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OK - I'm frustrated.

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I am very very new to HS (day #3, actually) and already I am finding it hard to keep everyone entertained. We work in the morning on 1 or 2 subjects; it is fine for awhile, but then my 3 year old gets pissy and wants me to play blocks or something with him. I have tried to engage my 3 year old in some coloring stuff, but he isn't really into it yet. My DD, I think, is trying to take advantage of the staying at home situation, and I am trying to keep order.


I am still waiting on some of my books to come in, and I feel like the books that I do have are just not engaging enough for Brynne. I thought I had researched this whole thing, and maybe I over-killed it.


I knew there were going to be bad days, and I guess this is one of them. It's kinda too cold to play outside, and their swing set isn't put up yet anyway. I took them to the park this afternoon and of course they threw a big old fit when it was time to leave. And I felt guilty...


Ah well. Tomorrow Ronan goes to Kids Day Out and Brynne and I can do whatever we need to. I'll just be glad when it warms up a bit!

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These toys are the big guns - something the child luv luv luvs - and it only comes out when you need uninterrupted time with the biggers.


For us this has included the Leap Pad, certain coloring books or puzzles, or a V-tech type game. It is a bit tricky to figure out exactly what to put in the box, and you may have to rotate it, but there's usually something that will work.


Also, try giving your 3yo "lessons" first, before the others. Do a bit of reading and then one activity, like a puzzle, coloring, a bit of watercolor painting or play-doh. That way he feels he has had your attention and may not disturb you as you work with the older kids.



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Getting special "Ronan" toys is a fabulous idea - he needs to learn just as much as she does - if not more so, because he still doesn't know his ABCs...(is that bad?)


I have flashcards for him - maybe that's what we'll do prior to getting started with the big girl stuff....


I also need to learn to relax about stuff, go with the flow, as it were. I've just been such a regimented person for so long that it's hard to loosen up and let nature takes it's course.


((Deep Breath))


Thanks so much!


These toys are the big guns - something the child luv luv luvs - and it only comes out when you need uninterrupted time with the biggers.


For us this has included the Leap Pad, certain coloring books or puzzles, or a V-tech type game. It is a bit tricky to figure out exactly what to put in the box, and you may have to rotate it, but there's usually something that will work.


Also, try giving your 3yo "lessons" first, before the others. Do a bit of reading and then one activity, like a puzzle, coloring, a bit of watercolor painting or play-doh. That way he feels he has had your attention and may not disturb you as you work with the older kids.



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I agree--Hang in there. It takes a while to find your groove, and some creative problem-solving. (This board is a great resource when it comes to that!)


My littles have been happiest in the long run if they're doing "school" right along with us. I made my pre-school guys a school box too (all kids doing homeschool in our family have a plastic tote with pencil box, math book, school supplies, etc.) with coloring books and puzzles and small toys, and we all sit at the table together. You'd be surprised how much the younger kids pick up just by hanging out with the older. Gosh, it sounds so dreamy when I put it that way. Hmmm, I guess it is, but it's not always that easy every single day.


If your ds wants to play blocks with you, why not put some blocks in a box and let him build at the table while you do schoolwork with his sis? And this is a great opportunity to teach waiting and taking turns--first, sister's turn with Mom, then Ronan's turn.


I've found that short breaks between subjects (10 minutes or so) for my 2nd and K'er are perfect times to spend teaching or playing with the youngest, with a longer break for all of us later in the morning so that the kids can all play and I get some time too! Sigh....that sounds dreamy too. And it is. We're having a bad day today, so it hasn't worked *exactly* like that, lol, but most days it works dandy.


Good luck and have fun! We've really enjoyed the journey so far. (Even today.) :)



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Love it! Feasible and right up his alley. Huzzah!!


All of these ideas are fantastic ones. Again, thanks to you all who have gone before me! Where would we "newbies" be w/o you all?


Somebody gave me this link once and it helped so much. If you think your 3yo might be ready for some of these things they do keep the little one's attention for a good amount of time.



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I am very very new to HS (day #3, actually) and already I am finding it hard to keep everyone entertained. My DD, I think, is trying to take advantage of the staying at home situation, and I am trying to keep order.


I've just been such a regimented person


The "trying to keep order" and being a "regimented person" could be useful, actually. It sounds like either you or your dd is new to the "staying at home situation," so it might be a case of just needing to figure out a new routine for everyone (and include those ideas for the 3yo). And that routine can change as needed, as long as YOU stay in charge of it (don't feel guilty:D). Also, make friends with your library - take out more books each week than you think you need, so that you always have books available for your kids to browse through, not just for schoolwork or reading aloud. Books are very entertaining, if time is given to just relax with books.


Good luck! You'll work it out!

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i had a special box of toys that could only be played with during school hours.


But the biggest hit was all the water play I allowed. I don't know the setup of your house, but I have my slider in the kitchen which POURS in sunlight all day. I bought a huge rubbermaide container and stripped down my daughter and placed her inside it to play with toys I bought especially for that. When she got too big, I had toys for her to play with from the outside.


This killed two birds with one stone, so to say. When we were all done I'd put all her stuff away, clean the floor with a dry mop, and was blessed with a clean floor and happy child. :001_smile:

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I had, actually still have, 6 shoeboxes and each has a special activity inside...one has insect and leaf rubbing plates and a box of special flat rubbing crayons, one has 2 tubes of small plastic animals-a zoo set and a farm set. One box has those 'dot' markers and a special dot coloring book, one box has some playdough and cookie cutters and one box has lots of different stickers and foam shapes with sticky backs. I would take these out when I needed my youngest to be busy while we did school, usually only 1 box per day and then after she would get a snack and go play. Every few months I would change out what was in one or two boxes. These boxes are only for school time, that way they are special.


as for school time, we usually work 1 hour, changing through 3 subjects and I move physically at least once from the couch to the table. After 1 hour we have a snack and 15 minutes of play, then back to school. I also try to move from subjects that are different from eachother, like a history read aloud on the couch, to math at the table to grammar at the table then to handwriting...which to me is more like math (the physical writing part), anyways, I try to switch around the learning to keep their brains sharp and shifting. Sometimes something like getting out a whiteboard and teaching on that for a few minutes helps mix things up, too.


you will find the right mix after a while, good luck!

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