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Anyone good at photoshop?


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I want to enlarge this photo and there is a little green dot from my camera on the sand in front of the first beach chair.  Is there anyone who could remove that for me?  I wanted to get rid of the tree trunk too, but that seems way too hard.  I really want the green dot gone and don't have any idea how to do it.  


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@Cecropia  Thank you so much for both!  Does cropping affect the resolution for an enlargement?  When I suggested cropping to DH, he thought it was best not to because the sun was more centered without cropping.  I don't know if it matters.  I'm terrible with this stuff.  I have a wall where I think this photo would be perfect and the photo is very special to me, but I don't know if it's suitable for enlarging or even what to do with it - canvas print?  framed?  

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I'm no expert, but Walgreens online sells all kinds of different enlargements, & their ordering system will show a warning if the resolution isn't high enough for the size enlargement chosen. 

Walgreens currently has 70% off canvas prints, and 40%% off enlargements, using coupon codes on their website.

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The resolution might not be sufficient from the version shared here, but if you’re able to send the full resolution one to someone by email who can edit and send back, hopefully it should be sufficient if your starting picture was. I might crop it a little wider with the tree still in the frame but on the very left edge, which would allow you to keep more of the upper blue part of the sky as well. I think the tree would be less distracting then  but you would get to keep more of your original frame

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Just now, Beth S said:

I'm no expert, but Walgreens online sells all kinds of different enlargements, & their ordering system will show a warning if the resolution isn't high enough for the size enlargement chosen. 

I'm no expert either, but Snapfish and Shutterfly both also will give this warning.

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2 minutes ago, KSera said:

I might crop it a little wider with the tree still in the frame but on the very left edge, which would allow you to keep more of the upper blue part of the sky as well. 

I don't know how to do that.  I'm really helpless at this!  😞  Maybe I shouldn't bother. I don't want to invest in a nice enlargement and then hate the outcome.  

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Kassia said:

I don't know how to do that.  I'm really helpless at this!  😞  Maybe I shouldn't bother. I don't want to invest in a nice enlargement and then hate the outcome.  

I totally think this is doable! You could try the version @Cecropia did for you above and try it on one of the websites and see if it tells you it’s high enough resolution, or I’m happy to PM you my email address and I can give it a shot if you know how to send the full resolution file by email.

As far as the sun not being centered, I really wouldn’t worry about that. Most photography composition guidelines will advise against centering the main subject unless you have a very specific reason for doing so.

Edited by KSera
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Instead of cropping out the tree entirely, you might try cropping out the umbrella/gazebo thing to the side. The tree then creates some foreground. Something like this. The black bars on the side are because I took a screenshot of the image after I cropped it. You can do that cropping on your phone, easy peasy. It will offer you ratios and you can think through the way you're wanting to use it and what size/ratios work for that. Some of that ratios are going to be brutal when you crop. I did this with 2:3, but try different ratios and see what happens. Your eye moves through the frame much better with the tree in the foreground. (tree, then the hut, then the sunset, a golden triangle probably if you were to do the overlay). You just need to remove the distraction of the doodad at the far left. Without the tree, same thing, the way your eye is to move through the frame is not obvious. Your vision was correct with the shot, but you just need to remove the distraction to the side and it will be fine. 🙂

For the image you're asking to be photoshopped, make sure you're starting with the FULL RESOLUTION image. If you posted it here, that may be a smaller version. You want to send the largest file version you can to the person who is offering to edit out the green dot. You could, alternately, download lightroom to your phone/tablet and probably do the edit for free. They probably have a trial period and it's a super super easy edit. You might even be able to do the edit with free software. Google is always advertising they can remove your ex from photos, haha.

So edit from the LARGEST FILE and only remove the distractions on the side, not the tree. And use a ratio that allows you to use the image in some way. Instead of a print/canvas, have you thought about a digital picture frame? They've come down in prices and have large, very modern ratios for their screens. It might be a great way to display this photo. You would orient the frame vertically. Then you can even have other images from your trip and let them rotate. 

Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 11.23.40 PM.png

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Posted (edited)

Here's a link briefly explaining the golden triangle. You can do overlays with golden triangle, golden spiral, etc. in Lightroom and also in other apps. (just google, maybe even in your phone already!) https://expertphotography.com/golden-triangle/ Your brain was seeing it and that's how you crop to make it come out.

Remember, the basics of composition are telling the story and removing distractions. So the first question is what the story is (you said it was sentimental, how you felt there), and then removing whatever is distracting from that (the little side hut thing that is only partially seen and clearly not part of the story). So the story was you standing at the tree having this special moment, right? At least that's how I took it. 

When I look at the image cropped (tree in, distractions removed), I feel what you were feeling. It tells the story. Then you're just looking at the mathematics of what your brain was seeing that made the image work. There are lots of ways to do that, but maybe a golden triangle, maybe a spiral. You can play with overlays in any app on your phone that does them and see what you like. I think as long as you crop out the distraction at the side, it really won't matter.

Edited by PeterPan
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Posted (edited)

Btw, what are those weird white streaks in the lower part of the frame? Those are what i'd remove, personally. I find them much more distracting than the lens flare (the green dot). Even if they actually were something, I'd just tidy them up (with lightroom, whatever you have access to, maybe your phone can do it) and have them be gone.

Edited by PeterPan
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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Kassia said:

Does cropping affect the resolution for an enlargement?  When I suggested cropping to DH, he thought it was best not to because the sun was more centered without cropping. 

Cropping doesn’t affect resolution. However it does affect the aspect ratio (e.g. more squarish or more rectangular) . So it depends on what size you want the final image for printing to be. I have errands to run tomorrow but have all of next week free to try on photoshop for you. So if it’s not urgent, pm me.

Edited by Arcadia
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Thanks so much everyone!  This is an older photo from 2019 I think, so I'll have to find the original image in my files to work from.  I'll read through all the stuff @PeterPanposted, but I don't think I know how to do this on my own so I'll contact someone by pm/email here who offered ( @Arcadia or @KSera ).  But I'll definitely read it all carefully tomorrow (or later today, it's the middle of the night here now) and try to find the original image.  

Thank you again for your help/offers!  ❤️ 

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Posted (edited)

I found the original image! I also found these.  They also have the green dot, but other than that I don't know if they are better for enlargement than the first one I posted?



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@Kassia  You can just upload it to the Walgreens/Shutterfly/Snapfish website, & you can easily edit it there (aspect ratio, size), even with zero experience.

We use Irfanview for other free editing needs.
Or I'll tease you and say Ask Your Kids for help. 

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58 minutes ago, Beth S said:

@Kassia  You can just upload it to the Walgreens/Shutterfly/Snapfish website, & you can easily edit it there (aspect ratio, size), even with zero experience.

We use Irfanview for other free editing needs.
Or I'll tease you and say Ask Your Kids for help. 

I can handle the cropping on the websites, but I don't think I can do the green dot.  I can crop with Irfanview but haven't tried anything else.  You're right that I can ask one of my kids for help.  🙂

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I can't help with the photo since my talents are limited to red-eye reduction, but figured this was a good place to share a subreddit I found recently.     https://www.reddit.com/r/PhotoshopRequest/  

The people there can perform miracles. I've seen requests to remove tubes & tape from preemies in the NICU who didn't make it, total background changes, adding people, adding clothes where there were none previously, cleaning up old photos full of tears, and all sorts of things.  Those people can perform miracles.

While some people just ask for simple things to be done, some are more involved and people will offer to tip. The 'best' results come from the posts where people say they'll tip but I've seen some really good freebies, too.

For the ones who offer to tip, the person will watermark their photo and once a tip has been received (probably Venmo or something), will send/post the finished product. I have no idea how much of a tip people give, but there is probably a suggestion in the guidelines.

Anyway, I just wanted to share since I happened to stumble across it a couple of weeks ago and wanted to spread the word.


@Kassia that is a nice photo!


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8 hours ago, Kassia said:

I found the original image! I also found these.  They also have the green dot, but other than that I don't know if they are better for enlargement than the first one I posted?

I liked your original image very much. It was your initial thought, your gut about the memory, so I would feel good going with that. 🙂 Not that my opinion matters 🤣 but just saying your original image was very nice. I think when you crop out the distractions at the side and have the depth that comes with the tree and the way your eye moves through the frame, it will be very nice. 

Do your editing person a favor though and figure out what ratio you might want this cropped to. You can send the image to your phone and just pull it in the included photo editing and see. And yes, your teenagers could do this for you in a heartbeat. When I was fiddling with it, some of the ratios you might want for printing were making you lose too much. That's why I was suggesting you consider the digital frame or some modern formats. So play with it. Or your person doing the editing can just fix the lens flare (that green dot) and those couple pesky white distractions and leave the cropping for you to do when you are actually ready to print it. Or you can crop it on your phone. Maybe make a copy of the clean edit before you crop so you can try it different ways. 🙂

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2 hours ago, Kassia said:

Thank you @Wildcat!  I've seen facebook groups that do this too.  

Ah, yes, of course Facebook has those groups, too! Duh me. I don't have FB, so I never think of them.  😅  I bet some of the same people offer their services on both sites.

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24 minutes ago, Wildcat said:

Ah, yes, of course Facebook has those groups, too! Duh me. I don't have FB, so I never think of them.  😅  I bet some of the same people offer their services on both sites.

LOL, well Duh me too then.  I use reddit for just a few things and know they have something for just about everything and never thought about photoshop help!  🙂  


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