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My son starts college today -- I just wanted to say

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Mine too. Last child to leave home and boy am I having a hard time with this. I have been a stay-at-home mom since 1975 and a homeschooling mom for the last eleven years. A quiet, empty house that is picked up and will stay that way may sound like heaven to most of you, but it is not. Enjoy your ruckus and your mess while you have it. Before you can blink, that chapter of your life will be closed.

One side note on success. My baby has been homeschooled with Well Trained Mind since the book was hot off the press. He checked into his dorm room yesterday as a second semester sophomore with an academic scholarship. He is only 17 years old. Every college we visited expressed amazement at his reading list. It was straight out of the pages of WTM. He had studied Latin since 3rd grade, had 6 years of Spanish and 2 years of French. He knows history as well as some college professors, since he read for pleasure in this area. I could not be more pleased with what a wonderful education the plan outlined in Well Trained Mind provided for this son.

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My 17yo begins her 5th semester at the community college tomorrow!!


Her first class isn't until 12:30 though!! (She's NOT a morning person! LOL!)


She'll also be waiting by the mailbox, as her first choice college is mailing out their decision letters today!!!


Keep your fingers crossed!!! :D

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Last child to leave home and boy am I having a hard time with this. I have been a stay-at-home mom since 1975 and a homeschooling mom for the last eleven years. A quiet, empty house that is picked up and will stay that way may sound like heaven to most of you, but it is not. Enjoy your ruckus and your mess while you have it. Before you can blink, that chapter of your life will be closed.



:grouphug: Don't know if you've read any of my recent posts, but my firstborn started college this past semester and I've really had a hard time too. I have one child still at home (8th grader), but the adjustment has not been easy. I miss my son just being here every day, but it goes much deeper than that. What I've really grieved for is his childhood. The years went by much too fast. My mom warned me years ago that they would, so I tried to be careful to enjoy every minute, but I've come to the conclusion that no matter what you do, it will never seem like it lasted long enough. You'll be in my thoughts & prayers.

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Thanks ladies, and congratulations to you all as well.


"Ereks Mom" -- yes, I've read your posts, and you seem like such a sweet Mom. I think I will feel what you're feeling when he moves out, but since he is going to school locally, not much has changed in the way of feelings.


I was somewhat nostalgic remembering my first days of college last night. I think the growing up transition has been so progressively slow, that I didn't really notice it happening. During his high school years, he was away much of the day working with his Dad, so the fact that he's not here during the day doesn't feel much different.


I also feel overwhelmed much of the time now because I'm doing it all over again, but with two little guys this time instead of one. :001_smile:


If/when he joins the police force, I will surely lose it, though. ;)


What did make me feel like I wished he were 10 again was when he came home the other night from ice skating and said he had a pleasant conversation with a young lady, but since she was a friend of a friend, he figured he wouldn't see her again to get to know her to see what she was like more in depth. He asked our advice since he does not want a one-on-one dating situtation, but more of a courting. Of course, not that he is ready to declare anything, he was just wondering how he should go about getting to know her better. When he said he'd like to talk to her father first without her even knowing -- to ask permission to get to know her better, I got woozy.


Now, that sent me whirling. ;)

Edited by nestof3
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Mine too. Last child to leave home and boy am I having a hard time with this. I have been a stay-at-home mom since 1975 and a homeschooling mom for the last eleven years. A quiet, empty house that is picked up and will stay that way may sound like heaven to most of you, but it is not. Enjoy your ruckus and your mess while you have it. Before you can blink, that chapter of your life will be closed.

One side note on success. My baby has been homeschooled with Well Trained Mind since the book was hot off the press. He checked into his dorm room yesterday as a second semester sophomore with an academic scholarship. He is only 17 years old. Every college we visited expressed amazement at his reading list. It was straight out of the pages of WTM. He had studied Latin since 3rd grade, had 6 years of Spanish and 2 years of French. He knows history as well as some college professors, since he read for pleasure in this area. I could not be more pleased with what a wonderful education the plan outlined in Well Trained Mind provided for this son.


Thank you so much for this testimony!! My oldest will be in 9th next year and I have been feeling lots of anxiety about getting this done and being adequate. Though I still feel some trepidation, your post was a breath of fresh air to me. I really like these positive reminders that we can make it through. :thumbup1:

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