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Tackling Sunday, June 23, or napping?


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Morning! Didn’t finish my list yesterday. 
 - teaching Sunday School this morning  ✔️

- going to family reunion for DH’s father’s side of the family. (Insert uncomfortable emojis.) getting lots of wife points. ✔️

- make DD pack up and prep for Philmont.

specific Philmont tasks:

Prep first aid kit ✔️

prep medicine

prep ground cloths for tents

clothes in ziplocks

- declutter for 20 minutes. Surely I can get this done.  

Edited by lauraw4321
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Good morning! 

We went to the early service at church. Dh went for a walk after we got home, but I host the local artists' show this afternoon and don't want to take another shower. 

I started a load of laundry 

  • leftovers for lunch
  • grade some homework from a summer student I meet with in the morning and plan the next work
  • go to the art show
  • more laundry
  • look over my summer to-do list for the house and do something on it
  • breakfast for dinner
  • play a game
  • go for a walk if it isn't still super hot this evening
  • watch something and relax


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Howdie, happy Sunday!

The heat wave here has ended for now.  Yay!

I did way too little yesterday as far as client work.  So, in short, whatever I listed yesterday are my to-do's for today.  😛

So far today I've:  slept in a bit, "yoga etc.," cleaned in the bathroom and kitchen, caught up on emails / news / social media / calendar, ate fruit, paid a bill, played with the dog.

I've decided I'm done being complacent about my constant stiff neck.  So if you see a lady weirdly moving her head up and down, back and forth, around and around, that's probably me.  Don't know if it will make a difference though.

My brain is seeking distractions since it knows it shouldn't do that.  I must be strong!  Just 5.5 more days.  We can do this.

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Posted (edited)

It rained hard for a while, so I didn’t walk to church. Did have a very interesting conversation after b’fast with another homeschool mom who’s now jumping in to teaching at a Hillsdale classical school.

Running my laundry.
They brought us clean towels. 

Rain has stopped and the sun is in and out. Temperature and humidity are much lower than they were the first few days - more like what I expected in MI. Have the windows open! 

Took my medication.
Plugged my headphones in to charge.

Next up:
Move the laundry ✔️ 
Eat lunch ✔️ 
Call mom ✔️ 
Call Dh ✔️ 

Think about tomorrow. ✔️ 
Keep writing down questions.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Hi! Got up early, played a little video games with DH, then took a LONG nap! Egads! 

Have been in the sewing room since -- the skirt fits!!!! I added a zillion or so darts, then had to make some of them bigger b/c I mathed wrong the first time, but it fits!!!! I will need to go in back and tidy up the details, starch/iron it, and add the patch pocket,, but that can be later. Yay!!

Still to do today:
....make pasta salad
....eat lunch
....help DH w/laundry as needed
...go to fencing club's 10th Anniversary pool party 
...(remind Middle to cook dinner)
....come home, watch some TV, veg out
....go to bed on time

Probably some more stuff in there, but right now - eat, then make the pasta salad to take with us. 


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