an orthodontist or go ahead and see if you can find one that will give you a free evaluation.

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This might start all sorts of stuff, though that is not my intent, but whenever you do go in to see an orthodontist, make sure you ask about the length of time the retainer will be essential and talk about how quickly the teeth can return to their previous shape if the retainer is not worn. You'll also want to make sure the kids are on board with the process if they're not already. I had a big gap between my front teeth and got braces at 12 - I think I had lost most of my baby teeth at that point. I was so excited to get my teeth 'fixed.' I wore the braces for 2.5 years, had to wear a retainer 24/7 for 3 years, and then I was told I could switch to wearing it at night only... which was fine except a year later I had to have wisdom teeth extracted. During the three days when I was recovering from the surgery and I couldn't wear my retainer, my teeth moved so much that the retainer never fit again, and the only alternative was going back into braces. My teeth now look exactly like they did before the whole process. It's very depressing sometimes, and I feel like my parents wasted a lot of money. I hope nobody else has had the same experience and that I'm just the paranoid one here! I figure my own daughter will need braces someday, and I am so scared to even think about it because of my own experience. I hope your sons have better luck. Sorry to hijack.

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Our dentist will refer when they have 8 permanent teeth in. But only if they need "phase I" or palate expanders. So Luke will need braces, and has 8 permanent teeth, but he's got room, so she's not referring him yet.


Peyton will get referred as soon as she gets on more permanent tooth, because those puppies are crowded.


Yes, it seems to depend on whether there are gaps or if teeth are too crowded. Ds had a gap between upper front teeth since his permanent teeth came in. Somewhere between 7 yo and 15 yo, the gap closed as more permanent teeth came in. He never needed braces.


On the other hand, if they are crowded it only gets worse with time and orthos like to get an early start.


I would make an appointment and see what he/she has to say. The first consultation is usually free.

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If you are really concerned, ask around and find a good ortho. Then go in and have him look at the teeth. Most orthodontists will gladly give free consults. Speaking from experience, a gap is not usually treated until the permanent teeth are in. Ask about attaching a permanent retainer to the teeth once they are in position if treatment is needed.


I had braces for a gap when I was 14. A few years after the retainer became "once a week" the teeth moved. As an adult I got braces again, and this time the orthodontist glued a small piece of metal behind each of my front two upper teeth. The teeth have never moved since...and no retainer at night.



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Calvin's front teeth stick out and naturally rest slightly onto his lower lip. We have been told to wait until all his adult teeth (apart from wisdom teeth) are in before getting him braces.




My oldest son has bite issues, and this is what the ortho told us. Unfortunately, even though he was early in other areas of physical development, he appears to be "dentally delayed" (the ortho's words), so he's probably looking at braces in high school.

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At that age I wouldn't worry about a gap...only if they are crowded. A gap will allow nice room for their permanent teeth to come in. When I was young, I had a huge gap in between my front teeth..and I remember the dentist talking braces. However, once my teeth came in, it closed up and I have nice straight teeth.

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