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New Year's Resolutions?

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Do you make them? Do you stick to them if you do?


I don't necessarily make New Year's Resolutions, but I can just "feel" when it is going to be a good year. 2009 promises to be a better year for us than 2008 was...especially where my mental health is concerned. :) I feel I have made a lot of changes in the last year for myself which makes my whole family work more effectively and happily.


My thought for the new year is that I want to pay off debt and have dh and I be well on our way to being "happy" with our financial lives. This is a biggie, but we can do it. It will just take willpower.


I also hope to take better care of myself, eat better, and take even better care of the house chores than I do now. I feel like this is at least a good, positive way to start thinking of the new year.


Anyone else? What is your resolution/plan for the new year...if you have one (or more)?

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I was just about to start the same thread!


Here's mine:

1. Go to bed earlier, get up earlier (with husband).

2. Walk with the girls everyday - we might have to ease into this one.

3. Read 52 books! (I probably won't be able to get through one a week, but I think it will be a good goal for the year!)


My hubby pointed out that my SAD last week was partly due to not getting out of the house in 2-3 weeks (except at night). And, I'm not teaching my dd's good habits by being in the house all the time. They want to bike ride and walk, even when it's crazy cold, so the problem is me:blushing:. And, I think that getting better sleep will help with everything else. I'm tired of my sleep schedule being crazy from years of, well crazyness. DH worked nights for 7 years, and had two jobs for 4 of those years. He has had a "normal" schedule for 3 years, and I have not done anything to adjust myself. It makes me crabby, sick, and a bad mom. SO!!!! Here's to no more excuses and better habits!





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2009 has GOT to be a better year for us then 2008. We each had a medical scare and thankfully it was just a scare but geez, I don't even want that. We start the year with my oldest getting his wisdom teeth pulled too. Then there was Dad's estate that my sister and I worked through and are now finished with..... But I did take my boys on a 2-1/2 month camping trip out west, which was grand but also had a few too many medical scares......


For resolutions (1) I am getting myself in shape, really, really in shape. I started this month by going to the Y every other day. My goal is to go 5x a week, every week. I need to get in great shape cause I want to take the boys out hiking again this summer for a month or two.

(2) Healthy eating --- I'm going back to eating no to low glycemic foods

(3) Getting back into quilting and handiwork for me. It's been way too long.



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This resolution is to live closer to the earth and seasons (as I think God intended) and to bring beauty into my and my family's life in several categories. I plan to choose new projects to tackle (learn how to do) each month/season.


My categories are spirituality, relationships, food/cooking, home furnishings, clothing.


Spirituality is already set. My spiritual director and I will begin Ignatius' steps in January.


For relationships I plan to choose one thing about myself that I think is ungodly or imperfect or whatever that will make my marriage, my relationship with my daughter and my relationships with other ppl more Godly. I have many imperfections but the first one I plan to tackle (january) will be my smart mouth. I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and will try a few different ways to tackle this.


Food and cooking will be closer to earth/seasons easily. I am committed to eating/cooking/preserving seasonally and have even signed up for a preserving class. I havent' heard back from them so I hope it makes! I had planned to make pomegranate jelly for January but I'm so psyched about that that my daughter and I are actually going to make that TODAY! I would also like to learn to make new things from scratch like crackers and mixes, et c. One thing I would like very much to do but know better than to resolve to do is start a garden. :001_huh:


Home furnishings would be things like curtains, pillows, hangings, et c. My first order of business is a sewing project for my daughter and me that's a wall haning for her room. After that, I would like to make curtains for the kitchen.


For clothing, I'd like to first clean out my and my daughter's closets. After that I would like to identify the core components of a good wardrobe and get (hopefully make) them. Get rid of everything else.


The joke is . . . I love making resolutions but I never keep them. Here's hoping!


Maybe we should make a Resolutions social group to motivate, keep track et c. ahem . . . and when I say we, I mean . . . someone else! :tongue_smilie:

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(not in any particular order)


1. Finish my graduate program. I've really gotten bogged down with it, and I've got to eat this elephant, one bite at a time!


2. Stop shooing my dc away. If I'm busy or trying to concentrate, surely I can muster up some patience to cuddle with them or let them sit beside me while I scan for information. This overwork is a part of my life right now, and I can't put my children on hold. They need to see that I love them in the midst of it.


3. Make some time SOMEWHERE in my schedule for my spiritual health. Maybe take some recorded Bible lessons or praise music for my commute?


4. Find a healthy way to remember/miss my mom (who died in the spring). I suppose it's okay that I get teary often. In her honor, I want to do something positive, something beautiful to pull myself out of that hole when it pulls at me and make her proud of me. That's what she would do if she were here. She'd plant a flower or send a card or visit a patient in a nursing home. I don't have much time, but I can pass something lovely around in her memory.


5. Pay off credit cards. I think we can do it this year. If I stick with the plan, sometime this summer we can tackle the car loan with a little more gusto. Wouldn't that be neat!


6. Say "yes" more often. Yes when a child wants me to play a game or Barbies or watch them ride the scooters or help them make cupcakes, yes when the church has a social event, yes when dh wants to take a ride . . . It really wouldn't take more time than I waste watching the news or complaining about how much I have to do, and I'd be healthier for it.


7. Improve my nutrition! I've already taken one step in the right direction -- I bought a covered mug and a microwave for work. I'm going to start having a healthy can of soup for lunch everyday. Oatmeal for breakfast, yogurt for a snack . . . and dinner with the family. I have a lot of work ahead of me, and I need premium fuel!


8. Start using my Waterpick. Remember how fresh my mouth feels when it's really clean? It's worth it!

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I was just about to start the same thread!


Here's mine:

1. Go to bed earlier, get up earlier (with husband).

2. Walk with the girls everyday - we might have to ease into this one.

3. Read 52 books! (I probably won't be able to get through one a week, but I think it will be a good goal for the year!)


My hubby pointed out that my SAD last week was partly due to not getting out of the house in 2-3 weeks (except at night). And, I'm not teaching my dd's good habits by being in the house all the time. They want to bike ride and walk, even when it's crazy cold, so the problem is me:blushing:. And, I think that getting better sleep will help with everything else. I'm tired of my sleep schedule being crazy from years of, well crazyness. DH worked nights for 7 years, and had two jobs for 4 of those years. He has had a "normal" schedule for 3 years, and I have not done anything to adjust myself. It makes me crabby, sick, and a bad mom. SO!!!! Here's to no more excuses and better habits!





Oh man, these are exactly mine!

1. up earlier, to be earlier to see dh off to work and get dc started with lessons earlier

2. exercise!

3. 52 in 52.



A couple knitting goals but not a huge deal.

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I make these three resolutions every year! I don't seem to be great about sticking with them, though.


But for 2009, DH is also resolving to have more s*x, so I'm thinking that one may be a go...... :D

Michelle T



OHHH, that's a good one!!!


CalicoKat - I'm glad to know someone else is like me. I was reading everyone else's and thinking I'm an under achiever! Maybe I'll add Michelle's to my list:lol:

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2008 was good to us, and 2009 promises to be better I think!


We paid off all credit card debt last year as planned!



Pay off our camper

Sell our house and land to buy a new house for our 'much bigger than when we bought this tiny house' family

And most of all we will enjoy everyday, because life is short as we discovered 2 years ago today


We are very good at keeping resolutions for about 6 months, but the summer always messes us up LOL!

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My number one resolution this year is to create inner wealth! I have been thinking the last several months, even years, about what I want to make of my life and my children’s lives. I think this is the number one goal that I want to accomplish this year- is creating inner wealth. What do I mean by that? I am not quite sure- but it goes something like this.


I want to create rich, confident souls. Souls that identify with things that matter eternally,


I want to create positive, synergy that brings results to what ever we are working on.


I want to create environments that teach compassion and develop leadership.


I want to get rid of the negative that surrounds us, and focus on the positive.


I want to surround myself with people who have a like minded vision of things I want to accomplish.


I want to create experiences, lots of experiences that create inner wealth. I am all about experiences.


I want to stop acquiring “stuffâ€.


I want to develop more gratitude.

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We are very good at keeping resolutions for about 6 months, but the summer always messes us up LOL!


I always re-evaluate in early June. School is done and I have the entire summer to plan and enjoy. I make new goals and plans or revisit what I've neglected since January.


It is good to touch on goals again as school starts in the fall, too. By then I can see what I've done or not and decide just how serious I need to be about those goals. Life is unpredictable, continually re-evaluating my goals helps me stay in step.

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  • 11 months later...
We make 1, 5 and 10 year goals. We look at the goals from year's past, compare where we are at now and where we want to go. I've found that we never quite make the 1 year goals but we always seem to hit most of the 5 and 10 year goals after a few years.:001_smile:

Decided to make anti-resolutions this year. Perhaps there will be more success.

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