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Youngest DD doesn't want to go back to preschool

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I have every intention of homeschooling Sylvia when she turns 5. Sylvia has been going to a MDO preschool for 2 days a week since August. We weren't sure she was going to go at all because she didn't seem interested and wasn't PTing. At the last minute she decided to go. I haven't had any reports of problems either from her or the teacher - in fact, I spoke with her teacher at the Christmas program and she adores Sylvia and is totally in awe of how much she's already learned. This is the same preschool Becca attended for 2 years, but not the same teacher. I love the place, but what they are "learning" in Sylvia's class is things like colors and basic shapes, and Sylvia's at home zipping through kindergarten workbooks of her own volition. So it's strictly for the practice of hanging out with other kids and listening to other adults.


Problem there is that there's a little girl who annoys Sylvia. I've been there for a couple of class sessions, and I think she is trying to be friends with Sylvia, but in a clunky 3 year old way. KWIM? There's no meanness, but Sylvia doesn't have any patience with this little girl's overtures.


Add to that the fact that Sylvia is and always has been a homebody, snugglebug, Mommy's girl. She still wants a snuggle every night. When I had both girls at preschool for the fall, Thanksgiving, and Christmas parties, Becca merrily joined in the 4 year old class while Sylvia stayed glued to me. I'm, er, not strictly against this. She is my baby and I'm acutely aware of how close we came to not having her.


I just need some input please! She was supposed to go back today and we kept her home because she just didn't want to go. confused.gif She will be starting a gymnastics class today, so she'll have another activity, and she shouldn't protest much because I actually do stay there in the lobby.


Do you think that she sees Becca homeschooling and wonders why she goes to preschool?

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We had a similar issue. My ultra-independent DD (almost 3 at the time, and insistent that she was going to "school" like DD6 did at our local preschool), went for several weeks and loved every minute of it. Then, within the span of a week, she decided she was done, she wasn't stepping foot in preschool again, and that was that. No one could pinpoint any issue or problem that had come up.


I think it's partly the age (wanting independence but still needing mommy a lot), the kid and her temperament, and partly seeing what her big sister is doing. In our case, DD3 loves to go into the playroom at the local grocery store for a half hour or so while I shop. She BEGS to go to that grocery store so she can play there, and loves meeting other kids. But when I suggest that she go to our local township-run "preschool" program one afternoon a week for an hour, she's adamant that she's "a homeschooler" and will stay home with her sister.


Anyway, we didn't force her to go back, even though I know she'd love the program and the kids, and even though I now have something like a $500 credit with the preschool :glare: The only way to do that would have meant leaving her there screaming and crying while I walked away and drove off, and that wasn't going to happen. I'd vote for just letting her stay home and be a "homeschooler" too :D

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Mine's home today. She started preschool in September, she liked it at first but in late October/early November she started not wanting to go. It was a drag every Mon, Wed, Fri. So in December I told them that she would not be coming back. :) The preschool was great! I don't know why she wants to stay home when she gets to color, do crafts, sing songs with other little girls for 3 hours. Dh and I agreed that if she's not enjoying it that we should just have her at home.


I also thought she wanted to stay home because she sees her big bro go home with me when we drop her off. I have no idea, like your dd, she's our little snugglebug too. I'm glad she's home, I don't have to get ready in the morning... :).

Edited by daisychics
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she loved preschool, but only if I stayed. She thought it was a really, really fun place for us to play together.


Pretty much I sympathized. I don't think it's weird for a child that young to want to be with her mother.


At 4 she was much more interested in the situation as a whole, and in the other children, and didn't mind being left. She still preferred it if I was there, but more as me being available to check in with occasionally than as me being the one who she mostly played with.


I'd let her out of it if she really doesn't like it. Sounds like they are not giving her anything that she isn't already getting at home except playmates, and she is not enjoying the social scene, so unless you think there is a crucial life lesson in the social scene, there doesn't seem to be any reason to stay. And, frankly, 3 is pretty young for life lessons to be crucial.

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Personally, I never had much use for pre-school so my advice will be biased. :-) Let her stay home and school with you. But, I wouldn't give her the freedom to make the choice. I would make it for her based on what you think is the best interest for her needs.

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Personally, I never had much use for pre-school so my advice will be biased. :-) Let her stay home and school with you. But, I wouldn't give her the freedom to make the choice. I would make it for her based on what you think is the best interest for her needs.
:iagree: Exactly! If it's strictly for social, and she doesn't want to do it, then she'll have a negative concept of social things. I'd let her stay home, and do other things that she enjoys for social activities!
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What are your reasons for sending her in the first place? If those reasons are still valid, I would make her go. If you truly want her to practice her social skills, and the other little girl isn't bullying her, then I wouldn't let that be a deterrent. I'd just talk to the teachers about it.


I send my 3yo to preschool, too. I do it for social reasons, as you stated. She already knows all her numbers, and letter sounds, and shapes/colors/what-have-you. But, it gives me a chance to devote a few hours of uninterrupted lesson time to her older siblings. And, it allows her the opportunity to learn that she doesn't run the universe. :D Usually, she loves it. Sometimes, she just doesn't want to wake up in the morning to go. Other times, she says she doesn't want to go. She goes anyway, because I say so. She usually has a great time once she gets there.


There was one day when she didn't want to let go of me, so I stayed for about an hour. Eventually, she got involved in an activity, and I was able to leave her for the other two hours.


Again, I would examine your reasons for sending her. She's not old enough to make these kinds of decisions for herself. If you want her to go, and it's not a harmful environment, I would talk to the teachers, and continue to send her.

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I have to different answers, depending on *your* preferences.


Do you WANT her to go?


Do you mind if she doesn't go?



I don't mind if she doesn't go. I had pretty much mentally prepared myself to keep her at home altogether by the time she acquiesced to go.


I don't really have a vested interest in making her go to preschool.

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I went to preschool as a kid. I hated it. There wasn't anything bad, no trauma, just group activities with people who did things in a "clunky" 4 year old kind of way. And I could read. I gave it a couple of weeks and informed my parents I would not be returning.


I essentially felt the same about playing with neighborhood kids. I played with my cousins (1 year older and younger) and my kindergarten teacher's boys (ditto) and we had great, imaginative play for hours on end. The neighborhood kids were always sticky looking and only knew from board games and had perpetual snot. :ack2:


Maybe it's just not her gig.

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