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Favorite Bible for 5 yo's


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It will make you cry and laugh and sing for joy. WE LOVE it.


Yes I'm yelling. It's that GREAT!!!!


Both my dc tenderly love this story bible the way they love no other (and they like all of them and had their favorites before) but this for both of my dc, is the epitome of all story bibles.

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It will make you cry and laugh and sing for joy. WE LOVE it.


Yes I'm yelling. It's that GREAT!!!!


Both my dc tenderly love this story bible the way they love no other (and they like all of them and had their favorites before) but this for both of my dc, is the epitome of all story bibles.


Yay! I just ordered this last week and am waiting for it to get here. I'm so excited now. :D

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My dc have *loved* reading it by themselves and it also works very well for read aloud for 3-6 yos. It's abt 1st-2nd grade reading level, nicely written, well organized and nice pictures. It has great "thinking" questions at the end of each story. This summer, when my almost5yo just started reading it, my 3 dc started "having church" with my almost5yo as pastor, reading the story and then the 3 dc would discuss the questions. SOOO cute!

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The Jesus Storybook Bible and The Big Picture Story Bible. My boys adored both of them. We did JSB first and then BPSB second. I wish I would have done them the other way first as Big Picture is geared more to a younger audience and Jesus Storybook Bible to a little older one.


Here's a link to the Westminster Online Bookstore where you can actually see 2 complete stories from the Jesus Storybook Bible:


Jesus Storybook Bible


And here's a link to read 2 chapters from The Big Picture Story Bible:


Big Picture Story Bible


These are two truly wonderful resources!

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A dissenting opinion:


I don't like the Jesus Storybook Bible. I have found it to be inaccurate scripturally in parts. I would not recommend it.

Although the children love it- I would rather choose a book that is less "yummy" to them- but more truth.


I am using 101 Favorite Bible Stories with my five year old. So far we are enjoying it.


We also use New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes- all my young children have enjoyed it...


and The Child's Story Bible- but I prefer that for six and up-although my five year old does enjoy listening to it.




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