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svengo and gnorsi

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You know when you use smilies, the code is a colon, then usually a word? Like the code for :auto: is colon-auto-colon, and

the code for :lurk5: is colon-lurk5-colon?


I have wondered for a long time what svengo means, as in :svengo:

I looked it up. It's Italian. Svengo is the first person singular present tense of svenire. "To faint or pass out."


I think that's awesome.


:gnorsi: I don't know what gnorsi means. It seems to be Italian, but I can't find an Italian translation. Does anyone know?

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You know when you use smilies, the code is a colon, then usually a word? Like the code for :auto: is colon-auto-colon, and

the code for :lurk5: is colon-lurk5-colon?


I have wondered for a long time what svengo means, as in :svengo:

I looked it up. It's Italian. Svengo is the first person singular present tense of svenire. "To faint or pass out."


I think that's awesome.


:gnorsi: I don't know what gnorsi means. It seems to be Italian, but I can't find an Italian translation. Does anyone know?


It's short for "signorsì" and it means "Sir, Yes Sir!" Colloquial military term, I guess.

Edited by Pam "SFSOM" in TN
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So what's the deal with the smiley taking off after soluting? In what situation would the use of this smiley be appropriate? (I want to use it now; I hadn't noticed it.)


He's heading off to do what he was instructed to do, I think. I always giggle a little imagining the smiley battle he's heading off to :gnorsi:



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So what's the deal with the smiley taking off after soluting? In what situation would the use of this smiley be appropriate? (I want to use it now; I hadn't noticed it.)


Say some imaginary online friend says to me, "Pam, get off yer hiney and go teach that kid some math! Shoo!" Because, say, I had said, "Somebody kick me if you see me on this board before 4 pm."


Then I would say, "Oh, right. :gnorsi:"

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