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How long to back in the swing after baby??

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I was wondering how long do you normally give yourself to get back in the groove of things after having a baby? It has been two months and we have good days where we get a lot done - then there are a lot of other days that we are just happy to make it through the day! We started our "school" year early - knowing that I would be taking a month or so off. I am just dragging my feet - and I keep looking at certain subjects that have been stalled since Nov. wondering if my children will ever make it out of the ancients!

Words of Advice, and Inspiration always welcomed...


Mother to the Tribe


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It sounds to me like you're doing just fine! Two months isn't really very long, especially considering the holidays are in there, too. I'm impressed that there are already days where you're getting a lot done. Don't worry about the other days. Remember, it's marathon, not a sprint!!


Now, go sit down and rock, cuddle, or read to somebody!



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I'm probably the odd woman out, but for us it was no more than a week, but usually only a few days, to be honest. My kiddos are close in age (when #6 was born, the oldest (twins) were 7).


You do whatever you need to do. Your kids are young. Take your time and ENJOY. It goes by way too fast.



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I'm wondering this too. I have a just-turned-6-year-old doing kindergarten work, an almost-3-year-old going to a co-op preschool two mornings a week, and a 5-week-old nursing every 90 minutes or so. :eek: Today I got around to doing something academic with my big kid at 4 pm, and that was only when my DH, who's home on parental leave, took the baby out of the room. I could hear him crying for me (the baby, not my husband, I think) every 10 minutes or so, and I felt terrible, but I managed to get through the lesson. How on earth is any schooling going to happen when I might actually have to hold the newborn during a lesson? Aaaaaa! I keep feeling I should just give up and send the big kid to public kindergarten for a while, but I know better. I used to teach in the public schools.



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It's been gradual and I think a lot depends on

A. how set up and organized you were before the birth (we moved when lo was 1 month old)

B. how you are emotionally postpartum (I had dsyphoric milk ejection reflex which effected me for over a year)

C. how much support you have from friends and family (I was fortunate here and have family within an hour.)


We are 18 months out now and fairly "normal" (since September I think) but are getting ready to move again....

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

I only start feeling like a fully-functional human after baby starts waking only once a night for nursing. Before that, I'm a total zombie.

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I think it depends on the baby and your life at the point when that particular baby joins you.


When my almost 20 y.o. was born, I was back in the swing of things after a couple of months. When my almost 8 y.o. was born, I was back to work (from home, designing software) half-days when she was a week old, full time by two weeks.


After the boys (4) were born, I tried to go back to work (again, from home - same position) after 3 or 4 months and could not even understand the design documents, let alone how to put them into code. I didn't even begin to get back to my normal self until well after they night-weaned at 2 1/2. That had a lot to do with sleep deprivation, but it also had a lot to do with being sleep deprived and older.


I wouldn't worry about being on a time line back to normalcy, just do what you can each day. It will eventually build back into something normal.

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I notice you have seven kids. For me, I was able to get back in the swing of things relatively quickly after each child for the first five babies (or really, the first 4 siblings). Number six threw me for a loop...it took me fully four months to feel somewhat normal. Number seven threw me for a minor loop, but this time I was prepared. I don't know if it is because I'm older or simply want to focus harder on the littlest one because I know how fleeting babyhood is, but I'm about 2 weeks into things and Keira is only just now hitting 4 months.



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Thanks so much! - I know to take one day at a time. The sleep deprivation doesn't bother me to much - maybe I am just used to it. I just worry that my older children are suffering educationally while I am trying to chase down the toddler or nurse both the toddler and newbie and yell at the 3 year old that she can not draw on the wall! My seven year old and I constantly bang heads and if I am not on top of the my 10year old she will just doodle away. The only one that works somewhat on his own is the almost 12year old. The dishes are constantly backed up and laundry needing to be put away.

Anyway, Thanks again to know it took some of you more than a couple of months.


mother to the Tribe

Alex(15)Sean(12)Gabrielle(10)Max(7)Eleanor(3)Tobi(2)and Owen(2months)

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If you mean back in the swing of things... It takes me about 3 and a half years. Not kidding.


I feel pretty good off and on... 7 weeks was pretty good after DS. I was still sick from C-section with DD until 4 months. The baby is pretty demanding until 3 months... then you get a few good weeks and they get demanding again at 4-5 months... and on and on it goes for years. :)

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I'm just impressed that you get it all together by any time at all. I would say that by 3 months you should be getting out of bed:-) And 6 months school should be back to normal:-)

Seriously though...I'd say lots of cds, math every day, and dad helping to get the kids to REALLY clean on Saturdays (and helping them)

I've been amazed at the cds that I can check out at the library. Everything from Dred Scott cds...to SOTW...to Odyssey cds (about Shakespeare and other subjects...)

If the kids are happy and fed....and the baby is loved and fed....and you get healthy...everything will fall into place. Have the olders help with the youngers, right??


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