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Would you consider TOG or My Father's World for us?


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I think we will finally be finishing up our cycle of History this year. It's been a messy and unorganized journey with lots of moves, public school, and a public school homeschooling programing.


My oldest is in 6th this year although he really is more of a 5th grader due to Asperger's and problems associated with that. He can read well. He is intelligent. But, he is a stubborn perfectionist that struggles with writing and math because of the writing portions.


We have a new baby due at the end of June. I'm considering TOG or My Father's World just so I have some sort of organization. We moved again this year and should be here for a few years. I'm tired, I don't really want to plan. I do want to see more getting done around our household. I feel like my oldest especially could use some consistency in the learning department.


My dh is the only one working/in school right now. Our income is very limited and I don't want to purchase a ton of books or extra curriculum. We are very happy with MUS for math and I've been able to stretch out each years curriculum for all the boys. Any thoughts?


As a side note...I'm actually a pretty organized person. I've managed to go back to school for the last 3 years and we homeschooled all but a 1/2 year for that time. I think I'm burnt out and I actually have some time to spend with my children yet everything seems like such a mess even though I have a lot less to do. (Well, until that baby gets here:tongue_smilie:)

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For TOG I will probably give the trial a try. But, if I use that I will probably just put my older two in the UG together. I have a good library and I don't mind printing stuff.


If I get the digital version will I just be able to print out assignment sheets for them each week? Are there student pages I can print out for each week?

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We are using MFW this year and it's very easy to do. The TM is open and go, it gives you a list of supplies for each week. They are ususally general things that I already have on hand. If I needed to buy something I have always found them at Wal-Mart on grocery day. The only other thing you will need is to go to the library and check out books on the book list for book basket. I have always found most of the books at my public library. And if you can't find alot, the writer of the program says to just use what is available. So you are not buying additional books. The TM tells you exactly what to do and when there is a discusion it is scripted for you if you need that.


I've looked at TOG, but I just can't afford all the books, and I know I don't have to have them all, but I know that I would feel the program was incomplete without those wonderful books! I also tend to lean towards a program that is scripted, laid out for me. IMO, TOG is more teacher directed with your own thoughts/discussions, so I think I would be at a loss there.



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I have been happy with MFW for 4 years now. I have looked at TOG several times, but it overwhelmed me. MFW seems easier to implement and is more open and go. If you do the recommendations for the beginning of the year there is no planning except getting library books, which I love to do.

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I have been happy with MFW for 4 years now. I have looked at TOG several times, but it overwhelmed me. MFW seems easier to implement and is more open and go. If you do the recommendations for the beginning of the year there is no planning except getting library books, which I love to do.


I agree!

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Close friends of mine use TOG and love it, however, it does take some time to plan and get used to. They say there is a 6 to 8 week "fog" or learning curve when you first start. This came from the most organized person I know :) They all use the library (except the one that is in Africa as a missionary).


My oldest dd has Asperger's and every time I've looked at TOG I have felt that it would be overwhelming for her (whether or not it was for me).


We used MFW last year and we really liked it. The only reason we didn't stick with it this year was because we didn't want dd to start back in the Ancients with the high school program before she had American History. We plan to go back to MFW next year. The TM is really open and go. We bought only the spine books that I couldn't get out of the library or that we needed all year. With my teacher card I can keep books out for school for 12weeks. There is a list of things you will/might need at the beginning of each week and there is a book list for extra reading at the back of the book categorized by each week. Notebook pages are in the back of the book too so you can copy for each student. In tight spots, I just read the books and we left off the extras. We still had a great year. My younger dd sat in on the readings, she was 7, and got much more than I thought she would.


Wow, I'm wordy. It's past my bedtime:D MFW sounds like a better fit than TOG for you at this time. Good luck in deciding.

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I use TOG currently, love it, but have decided to wait till high school to continue with it. TOG is everything I ever wanted in a curriculum. It includes so much, it is very thorough, and it is in one word for me "perfect". (The only thing not so perfect for me is the price.)


That being said, I just think I could get by in the younger years with something not so teacher-intensive. :) I could do a whole lot less planning than I am doing now and still get a solid education. I guess it is more of a selfish reason for me and my time than dissatisfaction with the curriculum itself. TOG takes a lot of planning and coordinating, especially if you cannot afford to purchase all the books, like me. I rely solely on the library for all my books.


So, if you are wanting something that is quick to put together, I would not look at TOG. But if you have the time, TOG is worth it's weight in gold. It really is a great program.

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I think MFW may be a good fit for you especially with a new baby due. The open and go method may be your answer. MFW is very easy to follow. Heart of Dakota is a great open and go program also but it only goes to a certain level. There are additional levels in the making but I'm not sure of the release date. We love MFW and plan to use them again next year. I have a very busy schedule so it works out just great. Hope you find something that works and congratulations on your new arrival.

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You may also want to look at Heart of Dakota. It is even more open and go than MFW.


Just another choice-



:iagree: I haven't used HOD yet, but I think there programs look great. They look to be very open and go, yet allow you flexibility if you want to use different math or LA than what they recommend. Just from looking at their samples, it appears there are discussions/oral narrations prompts/key ideas/written assignments/art projects as appropriate to help dc make connections and practice skills. There are also extension packages if you need to add older children into a package for youngers. There is a message board too with really helpful advice from other ladies and from Carrie who wrote the curriculum. Like you, I considered TOG, but it just seems like it would leave me with too many decisions to make. Even though I know no one is supposed to do it ALL, I would still worry about what we were leaving out. Maybe I'm not such a "planner" after all :)


Good luck choosing for you family!

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Well, I like TOG and do not find it planning intensive at all! :confused: Last Saturday I spent a whole 2-3 hours planning; printing off maps, Student Activity Pages, etc., and putting together my sons folder for his next 9 week unit. I find TOG very easy to use and I have not once encountered any type of "fog."


The layout, to me, is quite simple to follow. I have one Word schedule that takes maaaaybe 10 min. to fill in for my son's weekly assignments. It includes his entire workload, not just TOG. I hand it to him on Monday and he does the work. On Friday we get together and go over his work, and have discussion. I usually read through the Teacher's Notes first, but I have often had pick up and go discussions with him.


If one were to try and do ALL of TOG I can see that it could get overwhelming. It is a very full curriculum...you shouldn't do it all...it would be way too much. We do not do any of the activities, nor do we do the timeline work at this point. I was using the vocab, but decided to go with a workbook approach instead. My son loves the mapping assignments and if you have Map Aids, it makes geography super easy. I use the library, but I order my books online and pick them up when they have all arrived so they all have the same due-date. I am happy with TOG.


As for MFW, it has never tempted me so I honestly cannot say if it would be better for you in your situation. I personally would not like the "book basket" approach that MFW uses. I like my books scheduled for me, knowing when one should be completed and the other begun. Don't give me a list of books to pick and choose from...I don't do well with that approach. ;) MFW might be perfect for YOU though. It would be great if you could sit down with a year of both. It is always difficult judging a curriculum by others' opinions. At least for me it is. :D

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I personally would not like the "book basket" approach that MFW uses. I like my books scheduled for me, knowing when one should be completed and the other begun. Don't give me a list of books to pick and choose from...I don't do well with that approach. ;)



Trying to help explain book basket a bit more.


Those books are scheduled in terms of which week they go with the history/science topic. So, you use them that week. You have a list to select from so that if your library doesn't have it, you can use something else. You are not tied to have to have that title for your child's reading on their own.


However, with book basket, if your child starts a book and wants to put it down, then you let them -- just like you and I do at a curriculum fair or bookstore or library. If they want to read ahead for fun, it's ok. It's there to help them have a lot of flexibility and to allow for individual choices. If they don't finish it that week, they can keep going based on their pace for reading to themselves. So, there is a lot of individual pacing in book basket, but the books are scheduled to go with the weekly topic.


Read alouds are specifically scheduled (those are the books from deluxe package) as it is the parent who reads those out loud to the child. And of course, all package books are scheduled.


but, as was said, it doesn't work for everyone. But I thought I'd help others to see the unseen with book basket.



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If we have the money I think I will go ahead with MFW. We already do the book basket approach here, so that is a bonus.


Otherwise if we don't I think I'll just do SOTW with the worksheets. We haven't gone through all the SOTW books and I'm sure I can beef it up for my oldest. It would be great to go through with my youngest, plus I do have that other child coming in eventually. I did find some really helpful planning sheets that list all the chapters of SOTW. If I started those in the next few months, I could be down by next year:tongue_smilie:


If I could only win the Lotto. I could buy all the books I want!

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If we have the money I think I will go ahead with MFW. We already do the book basket approach here, so that is a bonus.


Otherwise if we don't I think I'll just do SOTW with the worksheets. We haven't gone through all the SOTW books and I'm sure I can beef it up for my oldest. It would be great to go through with my youngest, plus I do have that other child coming in eventually. I did find some really helpful planning sheets that list all the chapters of SOTW. If I started those in the next few months, I could be down by next year:tongue_smilie:


If I could only win the Lotto. I could buy all the books I want!


In case you didn't realize it, MFW schedules SOTW for you in years 3, 4 and 5. Here's a thread explaining a bit about why they don't use SOTW 1 in CTG, though I know of some people who put SOTW in the book basket for that year. http://board.mfwbooks.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=365


Also, a couple things to consider re: cost:


A) keep an eye out on the used forums for used;


B) several of the resources in MFW are used for more than one year (not to mention you divide the total cost by # of children you'll use it with), so you're not paying full package cost *every* year;


C) I'm not sure of your children's ages, but very likely you'll cycle back around and use the material again later on; and


D) if you go with SOTW alone for history, then what about all the other subjects? By piece mealing it all together, you may well end up spending at least as much as if you'd just bought MFW to begin with. Ask me how I know. ;)


Anyway, those are just some thoughts to consider when getting ready to make your decision. :001_smile: Also, don't forget prayer. God has a way of providing.

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Well, I like TOG and do not find it planning intensive at all! :confused: Last Saturday I spent a whole 2-3 hours planning; printing off maps, Student Activity Pages, etc., and putting together my sons folder for his next 9 week unit. I find TOG very easy to use and I have not once encountered any type of "fog."




Whispering in the OP's ear.... {It takes a lot less time and work to prep for the coming week with MFW.}




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I've used both and am currently using TOG. One of the reasons I chose MFW the year I did was because I had a young one and didn't feel I'd have a lot of extra time. MFW went fine and it's true that it's a lot less planning.


If you are already using the book basket approach and like it, that's a plus for you for MFW. It didn't work well for us here -- I ended up coming up with assigned reading instead. So, I'm happy that TOG does this for me.


The other thing for us was that the core books in MFW felt more textbooky to us. So, I recommend taking a close look at the books to make sure you think they'll work well for your family.


Another thing about MFW, is that, I believe, the books are meant to be read aloud -- all but the book basket. Is this right, MFW users? Most of the TOG books from UG up are meant to be read by the student.


Another good choice to consider is Biblioplan for Families. This one schedules history for 3 days a week and also schedules reading by age group (assigned go-along reading), a family read aloud at a reasonable pace, and other things (maps and timeline suggestions, etc.). It doesn't have extensive teacher's notes, which is both a plus and a minus -- I'm having a difficult time keeping up with reading the teacher's notes in TOG, even though this is why I want the program -- background and discussion notes. (I'm going to try harder before I consider giving up, but Biblioplan would probably be my 2nd choice.)


I hope you find exactly what you need. :)

Edited by profmom
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-- all but the book basket. Is this right, MFW users? :)



Yes, there are books that are scheduled as read alouds, and then you have the book basket idea. Those are books from the book list found in the back of the TM, you gather weekly and lay them out ....."as a buffet to let you child feast upon"---drawing from Charlotte Mason philosophy.



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Another thing about MFW, is that, I believe, the books are meant to be read aloud -- all but the book basket. Is this right, MFW users? Most of the TOG books from UG up are meant to be read by the student.



There is more independent reading across more subject in MFW as the children get older


MFW's philosophy is that you read and discuss Bible and History together as a family and use more narration after those readings. It can be all read out loud by parent, or some by child and parent. I had a semester where I had a tongue infection (from reaction to dental appointment) and I had to let my oldest read more than I personally wanted. So, if you want them to read ahead or on their own, you can do that. You'll want to check for comprehension.


In other times, I know in my family, my oldest would read ahead of us anyway, so it didn't matter much about that.



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There is more independent reading across more subject in MFW as the children get older


MFW's philosophy is that you read and discuss Bible and History together as a family and use more narration after those readings. It can be all read out loud by parent, or some by child and parent. I had a semester where I had a tongue infection (from reaction to dental appointment) and I had to let my oldest read more than I personally wanted. So, if you want them to read ahead or on their own, you can do that. You'll want to check for comprehension.


In other times, I know in my family, my oldest would read ahead of us anyway, so it didn't matter much about that.




Most of the TOG books from UG up are meant to be read by the student.


:iagree: Agreeing with Crystal. This would really be a moot point for our family, as my oldest does tons of reading as it is... both from the book basket and taking her turn reading aloud to the family during the scheduled readings. MFW is meant to be done as a family up through 8th grade. But there's plenty of advanced work assignments for UG students that allows them to learn independence and responsibility so that when they get to high school, they're ready to do a LOT of it on their own (with supervision and weekly meetings).


Of course, there are exceptions in every family... but this is the general rule.

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