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Anxiety attack, cant sleep, ugh...

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I'm sorry you're having an anxiety attack.


Xanax is my best advice.


Short of that, I can get through many anxiety attacks by doing deep breathing and visualizations. The breathing helps the most. I tense up my arm and then release it, then do the other. I tense the shoulders and release. It helps release the tension. I do that with my entire body.


The deep breathing, though, can get me through.


Sleep does help if you can get to that state.


Best wishes.

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Personally I do crossword puzzles when I can't sleep. They distract me from my thoughts, and allow me to stay still long enough to drift off.


I will also reread a book that I have read before. I will start in the middle so I can just read until I fall asleep.

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I'm sorry you're having an anxiety attack.


Xanax is my best advice.


Short of that, I can get through many anxiety attacks by doing deep breathing and visualizations. The breathing helps the most. I tense up my arm and then release it, then do the other. I tense the shoulders and release. It helps release the tension. I do that with my entire body.


The deep breathing, though, can get me through.


Sleep does help if you can get to that state.


Best wishes.


Thanks, I'm trying that now.


Personally I do crossword puzzles when I can't sleep. They distract me from my thoughts, and allow me to stay still long enough to drift off.


I will also reread a book that I have read before. I will start in the middle so I can just read until I fall asleep.


I was kind of hoping that searching the forums would help. Maybe I'll try a book - but I feel so jittery, I can't seem to settle to focus. If I wasn't panicky, I this would surely work but I can't settle down enough to pick something up. :(

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Do you have something like a yoga exercise tape you can turn on & just do? Or maybe the end of an aerobics exercise tape where they do the cool down stretches?


Maybe massage your temples with lavender oil.


Drink a glass of tepid water slowly, through a straw if you have one.


Can you try writing down all the things that are whizzing in your head? Just dump them down, not neatly, not grammatically. Rip the paper up or shred it or feed it to the garburator after you're done.


Hang in there, this too shall pass.

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Do you have something like a yoga exercise tape you can turn on & just do? Or maybe the end of an aerobics exercise tape where they do the cool down stretches?


Maybe massage your temples with lavender oil.


Drink a glass of tepid water slowly, through a straw if you have one.


Can you try writing down all the things that are whizzing in your head? Just dump them down, not neatly, not grammatically. Rip the paper up or shred it or feed it to the garburator after you're done.


Hang in there, this too shall pass.


Thanks, I'm trying to drink slowly... I'm VERY thirsty. I don't have any exercise/yoga tapes.


Now I'm going to lay down and try to sleep again. I am so tired.


I am able to calm my anxiety when I do Leslie Sansone's walk with DVD. I have to make it at least two times in a day, half hour in the morning, and half hour sometimes between lunch and dinner. It also helps me to stay on diet for weight loss, and I am not able to diet without it.


Thanks. my legs feel like rubber. I thought about the treadmill but I don't think I can do it plus I am so very tired.

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Maybe put on headphones and concentrate on some calming music?


I've found that praying helps me, especially praying for other people. If I was concentrating on praying for someone else, especially out loud, I would slowly stop paying attention to how I was feeling and it was enough to break the cycle.


You could also try reading a book, out loud. The less room you have in your head for your own thoughts, the better (in my experience).


Staying warm helps, esp. warmth on your chest, if you have a heating pad or hot water bottle, and lay it across your chest, it will help you relax.



:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry!! I hope you get some relief quickly.

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When my mind races, I will also start a Thankful prayer. I will lay and think "I am thankful for xxx", and then repeat, repeat....


I can think of things for a very long while sometimes. This can help me channel bad thoughts to good ones.


It can be as simple as "I am thankful that I bought that toy for Christmas for dd2, she really seems like it"


Or more spiritual "I am thankful I have a warm bed, a warm husband, and a warm heart"


I don't try to control the thoughts just allowing them to flow, and take my mind into a happy, thankful place.

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Thanks for the suggestions above.


I am starting to calm down. I do have lavender oil so I'm going to get that right now.


I am not relaxed but more calm (boy, it feels like I was anxious for hours) and more tired than I think I can stand.


I am nauseous now, but not as anxious and tense as before.


Ok, I'm laying down with music on and I'm going to close my eyes.


thanks. If you don't hear from me... I'm asleep!


I really appreciate all the advice in the thread. It has really helped me not feel so alone which is the one thing that really makes me more anxious.

Edited by Jumping In Puddles
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I'm not a big proponent of medicating, but per my bff who is a psychiatrist, I take a benadryl (or otc sleeping aid that has the same active ingredient). I was on prescription medicine for anxiety, but was able to wean off of it after a year. But, when dh is out of town or I have too much stuff going on, it rears its ugly head. Taking 25 mg of benadryl really helps me get to sleep. It's only a very occassional thing for me to take it though.

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I have struggled with anxiety attacks/insomnia and it is so very hard.


It must be morning by the time you read this, so I hope you finally were able to sleep.


One thing that helped me about was the advice to not fight the anxiety. Accept that your body is feeling how it feels and decide to get through it, and to remember that you will get through it.

In the morning, let the bad night go. Get started with a determination to make it a good day in spite of the bad night.


Also, if your husband will be gone again tonight, try to come up with a plan now for what you will do if you begin feeling anxious again and can't sleep.


I don't know where it is now, but I also found a web page about anxiety. (there are lots of them) It had suggestions about a meditative-type exercise that led me step-by-step into a more relaxed state. This really helped me. Sort of in the same way breathing exercises helped during childbirth -- it gave me and my body something else to focus on. If you google 'anxiety attacks' you may have some luck.


I'm sorry you're dealing with this. It is so hard, but it will pass, and you'll get through it. Good luck to you.

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Thank you all for the advice. I did finally get calmed down and I slept for about 3 hours. I'm tired now but thank goodness the panic attack has passed.


I'm going to try and take more control when it happens again and try the things mentioned in this thread. :crying:


While I'm having an attack, I feel too anxious sometimes to do something as simple as taking a deep breath (even when I know it may help :confused:) but last night I was really trying to let it go and help myself get over it so I guess that's a step in the right direction.



Thanks again, everyone. I'm grateful for you being here for me and the wonderful advice you gave me while I was going through it and even today! :)

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I find deep breathing hard when I have a panic attack, because mine often make me nauseated. If you can, though, it does help!


I've taken to pedaling like crazy on my exercise bike (5 minutes wears me out, LOL) when I have a jittery panic attack. Alternated with lying down and watching TV and trying to fall asleep, that sometimes works. Best is if I can occupy both my body and my mind ... like watching TV and playing Cat's Cradle. (If only I could knit, this would be great! Busywork for the hands.) Reading doesn't work so well, because I can't focus well enough at those times.


I hope you're feeling much better this morning! Panic attacks are scary and no fun at all. :(

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